
100+ Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies for Agents

Do you find it a struggle to continually get leads in real estate? If you do, you’re hardly the only one. The truth is, real estate is all about working with people…and working with people is not the easiest task in the book. That’s why real estate lead generation strategies are so important—and so hard to come by. 

If you want to get started with real estate but need a jumpstart on some real estate lead generation strategies that ACTUALLY WORK, you’ve come to the right place. Below are over 100 lead generation strategies for real estate agents that actually do work.

These strategies fall into five main categories:

  1. Marketing
  2. Prospecting
  3. Marketing and Prospecting
  4. Marketing/Expert/Authority
  5. Optimizer

Let’s take a look at each category and dive into the strategies in these categories that really work. As you’re going, take note of your favorites to use later. You shouldn’t implement every one of these or you’ll end up overwhelmed. 

Instead, pick your favorite and work hard to implement those. Once you’ve mastered a few, you can always add a couple more. But no matter what you do, if you dedicate yourself to a strategy, it will succeed!

1. Marketing

Here are the strategies you’ll mainly use for marketing yourself and your business quickly and effectively.

Airport Advertising

Airport Advertising (Signage)

Place an advertisement of yourself at the local airport. As people wander through the airport toward their gates or the exit, they’ll notice your face, name, and brand. 

Airports are the perfect spot to start marketing. New residents and those thinking of becoming new residents are likely to be coming into the airports quite often.

Banner Ads

Banner Ads

Banner ads are a simple marketing tool that you can use across apps and websites to engage customers. Purchase a banner (an image-based advertisement) and place it on websites so that anyone visiting that website will see your ad and consider clicking it to discover more about your business.

Bus Sides

Bus Sides

Placing an ad on the side of a bus is a great way to make your name and face public. Those riding the bus or driving beside it will see your information and be inclined to call when they need real estate support.

Bus/Train Inside Signage

Bus/Train Inside Signage

If you’ve ever ridden a bus or train, you’ve certainly seen the signs advertising local businesses up on the walls. These signs are highly visible and provide something for riders to look at on long rides from stop to stop.

These signs are likely to grow on people so that they come to know your face without even realizing it. When they need real estate help, it’ll be your name they think of first.

Bus/Train Stop Benches

Bus/Train Stop Benches

Have you ever been driving or walking along the sidewalk and noticed a flashy display on a bench at a nearby bus or train stop? These signs are a great way of getting people’s attention as they are going about their daily business, even if they aren’t actually using the train or the bus.

Car Wash Entry Signage

Car Wash Entry Signage

In some car washes, you can place an ad at the entryway to attract those driving cars in. This is a great space to grab attention as drivers and riders in these cars will have to sit in silence for the next few minutes while their car goes through the wash. That might even give them time to look up your website! 

Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship

Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship

You can choose to sponsor a Chamber of Commerce event in return for advertising at the event. This is a great way to get your name out there in the professional world and connect with other local businesses and government officials. 

Church Bulletins

Church Bulletins

Many churches support local businesses by allowing ads in their bulletins. If you want to reach a local religious community, you can place a small advertisement in the bulletin that invites church members and visitors to seek out your services if they’re in need.

Dry Cleaning Bags

Dry Cleaning Bags

Some dry cleaning services offer local businesses the chance to present their advertisements on dry cleaning bags. This is a great way to connect with potential clients who work in professional spheres and likely have higher disposable income as they can afford to pay for dry cleaning..

Jaime Resendiz signature

Email Signatures (Squeeze Pages)

No matter where you’re sending an email, it’s easy to include a signature with a link to a squeeze page. Squeeze pages then invite visitors to enter some basic contact information in exchange for important information that they want to access (such as a list of local homes in their price range or tips for buying real estate, etc.).

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads (aka Meta Ads)

Facebook is by far the most popular social media website, even today. Tons of people use Facebook to research and follow local businesses and determine if they’re legitimate and worth working with. 

Placing an ad on Facebook is a surefire way to get your name out there in front of your audience (which you can specify in Facebook’s Ad settings) and connect with them easily where they’re already at. 

Google Ads

Google Ads 

Google controls about 92% of the search market worldwide. Plus, about 63% of all people will click on a paid search ad when using Google. There’s no question that Google has the power to get people to take a look at what you have to offer. 

Setting up a Google ad is simple and easy. Once you get it set up, you have the potential to reach thousands of people a day in your area who are looking for real estate help.

Grocery Store Carts, etc.

Grocery Store Carts, etc.

It’s cheap and easy to put an ad on a grocery cart so that you can easily reach local people who may be in the market for some real estate support. Call your preferred grocery store to ask if you can place an ad in their store or on their carts.

High Schools

High Schools

You can place ads in high schools so that parents who are looking for real estate help notice your brand when they come to visit their kids at school. Placing ads in gymnasiums is a great way to get attention when family members come to games to support students and end up noticing your name and face around the gym. 

In addition, high schools host many events and fundraisers where you can volunteer or post ads that attract visitors’ attention. You can donate to these events or even projects like new buildings to get your name out there.



Instagram is becoming one of the most popular websites, especially for small businesses. Reels, stories, and posts are all great ways to connect with your audience wherever they are and share the benefits you can provide to make their life easier.

social media, marketing, facebook-7078376.jpg

Instagram Ads

Instagram ads tend to reach about 56% of the population in the United States. That means you could reach billions of people per day with Instagram ads, if you have the right audience. 

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is the perfect place to connect with professionals from around the world. If you’re interested in a professional audience or want to be on the radar as a go-to recommendation, you should absolutely use LinkedIn ads to connect with the professional audience. 



Want to set yourself up as an expert in your field? Use LinkedIn to post regularly. Share business tips and tricks that will set you apart as an efficient, effective, and successful real estate agent. 

Local Charities

Local Charities

If you’re interested in reaching local, volunteering at local charities is a fantastic place to start. Get connected with leaders in your community as well as people who benefit from the charities. 

Once people see you active in the community this way, it will be a lot easier and more convenient for them to reach out to you when they find they have a real estate need. People work with people they like, so get out there and help them with local needs and they may come to you for help with personal real estate needs too.

Local Sponsorships

Local Sponsorships

You can sponsor anything, from Little League to Girl Scouts to cleaning up a highway. Choose something you’re passionate about and either use your well-earned money or time to sponsor it and get your name out there before the public eye.

Magazine Advertisements

Magazine Advertisements

Lots of people read magazines while sitting in waiting rooms at the dentist or doctor’s office. If you pay to place an ad in a magazine, people who are considering living in the area will likely notice you. 

Just be sure you have business before you start this—it will cost money and is more of a “saturation” process than an immediate and initial prospecting opportunity.

National Sponsorships

National Sponsorships

It is possible to become a national sponsor. You can sponsor a big company, a university, etc. to make sure your name is visible. You’ll get tons of exposure and land clients who know your face from all over the nation. 

Newspaper Advertisements

Newspaper Advertisements

It’s easy to place an ad in a newspaper for little to no cost. While not everyone reads the newspaper anymore, many older residents in your city who might be looking for homes for themselves or others are likely to read the newspaper and see your ad. 



Pinterest is still a popular place for people to search for new ideas and resources. If you want to create pins that reach people, create pins with useful information. These could be about buying homes, decorating homes, etc,—whatever keywords you think your audience may search for. These pins will have a wide reach with your ideal audience.



Podcasts are a great way to connect with an audience in search of real estate information. They are extremely popular, with over 28% of the population listening to a podcast at least weekly. 

If you want to start a podcast, use your passion to share valuable information with leads. Eventually, you’ll attract attention to your business if there are people out there looking for your kind of content. 

Your content doesn’t have to be real estate, either—you can (and should) also podcast about other things and just let people know you’re a real estate agent in case they need help. If they like to listen to you, they’ll likely take your real estate advice too.

Podcast Sponsorship

Podcast Sponsorship

It will likely cost between $10 and $50 to place an ad on a podcast that speaks to your avatar. People are always looking for good recommendations and they are likely to take those recommendations from those who they already trust—specifically, a podcast host they listen to regularly. 

Press Releases

Press Releases

Putting a press release in a popular real estate magazine is a good way to connect with your ideal audience. Publish a press release when you make a new hire, sell a new home, etc. Share what’s going on in your business and keep yourself top of mind to your audience!

Radio Commercials

Radio Commercials

Radio is still a popular place for ads! To reach a wide range of people in your area, buy an ad spot on the radio. It’s not as expensive as you might think…especially if you focus on local programming. 

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy that you should use to connect with audience search intention. This is where you create content that directly answers a question that your audience is Googling. You want to rank for popular questions (best real estate agent in my area, best REALTOR® in [city], etc.) that will draw business right to you.

There’s a lot of science behind SEO, so it’s important to connect with an expert who can help you. With a little help, you can create content that shows up on the first page of Google search results.

Social Media Paid Shout-outs

Social Media Paid Shoutouts

Advertise in Facebook groups or pay influencers on Instagram for a paid sponsorship post that will generate business for you. This allows you to reach an already-built audience who may be interested in your help.

football game on a TV

Television Commercials

Yes, people still watch TV! Placing an ad on TV is a super easy way to connect with a wide local audience and stay at the top of their mind so that they think of you whenever they need real estate help.



Twitter may not have as wide of an audience as Facebook, but it’s still a powerful tool for reaching people, especially if your audience is accustomed to being on social media. Connect on Twitter by providing valuable and entertaining tweets related to real estate. 



Want to provide more valuable information to your audience? Get started with webinars! People will often sign up for webinars if they’re interested in the information you’re going to offer. 

Choose a topic that people want to learn about. Then, market a webinar that they will attend to learn more about that topic (and you). It’s easy to do, especially with today’s home-office-based technology!



With so many people using Google to search out local businesses before making purchases, having a website is incredibly powerful. Create a website so that people can find you easily and connect with you with the information you want to provide, not just what others say about you on the internet.

A website also allows you an incredible opportunity to curate original content that will help those looking to buy and looking to sell. 

Yard Signs

Yard Signs

Setting up yard signs may seem outdated, but it can still work! It’s easy to put out yard signs and catch the attention of people driving or walking by who are searching for a home or for assistance selling in the local area.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads

You can place your ad, message, and brand in YouTube videos that specifically speak to your target audience. You can select the YouTube channels, the videos and even the actual demographics of the clients you are targeting in all of your marketing campaigns. 

2. Prospecting

Prospecting is a strategy you’ll mainly use to connect directly and expedite your way to a real estate transaction. Here you’re not waiting for clients to find you…with prospecting, you are the one seeking and finding.

Affiliations – Business Bankers

Creating affiliations with business bankers is a great way to find out about potential new clients. You can connect with bankers to learn about people who are looking for a new home or space to purchase and can easily help facilitate loans for your clients. Business bankers are a great source because they are typically connected to many high net-worth individuals.

Affiliations – Divorce Attorneys

Many people coming out of a divorce need to find a new home or sell an old home FAST. If you know a few local divorce attorneys, you can become the go-to person that they trust to service their clients (former husbands and wives) in their time of need. Unfortunately, 50%+ of marriages end in divorce…so this is a growing niche in real estate. 

Affiliations – Employers on Employee Benefits

Use partnerships with companies to create relationships and educate employees on how to buy, sell, make wise choices, etc. Employers are looking for ‘value add’ perks for their employees. This type of education is highly needed right now, especially in mid to large size companies.

Affiliations – Home Builders

Get to know home builders in your local area and network with them regularly. Set up special deals with them so that they recommend you to clients looking for an agent.

Affiliations – Investors

Connect with local investors who are interested in investing, rehabbing, flipping, building, or developing real estate. Investor clients provide great opportunities to earn referrals as they typically are involved with multiple transactions per year!

Affiliations – Lenders

Knowing local lenders is a great way to find new clients. Whenever they get a loan and ask a lender about a real estate agent, your name needs to come up. In fact, all agents need at least 2 lender referral partners…it’s no longer optional.

Affiliations – Wedding Coordinators

Many new couples are looking to purchase a home after the wedding. By connecting with wedding coordinators, you can be sure that you’re the first referral a new couple gets if they ask about an agent who can help them find a home in the area.

Couples are very open with their wedding coordinators and talk with them about many personal items, such as housing plans. So yes, get out there and network with these amazing referral partners.

Affiliations – Relocation Specialists

Businesses that help employees relocate are great businesses to know! That way, when they need help from a local real estate source, you are the agent they go to. With the digital world we are in, companies are opening up satellite campuses left and right. So trust that one solid company sending you relocation clients can amount to hundreds of potential clients!

Affiliations – Other Agents

Yes, other real estate agents are a phenomenal source for real estate business. You do not have to see other agents as competition. By networking with agents (especially out of your immediate market) you have someone else working in your business. As soon as they know someone is moving to or away from a market that you’re in, the referring agent will be able to share your name so you get the business!

Affiliations (Service) – Apartments 

Get to know landlords at local apartments so that you can connect with renters who are looking to take their first step into the home purchase process.

Meals with Influencers

If you’d like a wider reach, connect with local community influencers (HOA presidents, bank managers, school principals, etc.). Take them to breakfast, lunch, or dinner and get to know them. Make sure that your name is the first they think of when someone asks them for a REALTOR® recommendation. Remember, these community influencers know a lot of individuals…so you want them to think of you anytime they hear, “Do you know a good real estate agent?”

Call Center Campaign

You can hire a call center to prospect for you. The cost for this service will vary based on where the center is based. Just be sure that you’re still cold calling in person as well since you’ll always provide the best advocacy for yourself.

Coffee Over Zoom

If you have some people with whom you’d like to build proximity and regularly engage, you should try coffee over Zoom! This allows you to connect with people from pretty much anywhere for just a few minutes to build relationships (often with local influencers or agents) without taking a huge chunk of time out of your day. And also…this way it doesn’t cost you money (Starbucks gets expensive…).

Cold Calling

You may not like it, but cold calling is still an incredible way to get clients. Giving a call to FSBOs, expired listing homeowners, or others in the area is still one of the most lucrative lead generation strategies. Simply be sure to offer each person something of value (selling advice, listing strategies, things to look out for) and they just might get back to you when they need a little something more. 

Divorce Records

Check the divorce records through your local courthouse to find out who has recently been through a divorce. This is one of those lead generation strategies that you must be very sensitive with as it is a touchy subject. 

Door Knocking

Door knocking is one of the oldest prospecting practices and lead generation strategies in the book! While it is simple, it takes a tremendous amount of courage to do. Provide everyone who answers the door with some sort of freebie, whether that’s advice, a pamphlet with renovation tips or anything that might not be thrown away. 

Expireds List

Check the listings on the MLS that have expired (failed to sell). You can reach out to individual homeowners and ask if they’re looking for a new agent since their first one failed. 

Offer them a sample of how you can help by explaining your marketing tactics or mentioning the homebuyers you know who may be interested in their home. When they see you offer value, they just may bite.

Meta Groups

There are hundreds of Meta groups in your neck of the woods (regardless of how small or large your city is).  You can use Meta groups as the ideal opportunity to connect with thousands of other individuals who either share the same interests you have or live in the same general area you do.

That’s effectively the only two types of Meta groups if you think about (groups about interests or geography affiliation). So you can post valuable information in these Meta groups and build a reputation as the go-to real estate source. 

Meta Marketplace

Use the Marketplace on Meta’s products to advertise your services and homes you may have to offer. Some people will come here to look for opportunities they may not have noticed on the MLS, especially if they’re not yet sure how serious they are about a purchase or sale.

Meta Messenger

Use Messenger to reach out to anyone and everyone—all your friends should hear from you whether they’re local or not. Just let them know what you’re doing and give them contact information so that they can use it or pass it along to anyone they know in your area who may need real estate help.

For Sale By Owners

Many homes listed as FSBO don’t sell. Homeowners likely don’t really know how to market their homes to get the best traction. Do what you can to offer your services by giving them a call, offering some FREE advice, and keeping in touch.

If you keep reaching out, they may eventually decide to work with you when their home just doesn’t sell on its own. 


Check into foreclosures in your area. Find foreclosures at the bank that are going to be sold at an auction and get in touch with the sellers to offer your services. Yes, you can actually connect with these foreclosures before they go up for auction at the courthouse steps and this is one of the easiest lead generation strategies to try.

Local Charities – Paid

You can pay charities and ask for the opportunity to advertise at some of their events in exchange for your support. This is a great way to promote your brand and also showcase the things that you value in your community. 

Networking Events

There’s no better place to network than at a networking event! Go to find new clients and new referral affiliations with people who are attending these events looking for the same type of deal.

Online Profile – Quora and Reddit

Set up a profile on Quora and Reddit. On both sites, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to answer questions and engage with potential clients who are looking for free advice. If you offer real value, they just may be interested in working with you when the time is right.

Open Houses

Hosting open houses is one of the best ways to generate real estate leads quickly. You are able to connect with tons of clients, gather email addresses and phone numbers with ease, and start building a list of leads. 

The key is in the follow-up. Getting someone’s contact information is not enough, you must do something with it.

Pay at Close Leads – Opcity, Homelight, Upnest

With these companies, you do not have to pay up front for the leads. You only pay a referral fee when you close a transaction. These are great lead generation strategies if you’re not able to drum up business on your own and don’t have a large budget. 

Pay for Leads from Lead Companies

You can pay money to purchase leads from various companies like Zillow, Realtor.com and others. These real estate websites get MILLIONS of hits every month and generate leads that are then sold to real estate agents. This is a great way to start working with clients without necessarily having to drum up business on your own. 

Host Seminars – Buy and Sell Education

Host local seminars. These take time and a considerable amount of resources since you’ll basically be hosting an event, but they can be very lucrative as lead generation strategies. Seminar attendees generally have a high level of interest in real estate if they’re willing to attend a physical event and invest their time this way. 


Short-sales are another type of real estate transaction that not everyone has expertise in. If you want to educate yourself on how short-sales work, you can connect with clients who are looking for help in this complicated area of real estate and earn more given that not all agents are comfortable working this type of real estate transaction. 

Sphere of Influence

You have a sphere of influence built in, no matter how long you’ve been working in real estate. Start with anyone you know, from family and friends to your dentist or doctor—people who would trust a movie recommendation from you might trust you to help them with real estate and are thus in your sphere. 

Reach out with a friendly notice of what you’re up to in your real estate business and ask for referrals. It can’t hurt to keep in touch, no matter how many in your sphere are actually in the market for a home. You still need to work to win their business, though, by proving that you are capable and will fulfill your promise to provide value.

Talk to People

What’s easier than talking to people? When you’re out and about, don’t be afraid to strike up conversations. Do it at the store, at meetings, at the bank, at church. Wherever you go, be friendly and get to know people. The more people you know…the more people that will know you’re in real estate. 

Tax Liens

If you’re interested in helping people who are under a tax lien on their property, it’s not hard to find a list of liens and contact information so that you can reach out to help before it’s too late.

3. Marketing AND Prospecting

Marketing and Prospecting are two separate categories that work together well. If you’re looking to not only be in front of people’s minds but be actively reaching out to people, try any of the options in this category.


You never know how many people you might be able to touch with a billboard! Purchase a space, place your message calling for action, and wait to see what happens. Those in your local area who need help will at least see that you’re around and available in case they need you.

Blog/YouTube Comments

Use comments on others’ blogs and YouTube videos to connect with your audience. You don’t want to rudely advertise yourself in the comments, but you can garner attention by answering questions or addressing topics that you find interesting. 

This is a way to establish authority without necessarily having to publish anything yourself. It allows you to connect with other experts in your field and your mutual audience in a meaningful way.

Buyer and Seller Gifts

When you’re done working with a buyer or seller, give them a nice, monogrammed gift that they can and will use (a doormat, coffee mug, cutting board, custom painting of the house, etc.). Such a gift will keep you top of mind and may also garner you attention if friends and family notice your gift, ask about it, and decide to come and work with you.

Chamber of Commerce Membership

Such a membership will let you engage with the community, have conversations, and network. This is a great way to get out there if you’re a people person and want to talk with like minded individuals…I mean after all, they too are members of the chamber. .

Conference Tables and Booths

All kinds of marketplaces, conferences and expos allow vendors to set up tables and booths or simply add your banner to attract attention. Think about wedding expos and how massive they are…well, you can be a vendor at these events to market your real estate business.

Direct Mailers – Letters or Postcards

Sending out a letter or postcard on a regular basis is a fantastic way to keep in touch with potential clients directly and indirectly. They can always respond if they need you, but, even if they don’t, they still get to see what you’re up to and what you can help them with if they do need you in the future.

Door Hangers

Along the lines of a letter or postcard, door hangers provide a chance for you to connect with people so that they’re aware of what you can do for them but only need to respond when they need your services.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a fantastic way to keep in touch with potential and past clients. Send relevant information every few weeks, every month, etc. just so that you can stay top of mind without looking too pushy. They can always email you back if they need your help.


Throwing events is a great way to interact and network. Throw appreciation events, formal community events, fun events—use these opportunities to chat with people in your circle and make your name known in your community.

Events take more time and more resources, but don’t give up! Make sure you do a ton of promotion up front and invite  as many people to the event as possible. After the event, keep in touch with them and truly nurture the relationship. 

Farming Financially and Geographically

There are two ways to farm. Financially, keep an eye on areas that yield a high GCI (gross commission income). Geographically, choose a neighborhood you know well (even your own!) and focus on that, possibly out of convenience.

With either option, focus on one specific area and be consistent. 

Industry Memberships

Get memberships on spaces like Curbed, HotPads, Apartment Guide (for renters), Zillow, Trulia, Realtor, Homes.com (for buyers), etc. Create and update a profile to maintain relevance and authority. 

This way, when people are looking for a home or rental, you are there for people to see. You can pay for advertisements, purchase zip codes, etc. to connect with audiences there as well.

Online Profiles

Create profiles on Google My Business and Yelp. Then, when people are looking for local real estate agents, they can run across your profile and find out more about you. These profiles are great platforms for collecting reviews, as well. 


Craigslist visitors are very intentional—they’re out to buy something! Use Craigslist to connect with people who are ready to use your services. 

4. Marketing/Expert/Authority

Marketing/expert/authority basically covers methods of marketing that you’ll use in which you establish yourself as the expert and authority on some real estate-related topic.


You can create a blog easily on your website, for free, and post articles on topics relevant to your business. It’s easy to get started and people who find your articles and get help from what you write will be likely to trust you to help them with their real estate needs when the time comes.

Facebook/Meta Business Pages

Before you can create Facebook Ads to attract your audience, you need a Facebook Business page. Plus, a business page can provide another layer of authority so that when people decide to research you and/or your business, they see that you have a legitimate and professional presence on Facebook (aka Meta).

Magazine/Newspaper Articles

If you’d like to seek an opportunity to be featured in a magazine or newspaper article, this could be a great way to get your name out there with a very niche audience. People reading the magazine or paper will likely know exactly what they want in a REALTOR® and be ready to reach out to you if they find the article compelling.

You could potentially even write an article if that’s something you’re interested in! Doing so is a fantastic way of establishing your authority as a real estate expert. 

Radio/Television Interviews

Want people to see you as an expert? A great way to get attention like that is to seek out a spot to let a radio show or television show host interview to speak on the state of the real estate industry. Again, this is another incredible way to build authority around your community. 

YouTube Videos

YouTube is the second-most-popular search engine today after Google and one of the best lead generation strategies of all. If you’re interested, creating a YouTube video is a fantastic way to get in front of your audience.

Even if they’re not seeing you in person, they can still get a feel for your personality and how you work, which could be just what you need to establish yourself as an expert they want to work with.


If you have time and want to really dig deep into the details on some real estate advice, write up a whitepaper or eBook. You can offer these resources as a lead magnet or a bonus for clients—whatever you want! Either way, such a product will establish your authority as an author in your field. 

5. Optimizer

Optimizer strategies are perfect for helping you to improve your branding, improve your conversion rates, and complement other strategies you’re already using. In other words, these optimizing strategies are not meant to be a standalone strategy. 

Answer Your Phone

ALWAYS answer your phone. It’s one of the simplest lead generation strategies that will get you into a lot more conversations and ultimately conversions. You did the hard part already in getting people to call you…now it’s time to convert and get paid!

Distribute Business Cards

Give business cards out everywhere! They should go to every person you know, every business you work with, every coffee shop in your area, etc. Make sure they’re available in the community for people to use.

Client Testimonials

Ask for client testimonials! Don’t be afraid to put a request out there—92% of people read online reviews before using a company. If your clients are happy with what you’ve done for them, they’ll be happy to provide you with a testimonial that you can use on your website or promote on your Google profile to improve your image. But here’s the key, make it easy for them! Reduce all friction!

IDX Website

The IDX allows visitors to search for homes on your website. If you have this technology, use it! If you don’t, though, don’t worry too much. People are out there using Zillow, Realtor.com, and other sites far more than they’re using personal agent websites.

In-Office Marketing/Signage

If you have an office, one of the easiest lead generation strategies you can implement is creating your personal brand. Put signage in your office and around the area to advertise who you are and what services you offer.

Landing/Squeeze Page

Use these pages as links on social media posts or ads. When people follow the link, they should come to a page that directly offers them something valuable like checklists, calculators, lists of something helpful to them related to real estate. 


If you’re sending out a letter, create a branded letterhead so that people know exactly where the letter comes from. You can use the same branding options for clothing too, just to keep your name visible.

Leverage Your Wins

Whenever you have a win, don’t hesitate to share it! Create social media posts or send direct mailers to share certain stages of the home selling process: “Just Sold,” “Just Listed,” “Coming Soon,” and more! Let people know your business is moving and thriving!


Livestreams are simple lead generation strategies that allow you to convey the message you want to share without having to do a lot of editing. You can also go through your recording on 3x speed, take some important points that you made, and repurpose those points into effective content for blog posts, social media posts, etc.

Mobile Apps

Create a mobile app for your brand. You can use it to help convert people, but it’s going to have to be paired with one or more other lead generation strategies that drive people to your app. Offer a benefit that people just can’t say no to!

Open House Signage

Whenever you host an open house, create plenty of signage about it to get the word out. Make signs or leaflets and be sure that you’re letting people know there is going to be an open house and you’re going to be running it. 

You’ll attract more visitors, more leads, and more conversions! The more you put out, the more “obnoxious” you are, the more people will be interested in using your services when it’s time to sell their home and they are looking for someone who will get it done.

Presentation Folder

A great way to increase and improve your branding is to create presentation folders for homes you’re working with and offer them to clients, just to get your name out there. It doesn’t have to be complicated for these types of lead generation strategies to work!

Quarterly Market Updates

Send market updates to leads and clients on a quarterly basis. Again, this will optimize your brand’s presence and keep you top of mind for people interested in the market and considering when to buy or sell. 

Shirt Polos/Suit Pins

Another way to optimize your personal brand is to create clothing items for you and your team (if you have one) to wear. These just keep your name out there, visible to the public, and they can work as very low-effort lead generation strategies.

Surveys (In-Person or Digital)

Use a survey to create engagement and get people to opt into your services. Surveys are great lead generation strategies because they gamify the qualification of a lead. By answering questions in a fun way, they are letting you know what they need and how serious they actually are. 

Email Newsletter

Once you’ve got an email list, one of the best lead generation strategies is to send out an email newsletter regularly. Keep your business top of mind with your leads by simply letting them know what’s going on with you, your team, and the local market. Do what you can to keep your spot as their source of real estate knowledge.

Buying & Selling Guide

Create a handy guide that runs through the buying process for clients. Do the same for sellers. These guides should be something you can offer to anyone who works with you. You can also use them as a lead magnet by offering them on your website or social channels in exchange for an email and phone number.

Offer Free Home Evaluations/Protest Property Taxes/Homestead Exemptions

If your clients need to know more about the market, you can help. Offer them free resources like this that will show them how to get the most out of their investment and make wise financial decisions. They will be grateful and much happier to pay you for your other services in the future. 


Create flyers to showcase your business and new homes available in the area. Both types of flyers, if done right, will help you attract attention and potential new leads who are searching for homes and real estate advice from a professional.

Contact on Birthdays/Holidays/Seasons/Purchase Anniversaries

Just like any best-in-class business, reach out to clients on special days such as their birthday, a holiday, the beginning of a new season, or the anniversary of their home purchase. This is one of those simple and powerful lead generation strategies that will keep you top of mind and allow them to think of you at moments when they may be considering big changes in their home or life. 


There you have it! Over 100 real estate lead generation strategies that you can use to improve your brand image and performance! Now, make sure you go out there and implement your favorites to start generating and closing deals with more and more leads.

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