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5 Unique Ways for Agents to Leverage Video

Your livelihood depends on knowing how to leverage video content. In the world today, over 80% of online content is consumed online and 93% of businesses gain new customers by posting branded video content on social media platforms. 

It’s time today for you to start leveraging video to build a stronger and better business. Let’s dig into 5 ways that you can use to get started!

1. Buying and Selling Roadmaps

How many times have you sat down with a client to explain yet again how the home buying or home selling process works? Probably too many times to count! Here’s a step that would make this easier: make a video roadmap for buying and for selling.

Create a simple video that outlines every step in the buying or selling process in a detailed, step-by-step breakdown. This simple video is something you can make once and leverage with every client, not only to save yourself time in each new transaction, but also to provide value for those you work with.

buying and selling roadmaps

A simple script you can use to introduce the idea is:

“Now, I know I just unloaded a ton of information for you, so to help you keep track of everything I’ll also be sending you a video where I go into further detail on the process and show you a visual of what we’ve discussed. You can watch that when you have the time and whenever you need to see this information explained further.”

Once you have this video prepared it’s easy to share it with clients and leverage the video’s enduring visual power to help people understand your process.

2. House Anniversary Videos

Every year, you can send a simple video to past clients celebrating their anniversary of buying a new home. Create a personalized video for each client and send it on the anniversary of their purchase as just a quick touchpoint. It might say something like:

“Hey Julie, guess what day it is? Yes, it’s your home purchase anniversary! I wanted to congratulate you on a year in your beautiful new home and sincerely hope that you’ve made some great memories in your first year there! Talk to you soon!”

Sending anniversary videos is a great and practical way for remaining top of mind with your clients. And in a few years when they’re ready to move again, they’ll know just who to call.

3. City Tour Videos

In real estate, information is power. The more valuable information you offer to people free of charge, the more business you’ll earn from paying clients. One of the most popular and successful opportunities for offering information that people value is videoing a city tour.

city tour videos

To see an example of this type of video in action, check out one of our newest agents and how she’s crushing it in city tours! As she demonstrates, simply take a walk through your local area to share with people who want to move to the area what they need to know about it. 

4. Online Buyer Seminars

After two years of dealing with COVID fallout, real estate agents have learned a lot. One of the most powerful lessons we’ve learned is the need to be virtually accessible! Using virtual technology is an effective, and easy way of creating the ever-powerful first-time buyer seminar without the expense.

Use an online platform like Zoom to host a seminar. With any luck, you’ll actually get a higher turnout online than you would hosting an event in a physical space. Virtual events are all about convenience, and people love convenience! So leverage the power of video to attract viewers your competition may be missing.

5. House Reels

This tip is your secret hack for the year: create house reels! Use Facebook and Instagram to create Reels that showcase homes you’re wanting to sell. You can create a Reel in a few simple steps and reach thousands of viewers overnight!

If, for some reason, you’re not out there using video to reach clients, what are you waiting for? Go out there and get started with any one of these strategies and you’re sure to get results in no time

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