man pointing towards Facebook F

How To Run Facebook Ads For Real Estate Leads Fast

How To Run Facebook Ads For Real Estate Leads Fast

Marketing is essential to any good business plan, from TV marketing to Facebook marketing ads. Back in the old days, sellers stood on street corners shouting their wares. Anyone who came to town could hear what they were selling–the sellers didn’t have to pay to be heard and they could easily move around or display different products to attract attention. 

Today, the street tactic is seen as a little weird, but it’s actually not far off from what you can do by marketing with Facebook Ads. On Facebook, you’re more or less on everyone’s “street corner.” You’ll be there where the action is and you won’t have to pay exorbitant amounts for it. You can easily and efficiently scale your ad production up or down as you see fit. Facebook allows you complete control over how you market your business, and you can do it anywhere in the world! 

In this article, I’ll give you the rundown on why you should be running Facebook Ads for your marketing and how to get them going fast. It’s really pretty easy. There are nine main steps you need to take:

1. Create A Personal Facebook Page

To get started, create your very own Facebook page, if you don’t already have one. You will not be able to create a Facebook Business Page (second step) without one.

Jaime Resendiz' Facebook page
My main Facebook page

2. Create A Facebook Business Page

In order to run an ad, you have to have a business page. When you add a business page, Facebook automatically creates a personal ads account that you can run marketing ads on. However, you will want to go beyond this ad account because it does not give you access to all of the features you need to effectively market your business.  Getting a dedicated business page will greatly improve your marketing abilities.

Jaime Resendiz' business Facebook page
My business Facebook page

3. Create A Business Manager Account

To take full advantage of Facebook Advertising, you will need to create a business manager account. From a business manager account, you are able to invite other users to your advertising campaigns, create multiple ad accounts, and unlock critical features to your business. You can set up billing, create a media library, and manage all the ads you create and distribute. 

My business manager account with the accounts and pages I have connected

4. Connect Your Facebook Page To Your Business Manager Account

In order to get the best insights, you’ll need to connect your business page to the business manager account. This will allow you to run ads from your business page, see insights, and share access to team members, marketers, and anyone else that needs access.

Adding a page to a business manager account
This is how you add a page to your business account

5. Create A New Ad Account Within Business Manager

The next step is to create a brand new ad account within your business manager. This will allow you to start fresh, open up different advertising features, and share this advertising account with anyone you need to give access to. Facebook ads can be shared with marketing experts and others who you might engage with to help you create your social media presence.

Adding an ad account to business page
This is how you add an account to your business account

6. Create A New Facebook Marketing Ad

Once you’ve got your business manager created, pages set up and a new ad account ready to go, it’s time to create your ad! From The Home Page, you simply click on “Create” to begin your Facebook Ads journey. 

Creating an ad campaign on Facebook
There are a few questions that will help you choose the right campaign objective

7. Select Your Campaign

There are eleven different campaign options to choose from. What you choose will depend on your current goals for the company and your customers. You could choose: 

  1. Brand awareness–attract attention to your brand
  2. Reach–spread your ad far and wide to help new people see it
  3. Traffic–increase traffic to your site
  4. Engagement–get more clicks, likes, shares, and comments
  5. App installs–get people to install your app
  6. Video views–engage people to watch your video
  7. Lead generation–find leads who want what you’re offering and connect with them
  8. Messages–increase messages to your page
  9. Conversions–convert page viewers to customers
  10. Catalog sales–get people to shop your catalog and buy
  11. Store traffic–bring more people to your store

8. Select Marketing Ad Set

In this step, you’ll choose who you want to reach, where you want to reach them, and how you want to reach them. You get to create a “persona,” basically the personality of someone you think needs to see your ad. You’ll choose whether you want to use Instagram or Facebook or both. You’ll also choose the geographic location that you want to target for the specific ad.

Creating an ad set on Facebook
You can create a set of ads for a full campaign

9. Select Ad

This is the biggest step–you finally get to create the ad you want people to see. You have complete creative license with this one. Most commonly, you’ll choose either an image and text ad or a video and text ad. 

In the last few years, interest in video and image ads has grown significantly, and it’s not due to stop any time soon. In fact, between 50% and 60% of users prefer images and videos to other forms of media on social sites like Facebook. If you’re wanting to run an ad, you’ll need to consider engaging your audience with the images and moving pictures they’re craving. 

Selecting the right image and format for a Facebook ad
This is one of the typical ads I might put out on Facebook


When you’re marketing, you should use plenty of “retargeting” campaigns. Go back to the same groups of people and geographic locations you’ve worked with before. Get your ad, brand, and message across to people who already know you and what you do. Customers are much more likely to share the posts and ads of someone they recognize and trust. It’s also more likely that you’ll be able to convert them if they’ve known you for a while and are consistently seeing your work advertised. 

If you’re looking for guidance on the best lead generation and marketing tactics for real estate agents, I can help! If you partner with me, I will provide you with lead generation for free and get you results better than you’ve ever seen. Get in touch with me for help building your brand and getting legitimate leads to reach the people who need your business the most. 

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