man with a camera

YouTube Startup Checklist for Real Estate Agents

Are you a real estate agent thinking about getting started on YouTube? It’s a great idea–marketing statistics from 2021 point to YouTube as the social media platform with the biggest reach among Millenials and Gen-Zers. Plus, 83% of YouTube marketers say the platform worked for their business! To get started on YouTube, just follow this handy YouTube startup checklist. You’ll be up and running in no time!


  • Create a YouTube channel (Select “Brand” channel instead of “Personal” channel).
  • Optimize your YouTube channel by putting keywords in the channel’s name, meta tags, and (eventually) video titles. (Example: Jaime Resendiz – Dallas REALTOR®).
  • Update your channel banner. You can do it yourself if you feel capable. Or, you can use Canva tools or hire a designer from Fiverr or a similar freelancing site.
  • Fill out the “About” section fully to give viewers a way to learn more about you and contact you.
  • Invite people to subscribe to your channel. You can use: ?sub_confirmation=1 at the end of your YouTube Channel URL to generate an auto-subscribe popup. 
  • Select your topic, ensuring it’s something with keywords that buyers and sellers will be searching for and care about.
  • Add links to sites you want to share with your viewers. You can add up to 5 links. 
filming a video


  • Brainstorm video ideas you want to record and share on your YouTube channel. 
  • Optimize the video ideas by researching if people are even searching for the topic you want to make a video about. 
  • Title your video with something catchy and searchable. Use Tubebuddy to help you.
  • Script the video word by word or simply using bullet points. Do whatever works best for you.
  • Record your video. You can use your phone (in landscape view) or a video camera, whichever you prefer.
  • Edit your video. You can use free software or Final Cut Pro (Mac)/Premiere (PC).
  • Upload your video on YouTube! Be sure you title the video file the same way you plan to title the video on YouTube.
  • Fill out the description of the video with a small summary of what to expect from the video, your contact information, and any landing pages or call to actions (CTAs) that you have.
  • Add tags to the video describing what’s covered in it.
  • Create a custom thumbnail that stands out and captures attention. Again, you can do it yourself, use Canva tools, or hire someone from Fiverr or a similar site.
  • Link two other videos and your channel to the Endscreen.
  • Link 5 Cards throughout the video.
  • Add video to a playlist to help your users consume your content. 
  • Publish your video immediately by setting it to “Public” or “Schedule” to publish on a future date. Alternatively, you can set it to “Unlisted” so only you and anyone you share the link with can view it. 
  • Share your video on social media! 

I hope this YouTube startup checklist helps you get started on YouTube without trouble! Once you get going, you won’t be disappointed.

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