car accelerating

What Is the eXp Realty Accelerator Program?

Agents who join me at Agent First Group get tons of exclusive benefits, including my eXp Realty Accelerator Program. This program is designed by me to help agents get on their feet with eXp Realty and into production as soon as possible. 

Here’s a brief outline of the course and how it will work for you as an Agent First Group member within eXp Realty:

  1. Agent First Group Resources–the breakdown of everything you get access to for being part of the Agent First Group community (courses, webinars, scripts, email/text drips, etc.).
  2. Getting Started with eXp Week 1–set up your goals, learn about eXp, and start building your business.
  3. Let’s Brand and Build Week 2–take a DISC assessment and design a personal brand specific to your personality and goals.
  4. Actively Seek Business – Week 3–understand and implement how eXp will help you succeed as a real estate agent.
  5. Quick Reference Links–save these links to help you find things you need in the future.
  6. The ICONIC Week–create an ICONIC week for fulfilling your personal and professional goals.

Now, let’s dig into this course and see exactly what it means for you as a new eXp Realty agent. 

Agent First Group Resources

As an agent with Agent First Group, you’ll get access to many private resources that will help you in your real estate career. Here are the steps you’ll take initially:

  • Join our private group.
  • Fill out a quick intake form so our internal team can create videos, images, and social media content personalized for you.
  • Attend our Agent First Jumpstarts (Mondays), Agent First Summits (Tuesdays), Agent First Mindset, Agent First Huddles (Thursdays), & Agent First Upgrade

These resources will connect you with the community. If you’re a new agent, you’ll want to catch our Jumpstarts which gives you the fundamentals needed to succeed in real estate. When you attend Summits, you’ll get advice from the top real estate educators around the world who have agreed to share with us. At our Agent First Mindset we sharpen our swords and focus on our mindset. During our Huddles, we build community as we share our  struggles, triumphs, questions, and celebrations. And during our Upgrades, we dial in a new way of operating our business (e.g. learn how to launch our own blogs, start a YouTube channel, do cold calling, etc) training too! 

Each resource is designed to help you build a successful and communal real estate career. You’ve joined this team so you could learn and connect deeply with other agents. These resources are exactly how you can do that!

Week 1 – Getting Started With eXp 

In your first official week, we’ll help you plug in to everything eXp Realty offers. First, you’ll fully onboard with eXp Realty (getting login credentials, downloading our software, etc.). 

Next, you’ll head into eXp Workplace and connect with your broker. All your broker’s information (address, license number, brokerage license number, and W-9) will be included on the eXp platform so you can easily access it. 

You’ll then jump into learning all about eXp’s technology. With a couple videos and some self-guided exploration, you’ll get a handle on:

  • eXp Enterprise, the official eXp hub.
  • eXp World, our virtual office space.
  • Skyslope, the eXp database for all transaction documents.
  • eXp Workplace, the Facebook Business Solution where you can join your state’s group and communicate with the eXp organization.
  • kvCORE, the eXp CRM service you’ll use to manage marketing–you must request access to this.

You’ll also need to access the technology provided by your state-specific association. Then you can jump into eXp University if you’re missing any training and/or want to take advantage of all the free education!

Week 2 – Let’s Brand and Build

In Week 2, you’ll build your personal brand. Start out by taking the DISC assessment to see how your personality adds value to the real estate agent business. 

As soon as you’ve developed your personal goals for real estate based on your personality, you’ll book a strategy call with me. We’ll go deeper into the resources you have available within Agent First Group and eXp and discuss how you’ll meet your goals. 

Next, you’ll start branding online. Update your social media accounts with your new job, picture, and any disclosures, then create a “New Brokerage” post to announce your move to eXp. You’ll create an email signature, update your voicemail, and develop your website. You’ll need to update realtor websites (Zillow, Trulia, etc.) and create a unique Google My Business profile for your business. 

In addition, you’ll order some yard signs and, if you want, get set up in a Regus office location (you can also work from home if you prefer). Finally, you’ll update your database with all your contacts (from a CRM, your phone, or wherever) so you have a list of people to reach out to in the days ahead. 

With all this information updated, you’re ready to move on to the next step in the program!

Week 3 – Actively Seek Business

In Week 3, you’ll finally start working on gathering business so you can build your eXp career. First off, you’ll want to make a big social media announcement to let people know you’ve joined eXp. 

Next, you’ll want to schedule a couple of free training classes with eXp Realty. Pick any topic that interests you and will be helpful for you as you build your business. In addition to choosing two of whatever kind you like, I highly recommend you attend a lead generation workshop. This will be a HUGE bonus for you as you start seeking leads.

After training, it’s time to start working! You’ll need to schedule 3 pre-showings on homes for sale in your area that you would like to farm. Search the MLS until you find 3 you like–you don’t need to have clients for these, you just need to be able to see them.

As you go to each “pre-showing,” make a video. Video yourself driving in, video the house to show off some of its great attributes, and then make a video doing a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) of one of the homes. 

Once you’ve filmed your videos and posted them online, write up a contract as if you were going to submit it. That’s right–you will need to create a practice real estate contract! 

man signing a contract

By performing these exercises, you not only get exposure through video and build credibility, but you also get to practice. For the first few transactions, it can be challenging to search the MLS, schedule showings, fill out contracts, or even open homes with those finicky lockboxes. By doing it on your own time, you can master these steps before clients are there watching you.

After practicing, go back online to learn a bit more about the eXp partners. Most of these partners offer savings for your clients and/or will help you make money through an affiliate referral fee. You’ll want to understand how these partners work so you can share that information with your clients and get them savings. 

eXp Realty Quick Link Cheatsheet

You’ve finished the eXp Realty Accelerator program! Now, you can come back to this page at any time to find links to important information on topics such as:

  • Life at eXp Realty
  • Support at eXp Realty
  • The tools at eXp Realty
  • The Agent First Group Facebook group
  • Courses on Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, Revenue Share, YouTube videos, and Flipping
  • So much more…

If you want to know more about eXp Realty and all it has to offer, you can read this article for highlights of all the important information.

Create an ICONIC Week

In the final section of the eXp Realty Accelerator program, you’ll find a template calendar for you to fill in with your weekly tasks. There’s a block for every hour so you don’t leave any time unaccounted for.

Create a calendar that fills your hours with the most important tasks–both personal and professional. Make sure you have a balance, but don’t leave a lot of time empty and wasted. You have to focus on your business and your personal life if you truly want to succeed in real estate.

And now you’re done! We created this eXp Realty Accelerator Program with you in mind. By the time you’re done, you’ll be an expert at all things eXp and ready to jump into the business! But don’t forget that you always have access to me, too. If you have any questions or concerns that come up during the course or after, feel free to reach out. I’d be delighted to help! And if you’re ready to partner up with me at the Agent First Group, schedule your interview here

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