placing a dart in the center of a target

How To Succeed In Real Estate: Live Your Purpose Daily

Today’s lesson comes from motivational speaker Ed Mylett. Ed is well-known around the world for helping people live their lives to their full potential. From today’s lesson, we learn how to invest in our lives every day to ensure that we live our purpose to the fullest and succeed in our real estate goals. 

At our weekly Agent First Mindset meetings, we connect to help each other develop the personal and professional skills we need to becomes stronger, more well-rounded individuals and agents.

Ed is going to show us how to become stronger agents and succeed in real estate by finding and pursuing the purpose we became agents for. 

The Echoes Of Life

two heads with noise echoing between them

Everything you do in life has an echo. We know what an echo is: it’s when you speak and there is a delayed response after which you hear what you said repeated back to you. Your actions in life work much the same way. Though the response is delayed, you will see the result of what you did in your life coming back to you before long. 

Most of us don’t like focusing on the echoes–we like to focus on TODAY, especially in real estate. Our culture is saturated with instant results. We can search for anything we want on Google and find the answers instantly. We can post on social media and get comments within seconds. And we can find movies and songs we want in an instant on our phones or TVs. These days, we don’t have to wait for anything.

Unfortunately, in real life, instant gratification doesn’t really exist. Your actions will reap results, but those results will echo long after you’ve finished acting. If you want success, you’re going to have to wait for it–and it might be a pretty long wait. 

We as agents really need to take this in and accept it to succeed in real estate. We work hard to get our real estate license, do all the continuing education credits to maintain the license, market ourselves to potentially work with a client, and, ultimately, end with a sale. There is NOTHING short-term about that. 

Seeking Success Now

clock and calendar

For the bad decisions we make, we’ll see the results within 60, 90, or 120 days. If we stop working out, our bodies will show the results within 60-90 days. If we stop investing in ourselves or our businesses, things will start going downhill personally and professionally within a few months. 

Consider this: in 90 days, you’ll be reading today’s news. Most of us sit down, look at the headlines of our life, and think they’re today’s news. But, in reality, these headlines were built on the foundation of the actions we took 90 days ago. 

Consequences will always come: in relationships, health, business, etc. Don’t look at your life today and think that you can stop the work you’re doing and it will be this way forever. It won’t. EVERYTHING has consequences. If you stop working hard and doing right, your business will stop moving forward and you won’t succeed in real estate. Things will go downhill before long.

Think about it, you might have a FULL real estate pipeline of clients at the moment. However, what happens if you stop making the calls, stop prospecting and stop following up? In 60-90 days you are out of clients…it’s as simple as that. Your decisions today have an echo effect months down the road.

Plant The Seeds That Last

hand with seeds in it

There’s a famous parable from the Bible that tells the story of seeds being planted. Some seeds were thrown on the road, some on rocky soil, some on thorny soil, and some on good soil. Most of the seeds grew, but only those on the good soil produced a truly flourishing harvest.

Eventually, you’ll see a harvest from the seeds that you’re planting today. Every seed will grow into something, though bad seeds planted in poor soil are likely to get choked by thorns or eaten by birds. But if you KEEP planting the good seeds in good soil, you will eventually see growth. You will see the results you’re looking for. 

Keep in mind that it does take longer for good results to show up. Sometimes, it may take a year, two years, even five years for the good results to manifest in your life. You have to keep working, keep planting the seeds that will last and create a good harvest. Eventually, you’ll see good things growing if you keep planting, no matter how long it takes. 

Again, this is so true in real estate. The first cold call may be a disaster, but you still have to make the second call. Then you have to repeat that cold calling session again the following day, week, month, and year to truly have the life you want. 

The same goes for any type of real estate marketing strategy you deploy. YouTube marketing, Facebook marketing, Instagram marketing, TikTok marketing, and so on. You as a real estate agent have to keep going!

Roaring Into Eternity

lioness roaring

There are many things in life that you can’t control. You can’t control other people; you can’t control your boss or the market; in many cases you can’t even control your health. But you can control yourself

Your situation right now does not have to dictate the rest of your life. You can make changes right now that will change your future. You can pursue health, you can work hard in your business, you can build strong relationships, you can grow in your faith. All you have to do is get started.

You were to make more than a whisper of an echo, you were made to make a difference. You were made to roar into eternity, to build a life that will last for your family and future generations. Your life matters. But you can’t just sit and do nothing. You have to decide how to live.

Don’t let your life fade away, a mere whisper of your potential. Start making right choices, planting good seeds, and watching your life grow into a roar. It may take a while, but you’ll never regret planting those good seeds. Before long, you’ll see a harvest grow.

If you’re interested in joining our weekly Agent Mindset calls to hear from these experts and discuss it with a team, consider joining Agent First Group as a real estate partner. Each week we meet to discuss all the important things in life, from real estate to our mindset and so much more! Get connected today

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