jim rohn feature

Change Your Life – See Things That Don’t Exist

This week at our Agent First Mindset meeting, we listened to entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn as he spoke to us about how to change our lives. Jim reminded us that it only takes a small step to change our direction, whether in life or in real estate. 

jim rohn making a speech

At Agent First Mindset meetings, we focus on sharpening our skills both personally and professionally to become more well-rounded and successful agents. We chose to listen to Jim as he showed us how to believe in a vision for real estate that might feel impossible, but can be accomplished with just a small step in the right direction.

Faith In What You Can’t See

Why does a farmer plant in spring? Can he see the harvest coming? At first, you might say no, he doesn’t. But that’s not necessarily true. In fact, the farmer does see the harvest–he knows it’s coming. He doesn’t see it with his physical eyes, but he does see it with the eyes of his mind. 

Nothing exists before you see it. Look at anything around you–a building, a book, a computer. Someone saw it there before it existed or it never would have existed. The fact is, every accomplishment began as a vision, nonexistent before someone imagined it.

Do you see things that don’t exist in your future? As a real estate agent, it’s important to look at the numbers that exist in front of you. But it’s also important to look at the numbers you don’t see. It’s important to see the success you want to have years from now, when something new in your business exists simply because you imagined it. 

farmer plant in spring

Finish Your Vision Before You Start It

You may think that you can’t see something finished until you start it. In fact, the opposite is true. You can’t start something before you finish it. If you sit down to build something but have no idea what it will look like in the end, you won’t make it.

It can be hard to imagine a future you can’t see. But once you see that initial vision, you have to start creating it in your mind. Your goal as an agent may be to make a certain income, or a certain number of sales, or build a particular type of team. Whatever it is, take that dream and create an actionable plan to make it happen. Complete the plan, admire the finished work, then start creating it in real life. 

Human beings are unique on this planet. Of all creatures, only humans can greatly alter the course of their lives. Only humans can choose how to live each year without having to rely on the way they lived the year before. You must decide what you want and then act as if you already had it. Your actions will ultimately dictate how far you go and how much you accomplish over the course of your life. 

As a real estate agent, you must choose your future and start building it. Where do you want your business to end up? How much work do you want to do? How much money do you want to make? You have to visualize the life you want and then start stepping towards it until you reach the goal. 

wheat field ready for harvest

Start Moving Towards Your Destination

Five years from now you will arrive–the question is where? Where will you be in five years if you continue this course of action, this pace in life? As Jim said, “You will either arrive at a well-designed or an undesigned destination.” In five years, you’ll be somewhere, but you have to decide where you’ll be or you’ll end up somewhere you probably don’t want to be.

Get started on designing your real estate destination now. It’s best to start early because if you start late, it will be that much harder. Start pushing for your dream right this minute instead of waiting for the market or some other aspect of business you can’t control. Changing your ways when you’ve already built a long career is difficult, though it’s not impossible. Start working on your future now.

As you go, remember this key fact: “We go the direction we face.” You can’t go in two directions. Look towards the direction you want to go, and that’s where you’ll get. Because, at the end of the day, you face the direction you design. If you spend no time designing the life you’ll want, you’ll end up in a destination you didn’t plan for.

Direction determines destination–not your hopes and wishes. You can’t sit around hoping and wishing you could get to such and such a place. Instead, you have to start moving towards it. But you can’t change your destination overnight. It will take you years to get there. 

Instead, you need to change your direction overnight. One simple change could put you on the path to a new destination immediately. Start out by just changing a few habits, a few practices, your attitude, your business goals. With that small step, your direction will change and you’ll head toward the destination you’re longing for. 

In real estate, there are some things that are out of our control. Some things are arranged for us and we don’t even know how they occurred. Some of those things are bad, but some are good! And it’s amazing to consider how a few small things we have no control over can change our lives. 

As you’re building your real estate business, consider and be grateful for the things that have led you to where you are today. Then start moving in the direction you want to go to reach the destination you’re dreaming of. You will need some help along the way, but, in the end, you’ll get there if you get started now.

man running along a winding road

Take The First Step

“It’s only a small journey to a new direction.” 

The truth is, it doesn’t take much to get started on the path to a better and fuller life. For one thing, self-esteem can help exhilarate you. It takes one small step in the right direction to build your self-esteem, and once that starts, your happiness in your right choices can get the better of you.

Make a single right decision today. Call that lead, get in touch with that mentor, start that extra business, create that website. Whatever small step you need to take towards your dream real estate destination, take it now. Once you’ve started, it will be a whole lot harder to stop.

If you keep building, taking small steps in the right direction, and focusing on the destination you see in your future, you will make it there. All it takes is a single decision and your life and business can and will be changed forever. 

man holding laptop with idea to make money

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