
Pros and Cons of kvCORE

kvCORE is one of the premiere CRM systems out there for real estate agents. It has top-notch features and is a complete marketing solution for any real estate business (new or established). When you use kvCORE, you’ll get:

  • A lead engine
  • A smart CRM
  • Web and IDX services
  • Marketing Autopilot
  • Business analytics
  • Listing tools
  • Transaction integration
  • Marketplace bonuses

Basically, kvCORE is a one-stop platform for your digital marketing needs as a real estate agent. However, like any CRM out there, it isn’t perfect. In the following paragraphs, we’ll go in-depth into the pros and cons of kvCORE for real estate agents.


There are plenty of pros to kvCORE that you should consider when you’re looking for a CRM.

1. kvCORE Is Robust

You can do all kinds of things with kvCORE. You can create a personalized website or design unique landing pages to use with your online ads. You can create a personal IDX website that integrates seamlessly with the MLS with no need for a third-party IDX. 

kvCORE Is Robust

In addition to creating web pages to help your business grow, you can also use kvCORE for your marketing strategies. You can use it for generating and maintaining email and text marketing campaigns. You can use it to generate leads and connect with them instantly and in perpetuity. And you can use its powerful listing tools to create ads, mass texts, property alerts, and more.

kvCORE pretty much has it all–everything you need to build a successful marketing strategy and strong online presence. 

2. kvCORE Is Integrated

On the kvCORE platform, everything is integrated. You can keep track of your websites, landing pages, property pages, listings, and marketing analytics all in one platform. It’s easy to see any lead that comes in and immediately know where it came from and how to follow up. 

You can set up automatic marketing campaigns so that any lead you get is immediately entered into the campaign. This makes it super easy to attract and connect with new leads without having to use multiple platforms to set things up.

The coolest part of this complete integration is your ability  to see your clients’ activities. You can see when a home buyer looks at a property, when a home seller opens up your CMA emails, and so much more!

3. kvCORE Offers IDX Integration

The IDX system on kvCORE makes it easy to build property websites. You can connect seamlessly to the MLS and design single property websites and landing pages for each listing. 

kvCORE Offers IDX Integration

The IDX integration makes it super easy to share listings quickly and initiate marketing campaigns with the touch of a button. You just have to set up your marketing campaign and then use it for any new leads. 

The IDX connection is so valuable for your marketing. You are able to seamlessly give your sphere access to your MLS. You can also create saved property searches and use them as ‘lead magnets’ so people interested in buying or selling can give you their contact information in exchange for the info. (ex: “List of Homes Under $500,000,” “List of Homes With A Pool,” etc.)


Not everything about kvCORE is perfect. There are cons you’ll have to work through if you want to make it work for you. 

1. kvCORE Can Be Overwhelming

With so many features all in one place, it can be hard to piece things together initially. When you first hop on, you may not even know what half of the tools can do for you, leaving you confused and missing out on some key benefits.

kvCORE Can Be Overwhelming

If you do use kvCORE, you may want to consider getting some training or chatting with an agent who uses it already. That way, you can more easily get the hang of the system without having to stress about it too much.

I share a ton of information on my YouTube kvCORE Playlist, so I get daily contact from agents asking for advice and help with their kvCORE. I understand firsthand how agents can feel overwhelmed.

2. kvCORE Marketing Drips Are…Mediocre

Just like any good real estate CRM, kvCORE offers a library of email/text drip campaigns. They’re nothing special, just typical campaigns that any agent might use. If you want something more original, you’ll likely have to write it yourself.

kvCORE Marketing Drips Are... Mediocre

If you do create a drip campaign, you can use it as often as you please. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to share it with any other users. If you want to build your team up with a great campaign designed by you, kvCORE may not be the place to do it.

3. kvCORE Email Marketing Has Some Issues

While kvCORE does provide robust email marketing options, the overall email marketing platform isn’t great. You can’t see if your emails have been read by recipients and its reporting is pretty weak.

You also can’t create any “if this then that” rules. In some instances, you may want to design a campaign where “if recipient opens, send this” and “if recipient follows link, send this.” This kind of thing is hard to do on kvCORE because that just isn’t how it’s designed. 

4. kvCORE Is Expensive

kvCORE can cost anywhere from $499 to $1,800 a month, depending on what plan you get. It also costs between $900-$1,800 to set up. Unless a brokerage is willing to pay for or subsidize it for you, you’ll likely find the cost prohibitive as a single agent. 

In the end, no CRM is perfect. kvCORE has tons of benefits for real estate agents and will provide you with a robust marketing platform. However, it’s also expensive and harder to personalize than other CCRMs out there. 

If you’re looking for a CRM, consider the pros and cons of kvCORE carefully before making your decision. Then, do whatever you think is best for your personal real estate business.

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