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Who Is the Broker for eXp Realty?

As a worldwide cloud brokerage, things work a little differently at eXp Realty than in many other brokerages. Many new agents worry about joining eXp, unsure who the eXp Realty brokers are, if they’ll ever be able to speak to the brokers, or even HOW to get ahold of them. 

If you’re worried about finding and connecting with the eXp Realty broker, you’re not alone. But there’s no need to be concerned! eXp Realty is set up to make it very convenient for you to find your local broker whenever you need help.

The Broker Structure at eXp Realty

Within the United States, every state has its own broker team, its own practitioner. In every state, there is a designated managing broker who heads up the broker team and ensures other key admin members are doing everything possible to support their agents.

Underneath the leadership of the managing broker, every other broker and practitioner in the state works somewhat independently, meeting only for weekly or monthly updates. In this manner, brokers and agents are able to work independently while still digging into local knowledge.

The size of each broker team varies. Some states have 2 brokers, other states have nearly 10 brokers to ensure they have enough support for the number of agents on staff. As an example, California, Florida, and Texas each have a nearly double-digit number of brokers as they are the states with the most real estate agents. 

Finding Your Broker at eXp

Finding a state broker is easy. Simply head to the Directory and either type in a name or search by state. On your state results page, you’ll see the designated managing broker with a bio and contact information. In addition, you’ll see all the other agents in your state.

You can also view all designated managing brokers or all managing brokers if you’re wondering about another state or considering moving.

Thankfully, even with an online brokerage like eXp, you’re never on your own. You’ll have a huge network of agents surrounding you, both in your state and in the rest of the world. Plus, every state will have its own admin team to make sure you get help if you run into any problems. 

Contacting Your Broker at eXp

Once you know who your broker is, it’s easy to connect with them. You can reach out to them in a number of ways:

  • eXp World. If you log in to your eXp World account, you can seek out your broker and chat with them in real-time through the virtual office space. (If you need a guest pass to eXp World, email admin@jaimeresendiz.com to request one.)
  • eXp Workplace. Just like Facebook, Workplace makes it easy to befriend and chat with your broker anytime, anywhere.
  • Email. Save your broker’s email address into your contacts book and connect with them anytime.
  • Phone. You can call or text your broker easily by saving their number on your device.

And that’s it! If you were worried about finding and connecting with your eXp Realty broker, I hope this has answered your questions. It’s easy to find your broker and connect with them virtually to make sure you build a strong relationship and have support when you need it.

If you have more questions about eXp Realty and how it works, don’t hesitate to reach out to me for answers and support. 

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