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Skillsets that Separate $37k/year from $250k/year Earners

As a one-on-one coach of thousands of agents every year, I know firsthand the types of skillsets that set apart agents who thrive in their business from those who barely scrape by. Here are a few of the most common skillsets that you must implement to be a successful REALTOR®.

Skillsets for Real Estate Agents

1. Self Awareness

One of the most important aspects of being a successful real estate agent (and person in general) is being able to understand and work with yourself. You should develop an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and how you need to manage them within your business. Oftentimes we run away from deeper analysis of ourselves and we miss opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

self awareness

It’s crucial to figure out who you are and where you shine as an agent so that you can outsource the rest. It’s not only difficult…but IMPOSSIBLE to excel at everything. Knowing how to utilize your strengths and weaknesses to create a niche area of expertise is the perfect way to move faster in your business. 

2. Problem Solving Skillsets

In addition to knowing yourself, you have to develop skillsets around knowing how to deal with the people and things that bring problems your way. No matter how good you are at your job, you will run into challenges and you must know how to meet them head-on.

problem solving

Develop an attitude that doesn’t fret when things go sideways but maintains a sense of awareness and calm in the midst of the situation. Have a few strategies on hand for dealing with conflicts and issues so that you can react smoothly and quickly.

3. Always Creating Conversations

As a real estate agent, your work primarily consists of knowing people and knowing how to work with them. Wherever you go, whatever you’re doing, make a habit of creating conversations with people. This will help you develop a deeper understanding of who people are and how they operate.

always creating conversations

Find ways to be seen every day and every hour—create online blog, video, and social media content so that people can interact with you whenever and wherever. Be available in your community and engage with people as you’re out shopping or attending events. Make it your goal to be seen every day and known by everyone around.

4. Following Up

Prioritize your business and don’t let leads get away from you. Focus your days on following up with leads and using your marketing skills to stay in front of your leads past, present, and future. 

following up

As soon as you get a lead, give them a call. Use drip campaigns and social media ads to stay in front of clients. Give old leads calls on a regular basis to see if they need help even if they initially didn’t need to work with you. Prioritize following up!

5. Manipulating Time

Learn how to leverage your time. You can do this by creating videos and other content that shares valuable information and answers all those FAQs clients always seem to have. Develop a library of content that you can share so that you don’t always have to be in front of people in order to be seen.

manipulating time

Prioritize what you’re doing every single day. You never know what day might be your last! Yes, focus on your business, but also spend time with your family, developing your personal skills and hobbies, and growing as an individual. Use the technologies available to you to keep your priorities straight. 

Successful Real Estate Agent Skillsets

If you can build these simple skillsets, you’ll soon bridge the gap between the agents who thrive and the agents who merely survive. In no time at all, you’ll be the one making six figures every year without losing your sense of self and your ability to grow as a person. 

Become a professional real estate agent by developing and utilizing these skillsets—get started today! 

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