content creation hacks

Real Estate Content Creation Hacks with Justin Konikow

This week at Agent First Summit, our guest is Justin Konikow! He’s a real estate and content expert from Canada with a passion for connecting content with real estate in a meaningful way to meet his personal real estate goals.

Justin Konikow

Our Agent First Summits happen every Tuesday morning! It’s a perk for all our real estate team members and any of their guests who want to grow their real estate business. To get an invitation, RSVP here: Save Your Seat!

In this session, Justin shared some great content creation hacks for us to work on implementing in our individual real estate businesses.

Creating Targeted Content

There are four main steps to creating relevant and targeted real estate content for your audience. 

  1. Find an ideal client.
  2. Figure out 3 to 5 questions they commonly ask.
  3. Pick out about 3 pain points from those questions.
  4. Create content that you love to answer those pain points.

The best way to find buyer and seller clients is by providing value that directly addresses the needs of a client. You must find your ideal client and find what exactly that client needs before they can get in business with you. 

Take a minute to consider your ideal client and what they need. What are the most common questions they ask? What are the challenges that you’re facing when trying to help them? 

Figure out how to use your ideal type of content (photo, written word, video, etc.) to create an answer to the questions and challenges you identify to provide value to your ideal client when they see it on social media. 

Creating Real Estate Content That Matters

As you’re creating, keep in mind that your page is an advertisement for your business. You absolutely need to be yourself and you should certainly share your personality and things that are important to you. However, you want anyone looking at your page and posts to immediately see that real estate is your work and something that you’re passionate about and an expert in.

One of the best ways to get results is to create diverse content for each day of the week. You should post regularly throughout the week and you should post different types of content for different days to keep things interesting for your followers.

When you create with this kind of diversity, you can build a richer library of content and a richer following.

Don’t get too caught up with trying to create all the content at once! Start with what you love. As you grow, begin creating other types of content that you don’t know as well. Keep practicing and you’ll eventually master more and more kinds of content to reach more and more people.

Most of all, simply focus on being yourself. You have to remember, no matter what, that there is another person on the other end of the social media content you’re producing. Do your best to reach them and you’ll build yourself a strong set of followers in no time. 

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