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Real Estate Agent Mistakes to Avoid on TikTok

Are you on TikTok? If not, you may want to consider it. With over 1 billion monthly users, 90% of whom use the app every day, and 49% of users reporting that TikTok helped them make a purchase decision, marketing on TikTok is a great idea.

However, there are plenty of ways to use TikTok and real estate agents can’t do them all. If you have a TikTok and want to use it for marketing, here are several real estate agent mistakes to avoid on your TikTok. If you can avoid these, you’ll stand out on TikTok and soon grow your real estate audience.

1. Not Using Captions

Not Using Captions

When it comes to TikTok, SO MANY people are going to watch your videos without audio. If you’re relying on your voice alone to relay your message, you’re making a big mistake. Include captions on every video that tell the same story as your voice so that watchers who have their phones muted can still see what you’re trying to say. 

2. Filming in Horizontal

Though you may use a horizontal orientation for other types of videos, you absolutely want to use a vertical orientation when you’re on TikTok. The way the platform is set up, horizontal just isn’t going to work.

Filming in Horizontal

It is possible to reorient horizontal films into vertical (think if you’re repurposing clips of your videos from YouTube), but you have to make sure you do it right. Don’t cut out clips of your video that make no sense…use only clips that look like they could have been filmed solely for TikTok.

For example, if you film a video with the top three tips for buying in your city, make sure you include a few seconds where you VERY QUICKLY run over the three tips and briefly touch on what they mean. You can cut that clip for use on TikTok and other short-form platforms.

3. Playing the Wrong Music

Don’t edit fast-paced visuals with music that doesn’t fit the speed you’re going for. Focus on using music that’s trending on TikTok and other platforms. Be selective about what music you use (keep it relevant so that people searching for trending songs find your video) and use it wisely.

When you’re picking music for TikTok, it’s always important that you focus more on the content than on the music. The content is far more important because that is what will get you your audience—they’ll see the same music on all kinds of other videos, so yours has to stand out no matter what song you’re playing.

4. Using the Wrong Dimensions

When making a TikTok video, it’s crucial that you use the proper dimensions to make sure it looks good. Avoid putting any important text or images at the bottom of the video because that’s where TikTok puts your user name and description. Anything down at the bottom of the video won’t be readable.

Try to keep important information at the top of your video or in the center. Make sure whatever content you do use is relevant, to the point, and useful for your audience. If you provide both value and entertainment at once, you’ll find your audience growing quickly. 

Growing with TikTok

Are you on TikTok? If so, what growth are you seeing? If you can avoid the mistakes above and create valuable content, you’re sure to see growth in no time. If you’ve got more tips to share, leave them in the comments below! 

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