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TikTok Top Tips for Real Estate Agents

TikTok is coming up fast—there’s no way to ignore it. As of 2022, it’s the sixth most used social media app with eight new users joining the app every single second. In 2021, TikTok was the number one downloaded app in the United States.

If you’re a real estate agent and you’re not marketing on TikTok, you’re missing out big time. There’s no question that this is one of the most popular and fastest-growing apps in the world right now, especially with younger audiences. 

If you want to make sure and hit that demographic, try out these TikTok top tips for real estate agents to win new leads with this amazing new app.

1. Complete Your Profile

The first thing you need to do is complete your TikTok REALTOR® profile. Just think about the first step you take when you run into someone’s video or ad on social media—you go straight to their website/page, right? This is as true on TikTok as anywhere else. 

Complete Your Profile

You need to make it very clear in your profile that you are a real estate agent. Include:

  • A clear profile picture (yourself or your logo).
  • Your handle—which should, if possible, be the same as the handle you use on other social platforms.
  • A bio of up to 80 characters that includes real estate keywords.
  • A link to your real estate website.

You can also directly connect your Instagram and YouTube to your TikTok profile if you would like to drive more traffic to those spaces as well. 

2. Film In Vertical

Film In Vertical

When you’re creating videos for TikTok, film them vertically to fill the screen. While you may feel that there’s less space, this is the best way to show videos on TikTok. It’s important that on this platform, your face is the main focus. Keep videos narrow and tight—that’s just the way TikTok likes them.

3. Leverage Trends

One of the most important parts of TikTok videos is the audio. You’ll find songs that are trending in TikTok videos by using the Discover section. If you use a Pro account (simply go to your profile to switch to a pro account), you can see songs that your followers are watching in other videos. Pick a trending song that will fit with your video and use it to create something unique and catchy. 

You can also leverage trending “moments” (think the Will Smith slap heard around the world). Use a trending moment/meme to create a real estate-relevant video that helps followers connect with you as someone who is both current on the world stage and knowledgeable in your field. 

4. Use Captions

Use Captions

A huge majority of TikTok users watch videos on mute while they’re at work or busy performing other tasks. If it’s important to you that your message gets across, you need to use captions so that viewers can read what you’re saying even if they can’t hear you.

5. Address Your Viewers in Second Person

Talk to your viewers as if you were face to face with them. Address them as “you” when filming your video to make sure it feels personal. Don’t film by simply teaching an abstract lesson—talk directly to your audience so they feel connected with you. Treat them as if they were already your private real estate client.

6. Collaborate

A great way to leverage your field and grow your audience is to collaborate with other TikTok real estate creators. Start by following other creators in your real estate sphere, commenting on their videos, and tagging them in posts. Hopefully, they will do the same for you! 

At some point, you can also start creating content together, making cameos in each other’s videos, or working together on challenges. The more people you collaborate with the bigger your audience will grow as their followers become your followers too. 

7. Batch Content Creation

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed at the idea of adding yet another social media platform to your plate, consider batch content creation. You can easily film multiple videos at once and parse them out over a week or month. Set aside a single day and/or several hours to focus on filming TikTok videos that you can release throughout the next week/month.

Another way to leverage your time if you use multiple platforms is to create one piece of content and use it on multiple platforms. For example, if you create a YouTube video, you can cut shorts to use on TikTok and Instagram and use the script to write a blog. This task is a lot easier if you have a virtual assistant or two to help you edit your videos, but it isn’t hard to do it yourself if you set aside a day to work on it! 

8. Get To the Point

People go on TikTok for quick, easy, bite-sized content. Don’t drag on and on and never get to your point. Don’t avoid the point completely and expect people to go to your channel or website for more, either. 

Create a simple video that gets right to the point and post it. You can always do a very quick overview and direct people who want to learn more to go to your YouTube channel, but you must ensure that every TikTok video provides value immediately. 

So, when creating a video, state your point as quickly as possible, go into greater depth if necessary, and direct interested viewers to your YouTube or website for more. This is the best way to provide enough value that your followers are truly interested in hearing more. 

TikTok for Real Estate

Now you’ve got the top tips for creating TikTok real estate videos that get results. The most important thing to remember is that you’re talking to people. On the other side of that phone screen, someone is looking for the real estate advice that only you have to offer. 

Make sure that every video provides valuable information that will engage and excite your ideal audience. If you can do that, you’ll be getting real estate leads and new clients from TikTok in no time! 

If you’d like the masterclass we had with the TikTok expert for real estate, email: admin@jaimeresendiz.com

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