
Simple Ways to Grow Your Real Estate Social Media Engagement 10x!

How would you like to grow your social media engagement tenfold? What could that do for your real estate business? How would that change your life?

Well, it might feel impossible, but it really isn’t! In fact, growing your real estate social media engagement 10x is entirely possible, and it’s going to be a lot easier than you think. Here are the few simple steps you need to get started.

1) Become a Creator, Not a Consumer

This is the most important identity shift that you can make. So many people are out there on social media as consumers, just picking up what everyone else is putting down and seeking basic likes for sharing mundane everyday activities. That’s not how you get engagement!

Start seeing yourself as a social media REALTOR® creator and acting like it! Create meaningful content around your business that invites engagement by asking questions or sharing a poll. Of course, you can share personal stuff too, but make sure it’s only meaningful content that will actually drive your engagement.

No matter what platform you’re on (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.), you have a huge audience that really isn’t seeing a lot of other relevant created content. Choose the platform you like the most and get the most traffic from and start putting stuff out there!

2) Prioritize a Call To Action

You get to choose how your audience interacts with your content. What type of engagement do you want most? Comments, likes, shares, subscriptions? Whatever it is, give your audience instructions and tell them what you need! 

If your audience truly cares about you, they’ll hear your requests and help you get the traction you desire. I can tell you from personal experience that whenever I ask for likes on YouTube, I get 23% more likes than I would otherwise. All you have to do is ask! 

3) Tell a Story

Everyone likes stories. In fact, there’s not a culture in the world that doesn’t have stories to explain its origin, impart valuable lessons, or simply entertain. People each have their own story, too, and they want to hear how your story and their story may intersect.

People learn by hearing analogies that make sense and relating to the storyteller (in this case, you). Share a story that is relatable and encourages your audience to comment and share more information with you. 

By simply telling a story, you can help your audience lower their defenses and share more than they would with you as a business person because you’ve opened up as an individual. The most successful social media posts by real estate agents are those that invite leads to see themselves as connected with the REALTOR® though they’ve never met them in person.

If you’d like a book to help you learn how to tell the best story, check out Unleash the Power of Storytelling by Rob Biesenbach. In it, you’ll find a simple, no-nonsense roadmap for how to create an effective story out of pretty much anything to attract and delight your audience.

4) Use Video

Video has taken the social media sphere by storm—there’s no better time than today to get in front of a camera! It doesn’t matter how you feel about video—you absolutely must publish videos because every single social platform now favors video content. 

74% of marketers out there are saying that videos have a better ROI than static imagery when used in marketing. If you want to see your business thrive, create a video to explain real estate facts to your audience. You’re one video away from taking your business to the moon! 

Multiplying Your Real Estate Social Media

While the steps above may look a bit overwhelming, this doesn’t have to be complicated. The best way to ensure you’re multiplying your social media outreach is to choose just ONE of the tips above and execute it THIS MONTH.

A great way to fail is to try and do everything at once. You’ll end up unable to focus on anything with the right dedication and tenacity. 

So, start small, master one tip, then move on to the next and the next until you’re truly the master of your social media engagement. With the right dedication, you’ll be seeing that engagement multiply 10x over in no time!

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