Goal Setting for Real Estate Agents

Goal Setting for Real Estate Agents with Robert Weichelt

In this Summit, our guest was Robert Weichelt, a veteran of real estate who started working with his mom when he was only 10 years old! Robert has sold millions of homes and loves training real estate agents on how to position themselves for the best career possible.

Robert Weichelt

Our Agent First Summits happen every Tuesday morning! It’s a perk for all our real estate team members and any of their guests who want to grow their real estate business. To get an invitation, RSVP here: Save Your Seat!

Today, Robert is going to show us how to set goals that help us meet the production and earning goals we need to meet! 

Goals, Time Block, Game Plan

The first thing you have to do in real estate is to set goals. How do you know if you need goals? Well, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you feel stressed?
  • Do you want more focus?
  • Do you want more balance?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, it’s time to start setting goals for your real estate career! 

Seeing is believing and believing is achieving! If you have goals, you need to write them down so that you can see them and thus truly focus on them. When you take time to look at your goals regularly, you will be much more motivated to accomplish them. 

The Steps for Setting Goals

There are a few methods and steps that you need to take to get your goals set and start meeting them. Before you begin, make sure everything you do every day is income-producing. 

Here are some questions to consider as you set goals and block your time:

  1. Are you using your time on the internet well (instead of wasting it on social media)?
  2. Are you a specialist with a niche to focus your marketing on?
  3. Do you have a productive farm or social network—are you the local resource?
  4. Do you have good systems? (Even bad systems can generate business!)
  5. Do you spend your time and money wisely?

Make sure that you can answer these questions with a resounding “Yes!” because these help you set a strong foundation for your successful business. Once you are ready, here are the next steps you should take. 

1. Set Goals

When it comes to setting goals, it’s pretty simple. You have to decide what you want, why you want it, and what goals you can define that will get you there. Be positive about your ability to reach your goals and always be specific. 

Don’t set some generic number and imagine you’ll get there eventually. Choose a specific desire that you want to accomplish in a certain time frame. For example, if you want to earn enough to purchase something specific by the end of the year, make that your goal. Or if you need to improve your health and relationships, make that your goal! 

Once you have a specific goal (or more!), you’re ready to start meeting them.

2. Focus

First, be sure you focus on your goals. You can’t get distracted by tasks that detract from your ability to meet your goal. Plus, you must set the time you need to complete each task! You’ll never get anywhere if you’re always running around like a headless chicken.

Calculate the time you’ll need to meet each task and put it in your calendar so that you can focus on each task as it comes up. To see the most success, don’t forget these two often overlooked tips:

  1. Count on travel time to and from appointments! 
  2. Don’t take on urgent tasks that you don’t have time to actually complete. 

3. Plan

Your next step is to take the time to plan your life before you live it. Here’s an example of how that could work:

  • Spend 2 hours a month planning your monthly goals.
  • Spend 30 minutes every Sunday planning the next week.
  • Spend 10 minutes a day reading your goals (when you wake up and go to bed).
  • Spend 1% of your life planning your future! 

If you take that small amount of time each day, week, and month to plan, you’ll see so much more success than if you simply jump into your days and waste time trying to figure out what to do next.

4. Balance

Next, create some balance for yourself. You won’t get anywhere by running around doing things you hate and stressing about what you can and can’t accomplish.

Instead, do what you love! Choose the categories in your business that you want to focus on. Reduce your daily expectations of what can be accomplished each day but increase your monthly expectations of goals you can achieve when you create balance each day.

5. Change your Habits

The next step is a lot harder than it sounds but is ultimately incredibly worth it. Delete bad habits and start new ones! You only need to repeat a task about 20 times to make it a habit, so get started as soon as possible and you’ll be there in no time. It’s simple and it’s hard, but you can do it if you set your mind to it!

6. Define your Perfect Day

Once you’ve set yourself some good habits, define your perfect day from the moment you awake to the moment you fall asleep (this is your ideal day, no matter what that looks like to you!). 

Then, make a plan to create this dream day by setting the time you need for each task—including sleep! Set a time to wake up and go to bed every single day so that you can make that dream day a reality every day of the week.

7. Simplify

Once you know what you’re headed for, it’s time to simplify your life. Delete bad relationships, delete clutter, delete toxic clients, delete excessive goals that you can’t meet, and, most of all, delete the guilt of “non-achievement.” 

Keep your mindset positive and keep your life simple so that you can move ahead without too much clutter stressing you out and wearing you down. You’ll do a lot better if you have a clean office, a set daily goal, and good relationships that build you up instead of tearing you down.

8. Be Clear

In addition to simplifying your life, you also want to clarify it. Keep your desk clear and keep your schedule clear. Take time to clear your mind regularly through prayer or meditation. Drink clear water. Set clear goals and be clear to other people about your goals too. 

If you are clear, you will find it so much easier to focus on what’s next and keep moving forward to meet the goals you have created for yourself. 

9. Find Accountability

Part of building a business is realizing you can’t do it alone. You need to share your goals with people who will encourage you to move forward and hold yourself accountable to meet your goals as well.

When both you and a friend are on your back, you’ll do much better at actually accomplishing what you’ve said you will. Make sure that you and your accountability partner take time each month to review your goals and ensure you’re on the right track.

10. Be Happy!

In the end, you must be happy to really make it in any career. Take time to make real estate something you enjoy. Listen to music you love. Make goals that you are excited to get to. Celebrate your successes so that you are motivated to carry on each month.

If you can follow these steps for creating and meeting goals, you’ll find that happiness follows pretty naturally. So don’t be afraid to get started! Go out there, create your goals, meet those goals, and develop the real estate career of your dreams. 

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