7 Ways To Get Listings Without Cold Calling Anyone

7 Ways To Get Listings Without Cold Calling Anyone

Do you hate cold calling? While it’s a popular method of getting real estate clients and listings, many real estate agents are not fans of calling strangers out of the blue to offer their services. 

If you’re in the same boat, there is hope! In fact, there are at least 7 other methods you can use to get listings without having to go near a strange phone number! Let’s take a look.

1. Contact your Sphere

Everyone has a sphere of influence that consists of the people you know and engage with on a regular basis. Your family members, friends, old coworkers, classmates, doctor, dentist, etc. could all be considered part of your sphere of influence (often called your SOI).

Contact Your Sphere

The first step to finding clients without cold calling strangers is to reach out to people who already know you. You don’t necessarily need to ask them to buy or sell with you, but you should make them aware that you’ve become a real estate agent in case they or someone they know is in the market. 

Use social media, personal messages, postcards, or just friendly conversations to let your SOI know what business you’re in so that they can help you find clients and start closing some listings! 

2. Use YouTube

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world today. Billions of users use YouTube every day to find out important and relevant information to help them in their daily lives. And with the increasing importance of video content, there’s no question that YouTube is a powerful tool for any REALTOR® to use.

Use YouTube

If you’re in the real estate business, you need to get on YouTube and start posting. Not only will this get you more clients in your area, but it will also get you more money from advertisements and help you establish a national base so that you can start referral relationships. 

It may seem intimidating to start on YouTube, but you don’t have to fear. Read this article for tips on how to create YouTube videos for real estate without a hassle. All you really have to do is:

  1. Grab a smartphone
  2. Make a quick outline of some important tips on your chosen topic
  3. Film yourself running through those tips
  4. Create a simple but attractive thumbnail
  5. Post your video on YouTube 

With a little help, you’ll have no trouble getting started. And in no time, you’ll have tons of new business coming in from YouTube viewers in need of a real estate agent in their area.

3. Advertisements on Social Media

It’s relatively cheap to create ads on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. You simply need to pick an attractive picture, write some brief copy that will attract attention, then set a budget and a timeline for posting.

Advertisements on Social Media

Ads on social media can easily be targeted to reach very specific audiences—those who live in certain areas and are of a specific age group, for example. That way, you can be sure you’re talking to the people you want to work with.

Ads on social media tend to get a lot of views and traffic. In fact, nearly half of all social media users consider social media to be the most important place they see ads. If you’re advertising on social media, you’re sure to get views and clicks in no time! 

4. Organic Social Media Posting

In addition to putting out ads on social media, you can never go wrong simply posting to attract organic traffic. Billions of users of all ages are on social media platforms for hours every day, which means your audience is huge!

Organic Social Media Posting

Of course, it’s crucial to realize that most people use social media as a means of connection. If you want to get organic social media traffic, you want to create relevant, engaging content that speaks to your clients where they’re at. 

To start off, you can try creating posts that answer frequently asked questions about real estate. Or you can ask questions yourself—get to know your audience and encourage them to provide answers and engagement on your posts.

With the right type of posting, it’s easy to attract a wide audience on social media and bring them along with you on your real estate journey. Then, when they need help with real estate, all they have to do is ask you.

5. Send Mailers

It’s a bit old school, but sending mailers to people still works. You can create a simple mailer with relevant information about yourself or about the market at large. For example, you might send out a local market update. Or, you might send a review of the last quarter and all the houses you sold in the area during that time period. 

Send Mailers
Cartoon pop art red mailbox send letter. Comic hand drawn illustration – mail delivery with envelope. Vector isolated on blue halftone background.

Regardless, be sure to send those mailers to EVERYBODY in your chosen sphere. That way, you can be sure that at least a few people who want real estate help in your area will see an example of your expertise. With that, they’ll be much more likely to reach out to you for help.

6. Go Door Knocking

This is another old-school trick, but it can still be just as effective as any of the other methods we’ve discussed. Simply head out into your farm area and start knocking on doors. Hand people relevant market information or give them some kind of small gift (think magnet or pen—something useful) that will make them think of you.

Go Door Knocking
Cropped view of collector knocking on door with hand

While door knocking can be frightening, it’s really not hard. You simply want to engage in conversation with people. Mention that you helped so and so down the street sell or buy, but don’t pressure anyone into anything. As long as they’re aware of what you do and know your face, you’ve done your job.

7. Reach Out To Past Clients

It’s important that you don’t forget about clients once you’ve helped them sell or buy a home. Keep in touch with them by dropping a brief email or postcard every month or so, just so they don’t forget you exist. You can also give them a call once a quarter and/or on the anniversary of their home sale/purchase to check on how they’re doing.

Reach Out To Past Clients

If you keep in touch with past clients, they’ll be that much more likely to come to you again when they need to get going on another real estate move. Don’t underestimate the simple attraction of loyalty and genuine concern. 

Winning Listings and Clients

It’s crucial that once you have a client and a listing, you don’t forget how hard you worked to find them. Make sure you always treat them with great respect, loyalty, and empathy. After all, without them, you wouldn’t have a paycheck to take home.

Treat your clients well and they’ll treat you well too. In time, if you keep reaching out and making clients happy, you’ll build a huge base of loyal leads so that you’re never out of business! 

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