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Creating Content For Real Estate Agents With Jas Takhar

Who is Jas Takhar?

Our POWER hitter agent for June 1 was Jas Takhar, a superstar agent from Canada. We were excited to host Jas as our presenter because he knows absolutely everyone and knows how to create content and conversations that matter to real estate agents. 

Jas came on to teach us how to dominate social media content creation. A constant challenge for real estate agents is to create meaningful content that actually reaches people. Jas has been in the business for years and has quickly become one of the most influential real estate personalities in North America. 

Jas Takhar is a Canadian real estate agent who created a mega team that closes around 650-700 transactions a year–200 of which are completed by Jas himself. How insane is that?! Most of the transactions Jas closes are driven by the content creation he spends his time on. 

content is king, online marketing, for real estate agents

What IS Good Content?

As a real estate agent for about 13 years, Jas saw all sides of the real estate business. Over time, he grew to develop a deep understanding of what was driving his clients and how he could most effectively reach them. 

Jas realized that the best way to connect with people is to educate them. People want information about HOW to buy and sell. They want to find real answers for themselves before having to sign on with a Realtor. 

The most important part of creating content for real estate agents (or anyone) is creating value that people need to see. While nearly 90% of people will end up using a real estate agent, NONE of those people want to be “sold to.” To use content to its best advantage, you have to create real estate content that helps people without making them feel like they have to pay you for it. 

“Our job should revolve around removing the friction in the process of someone doing business with you.” 

The best way to reach people is to provide them with useful resources to build a relationship of trust. Once trust is in place, people will naturally come to you when they need help. Your main purpose in content creation should always be “to give tools to your community, your network, your database.”

Once you give to the people around you–once they trust you–they’ll give back by sharing your content with others. You’ll be able to easily pick up extra business when people who see your content share it and speak about it to people they know who might need it. It will take time to build a strong base, but within 16-18 months, if you’re consistent, your content will be EVERYWHERE. Of course, it can take less time and accelerate your growth with more and more value you provide.

How Does Jas Create Content That Matters?

While creating content is essential, it can seem a bit daunting at first. Thankfully, Jas has tons of great tips for creating effective content for real estate agents with as little hassle as possible. 

Here’s how Jas does it: 

  1. Create a video around a topic that you want to talk about–either real estate related or simply something you’re passionate about (more on this in a moment).
  2. Cut clips from the video to create new content, shorter and more consumable.
  3. Post the video content on Facebook and Instagram stories and/or on your feeds.
  4. Take the transcript of the video and edit it to make a blog post.
  5. Cut paragraphs of the content in your blog to post on social media as daily posts.
  6. Take important, relevant sentences and phrases and use them as tweets.

It’s pretty simple–one piece of content could easily expand to become dozens of pieces of content, enough to last you for days or weeks at a time. As soon as you get that first video down, you’re well on your way to a successful day of content creation. You can spend the following days editing, formatting and curating content for higher visibility.

network, iot, internet of things-782707.jpg

How To Choose Topics For Your Content

Real estate is obviously something you want to be an expert in, but keep in mind that there are already thousands of real estate agents out there creating content similar to yours. If you want to really stand out from the crowd, make content that is unique and directly tied to your passions. 

This doesn’t mean you should leave real estate out of your content entirely. But you should be sure to bring your personal voice to the content. 

If there’s a niche of real estate you love best, talk about that. Or if you’re really good at understanding all the property codes in your city, discuss that. If you’ve got a passion for economics, bring money into the picture. Take your content and give it a boost by talking about something you love that will make real estate even better and more interesting for your listeners. This will keep your content creation fun as you continue to focus on what you enjoy.

How To Actually Get Started Creating Content

That first step can be super intimidating. Jas reminds us fondly: don’t worry about what people will think of you! There will always be people who love you and people who hate you. Your job is to deal with them all in the same gracious manner.

When you’re filming a video, don’t focus on the audience that might be listening. Focus on sharing the knowledge you have gained that you know will help so many listeners out there. Focus on helping people, not contemplating what people think of you.

Jas also highlights the importance of being totally honest. If you’re new to the industry or there are things you just don’t know, be up front about that. You can’t hide everything, and people will trust you FAR more if you don’t try. 

Focus more than anything on the people. You may not be an expert at real estate to start, but try to connect with people who are. Have interviews with industry leaders to obtain the value they can provide through structured answers. Engage with people in the local community you want to work in.

One of the best ways to get attention from locals who need help is by seeking out the locals. Create videos and blog posts with local business owners and let them share the content, thus attracting people not only to the business but also to you. Provide local value to the people. 

It might be hard to get started, but don’t hesitate. You can create content that matters simply by chatting with people in your community. Don’t forget that you’re creating the content for others and they’ll appreciate every piece you create that adds value to their lives. 

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