computer screen with calendar on it

How To Make And Meet Goals In Real Estate

On May 18, we were delighted to welcome Justin Konikow to be our featured presenter for the week! Justin came to show us how to make and meet our real estate goals.

Justin Konikow started Prime Real Estate Brokerage and Prime Media to first serve his community of London, Ontario, but his reach has crossed all borders!  Justin sells a LOT of real estate and does so with an incredible real estate team that puts their clients first. 

Justin presented at the Agent First Summit to share his genius on productivity. He is one of those individuals that you see EVERYWHERE and does SO MUCH but you have no idea how he is able to do it. 

Well…it’s because of how he structures his days and tasks to achieve his goals. So he took a few moments of his business schedule to present at our summit and here is what he had to say. 

1. Pick a Perfect Week

The first thing you should do when determining your schedule is decide on what a perfect week looks like to you. Take into account your personal and professional real estate goals and map out a daily schedule that will help you accomplish them. Account for every minute you can on a typical day to ensure you do what you need to manage and fulfill those goals.

calendar on desk

2. Take At Least One Day Off–Off Screen, Off Work

In order to truly be successful, you need time to rest. Your body and mind will not be able to run at full throttle 24/7 for very long. To be as effective as possible, you should give your body and your mind at least one full day off. 

During that day, avoid work (unless it’s absolutely necessary) and do your best to stay away from screens. Phones, computers, tablets, and even televisions can distract you and burden your mind with things you think you need to do to be better. Don’t fall into that trap! You’ll work much better if you have at least one day free from work and screen time to focus on becoming a better person.

3. Take Enough Time To Sleep 

Try to avoid work after a certain time at night. Devote at least a couple of hours each evening to relaxing and spending time with your family. You need to develop your personal relationships and establish a few moments of relaxation. Doing this will be essential to getting enough sleep at night to be productive and meet your real estate goals when morning comes. 

Sleeping kitty, rest

4. Develop A Schedule/Calendar For Each Day

Try to make this calendar as detailed as possible. Start with your personal morning routine and build off of that to develop a day focused on your personal and professional priorities. 

You’re only human–you need to take time to nourish  both yourself and your business. Don’t forget to exercise, eat healthy foods, and get some fresh air every day. 

In addition, make priorities for what you need to accomplish in your business each day. Make sure to allot time for each category of work–emails, calls, new leads, follow-ups, etc. Determine what is actually important for you and your business, then SCHEDULE IT! 

5. Use A Tool Like Trello To Track Your Goals

Use Trello or a similar project management tool to create lists, labels, and tasks that must be done. Justin has boards on Trello with urgent tasks, follow-ups that need to be accomplished, and items with specific due dates for the future to keep him from forgetting. 

With Trello’s handy notification system, Justin can make sure he gets reminded of tasks he might otherwise forget. And with everything on Trello, he knows what’s important. 

To maintain the most efficiency, Justin recommends that you only use one or two main tools to keep things organized. Too many tools can easily overwhelm you and lead you to forget things. Keep your eyes on what is essential–if it’s not on your calendar or in your Trello…it doesn’t exist.

Trello boards

6.  Dump Everything In Your Head Using A Mindsweep

At least once every morning, and preferably at night as well, do a mindsweep. Sit down with a paper notebook or electronic tool and write/type down everything that’s in your mind. Get everything out at once, then sort it into the categories you’ve established on your tool.

This is the best way to keep from forgetting things and to truly make and meet those real estate goals!

7. Try To Accomplish A Few Things From Each Priority A Day

If you’re like most people, you have more than one focus for each day. You probably have personal development, business development, social media content to create, a personal and/or business website, etc. Divide the goals you want to work on each day into categories and do your best to accomplish at least a few things in each category every day. 

8. Do A Weekly Mindsweep

Every Saturday, Justin does a weekly mindsweep. He recommends you sit down with all your calendars and tools and spend 30-60 minutes focused on organizing and planning for the next week. That way, when Monday rolls around, you’ve got a plan in mind for the day and the week following. 


9. Make And Look At A “Someday” List

A “Someday” list is a little list of professional and personal goals you want to get to someday. It could include anything, from adding a new aspect to your business to starting a new class. 

At the end of each month, sit down with your Someday list and evaluate. You may have already started on or accomplished some items. And you may be ready to start on some others that you weren’t prepared for before. 

Having a someday list is the best way to keep dreaming and working towards your dreams. By looking at the list at least monthly, you’ll be able to keep your mind on what you want to become and how you want your life and business to look “eventually.” If you keep up on it, you’ll be there before you know it!

10. Figure Out Who You Are

“What are you?” 

“What are you trying to become?” 

“Do your actions map to your ambitions?”

These are the questions you should ask yourself every day. We all have negative voices shouting at us that there are certain things we can’t do or that we aren’t the kind of people who can accomplish XYZ. But if we listen to those voices, we’ll never get ahead. 

Instead, ask yourself these questions daily. Decide what your passions are and how they make you a unique asset to the real estate community. Determine who you want to become based on your passions and dreams for the future. Then evaluate your daily actions–will they truly help you meet your real estate goals?

These steps are really just a starting point, a jumping board for helping you become a better person. Decide who you want to become and focus your attention on becoming that person every single day. When you do, your life will begin to fall into place. 

We want to thank Justin so much for joining us and giving us these steps to live by! If you’re discouraged and constantly stressed out by your work, take a minute to make a list and decide who you want to be and how to get there. You won’t regret it!

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