building a successful real estate team

Building a Successful Real Estate Team with Craig LePage

This week, our Summit guest was Craig LePage, a 16-year real estate veteran who is passionate about digital marketing and growing his business. He and his business partner have built a strong team of 25 agents and many admin staff over the last 11 years.

Craig LePage

Our Agent First Summits happen every Tuesday morning! It’s a perk for all our real estate team members and any of their guests who want to grow their real estate business. To get an invitation, RSVP here: Save Your Seat!

Today, Craig is going to share with us how to build and leverage a successful real estate team!

How To Get Started with Teams

To get started with teams, hire an assistant! First things first, record your week in 30 minute increments for a week. Then, look over the tasks you do. Highlight those you love and are good at in green. Highlight those you don’t love in yellow. Highlight those you HATE in red—hire an assistant to take over those red tasks (and eventually the yellow ones) for you.

As you move forward, you can scale up your business by hiring more assistants to take on more yellow tasks and even some green ones as you consistently earn more clients. Once you have enough admin staff, get as busy as possible and add on more high-level agents to keep that business expanding and growing!

Attracting Team Members

Of course, to build your team, you need to find agents who want to join you. You can only attract team members by offering a good value proposition, but what you offer will depend a lot on what you have available—there’s no one answer for any agent. 

Just do your best to offer what agents want and need in your market and make sure they know how what you offer can and will help them. Focus more on the opportunities you and your team will provide for each other. Don’t focus too much on the split—just make sure the end result is favorable to both of you. 

Once you’ve found some people, it’s time to interview and decide if you are a good fit for each other. When interviewing new team members, the first and most important thing is to listen. Find out about pain points in their business and how your model may be able to help. 

Next, listen to their personal pain points—do they need more money from a better split? Are they looking for better investment opportunities? Or do they just want more time to spend with their family? Find out what THEY want and how you can offer it in a way no one else can.

How You Can Use Your Team

There are a couple of ways you can use your team to really leverage their work for your business. 

  1. Use your team to create content! People are always looking for information about the local area and lifestyle topics, so don’t hesitate to use your team to create that type of content and attract people.
  2. Use your team to touch people. You have to consistently and constantly be touching your sphere—invite them to events, meet with them at events, send them texts or handwritten notes, etc. Just keep in touch with them so that they don’t forget about you.
  3. Once you develop strong relationships with builders and other clients, you can utilize your team members by assigning one or two to work exclusively with each category of client (especially if they’re builders who have a lot of inventory!).

There are, of course, lots of options for how you want to work with your team. Just make sure that you and each team member have the resources and support necessary to succeed in real estate and your business will go far! 

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