Buyers Mastermind

Buyer Acquisition for Real Estate Agents

In today’s Buyer Mastermind, we’re diving into how to acquire new buyers. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the market right now and we as real estate agents need to know how to share information with our buyers to help them navigate it.

Our Buyer Masterminds happen every Tuesday at 10am CST and are designed to give buyers great tips for working with buyers and the chance to engage in meaningful conversations about the challenges of working with buyers. Save your seat here

In today’s session, Jaime and Ian share some of their most valuable buyer acquisition tips.

How To Acquire Buyers

One of the best ways to acquire buyers is to specialize in some sort of niche that allows you to work with a LOT of volume. It will take time, but you need to niche down into a certain spectrum of real estate, whether that be divorce clients, foreclosures, working with hedge funds, etc. 

In addition, consider the market you’re in. Provide value to potential buyers by showcasing what’s in the market right now and sharing that information without a hard sell. You’ll be surprised by how many people reach out and engage simply because they see regularly valuable content. 

You want your content to be shareable. Don’t focus on posting about yourself, focus on sharing content that people need to see and hear. Customers want content that they can engage with and learn from. 

This is today’s mastermind tip: acquire buyers by creating valuable content that touches your niche audience. Share valuable information that your audience cares about and wait for them to come to you for more valuable information. 

Want to learn more about how to work with buyers to give them the best possible experiences? Sign up here to be notified whenever we host another buyer’s mastermind!

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