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Easy Ways to Get Meta Leads for Real Estate Agents

Meta is here to stay—it’s the biggest social platform in the world today with billions of users around the world. If you want to earn more leads in real estate, you’ll definitely need to start advertising to get Meta leads.

While Meta does offer plenty of paid strategies to help agents get started, there are also plenty of free opportunities you can use to start advertising right now.

1. Meta (Facebook) Ads

You can run Meta Ads within specified categories and under set budgets that are directed towards a local audience. It’s crucial that when you’re creating Meta Ads, though, you create targeted and specific ads designed to get results.

Facebook Ads

To actually get those Meta leads, you’ll need to provide value to viewers. Otherwise, all the money you spend on creating and launching Ads will be wasted because no real customers will respond to your ads.

Create valuable content that addresses clients’ pain points and answers their questions and share it on Ads on a regular basis!

2. Meta Groups

Meta Groups provide a fantastic opportunity to reach out to an already established audience created around a specific targeted niche. For example, you’ll find groups dedicated to topics like:

  • Real estate agents
  • Knitting
  • Reading and writing
  • Real estate referrals
  • Real estate (in general)
  • Buy, Sell, Trade opportunities
Facebook Groups

Whatever group you want to target likely has a presence on Meta where you can engage and provide valuable information that attracts those already there. You could get hundreds of comments on every single post! 

Providing value in groups will look different depending on your audience, but here are a few ideas:

  • Offer a template of how you contest property taxes for homeowners.
  • Offer a buyer checklist to help buyers avoid overpaying.
  • Etc.

You can also pay for the opportunity to post in groups and be a bit more “salesy.” However, this option isn’t always as effective, especially if you’re in a large group with a lot of posts of that sort.

3. Meta (Facebook) Profile

Use your profile to create conversations and give people the opportunity to engage. You should post engaging questions directly related to your business, such as:

  • Who wants to buy a house? 
  • Does it cost more to rent or buy? 
  • Who’s your favorite home insurance provider?
Facebook Profile

You can also work with a few other strategies beyond posts. For example, you should use stories to stay top of mind. Stories are the first thing people see when they first go online, so use them to your advantage by posting interesting tidbits from your day that will engage viewers. 

You can also focus in on your real estate expertise by taking a picture of a house for sale and posing a question (e.g. Is this $300k or $425k?). All of these strategies used collectively will help you build a strong following of people who know what you’re focused on and want to stay connected with you in the long run.

4. Meta Reels

Meta Reels are the new, up-and-coming thing. They are being heavily promoted by Meta right now on both Facebook and Instagram, so you should absolutely use them to your full advantage. 

Reels will bring you business if you use them the right way. For example, you can use them to share three steps to take for selling a house or three steps to raising your credit or other valuable information in a quick 30-second video. 

Facebook Reels

That short, simple reel should be enough to engage an interested audience and invite them to ask you for further details that will help them follow your steps to success. That initial contact is crucial for turning passive viewers into an active and engaged audience of leads and clients you can use to grow your business.

5. Complete Your Meta Profile

Don’t be a secret agent! You want people to look at your profile and immediately know that you’re a real estate agent. Show it on your header, on your profile picture, on your work history, etc. Create posts around your business so that everyone knows who you are and what you do.

Facebook Profile final

Keep your profile updated and you’ll be surprised by how many people actually reach out to you. In fact, every time you update your workplace, Facebook will promote that change to your viewers. Take advantage of that by updating your workplace as often as you can. 

No matter what, remember that your audience is looking for value. Provide them with important information that can help them solve their real estate dilemmas. No matter what Meta strategy you use to grow your business, you’ll find success in earning Meta leads only if you consistently provide valuable and actionable content to your audience. 

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