When agents join eXp Realty, one of the things they are most excited about is the revenue share program. At its heart, this program allows agents to sponsor fellow agents and earn revenue from the commissions earned by the agents they sponsor.
Before I break down the model in its purest form, understand that the “Revenue Share Program” operates from the commission split that goes to eXp, NOT from an agent’s commission. In other words, the split at eXp is 80/20–80% goes to the agent and 20% goes to the brokerage. Revenue share is taken from the brokerage’s split of 20%, not the agent’s split of 80%.
In this article, I’ll break down exactly how revenue shares work at eXp Realty and what you need to know as an agent.
The Revenue Share Basics
There are seven tiers to eXp Realty’s revenue share program. It can sound complicated at first, but it’s not too hard to figure out. Here’s an outline:
- Say Jaime sponsored
- Betty (Betty is on Jaime’s 1st tier), who sponsored
- Lauren (Lauren is on Jaime’s 2nd tier), who sponsored
- Dee (Dee is on Jaime’s 3rd tier), who sponsored
- Tony (Tony is on Jaime’s 4th tier), who sponsored
- Tyler (Tyler is on Jaime’s 5th tier, who sponsored
- Franco (Franco is on Jaime’s 6th tier)
These are the seven levels, starting with Jaime on level one. Each sponsor receives a portion of the commission from the production of the agent they initially sponsored as well as the agents that those agents sponsored. The amount of revenue share varies depending on the tier each agent falls under. See the eXp revenue share chart breakdown below.

FLQA Explained
Now one of the questions you will have is “What is the difference between the eXpansion Share % of AGCI and eXponential Share % of AGCI?” Ultimately, you’re going to add these two percentages together to get the total percentage you’ll earn. But that’s not a reality for every agent out there and here is why.
To explain it appropriately, we need to introduce the column on the far right (Front Line Qualifying Agent Count Needed). This column breaks down the number of FLQAs (Front Line Qualifying Agents) needed. An agent becomes an FLQA when they complete 2 full transactions or earn $5,000 in Gross Commission Income in a six-month period.
Every single agent sponsor starts out receiving revenue share from the “eXpansion Share %” (column on the left with the smaller percentages). That means that you are guaranteed the eXpansion Share percentage on each agent on every tier for up to 7 tiers. However, the eXponential Share % is something that is earned and unlocked as you sponsor the number of FLQAs specified to unlock each tier on the right-hand column.
An Example Downline
On this chart, you can see how the share program breaks down for an individual. Jaime sponsors 6 agents on his Tier 1 (AKA: Personals, Level 1). Since they are all on his Tier 1, he will earn 3.5% on each of them.

Let’s look at what happens if Betty sells a $500,000 home for 3% commission. Jaime will earn $420 on that transaction.*

Now, let’s add more levels to the mix for full comprehension. Let’s say Betty & Tyler each sponsor an agent (which means those agents are Tier 2 for Jaime). Let’s also assume that all of Jaime’s agents met the criteria to be FLQAs. This now means that Jaime will receive 3.5% on all of his Tier 1 AND he will receive 4% on all of the production for his Tier 2 (Betty’s friend and Tyler’s friend).

So if Betty’s friend makes a $500,000 sale, you can see that Betty will get her 3.5% revenue share and Jaime will get his 4%.*

Is it making sense now? I hope so! No one explained this to me, so I had to learn this the hard way. I hope you can avoid the same confusion after reading this article.
So, let’s do one last example doing everything almost the same. This time, let’s assume that Jaime only has 2 FLQAs. He has 6 agents total on his Tier 1, but not all of them qualify for the FLQA status.
Now see what happens when Betty’s friend makes her sale. The same $500,000 sale is now worth $30 to Jaime…he misses out on the other $570 because he is getting the eXpansion Share percent instead of the eXponential Share percent.* That’s a big difference, right?

The Revenue Share Model
It can look confusing at first glance, but the revenue share model is actually a great way to make money! eXp Realty is focused on helping agents succeed by providing them with multiple revenue stream options. This model is one of the best available in the real estate world because it encourages all agents to be productive so they can earn more and increase the price of the stock (which all agents have access to as eXp is agent owned).
Also, keep in mind that eXp Realty is the only brokerage out there that has this type of structure where you as an agent can earn high commission splits, recieve stock, and partake in revenue share. If you’re curious about eXp and how you can become part of it, reach out to me! I’ll explain more clearly how you can join our revenue share group to maximize your earnings and partake in an amazing, supportive community at eXp.
*These figures are not a guarantee, representation or projection of earnings or profits you can or should expect. They also do not include expenses incurred by Agents in operating their businesses. eXp Realty makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with eXp Realty results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your success will depend upon how well you exercise these qualities.
Hey I’m looking to learn about what revenue share programs exist out there in the market besides for eXp realty. I want to become a real estate agent and comparing what is the best revenue share program out there to join.
Feel free to reach out. Thank you for reading.
I LOVE this breakdown! Definitely helped me fill in some of the gaps. I don’t know if you saw this, but there’s a rev share calculator that does these calculations: https://www.exprealtycalculator.com/
Thanks again for the awesome article.