
eXp Sponsorship: The Process and Structure Explained

What is eXp sponsorship? If you know anything about eXp Realty, you probably know that it’s a brokerage with a strong sponsorship model. New and experienced agents are encouraged to join with a sponsor who can help them get used to eXp and start building their real estate business fast.

How exactly does eXp sponsorship work? It’s a fairly simple relationship, but it’s important to understand. Here is everything you need to know about eXp Realty sponsorship. 

eXp Sponsorship Defined

On the application to join eXp Realty, you’ll find the option to choose a sponsor. A sponsor at eXp is the person who is most responsible for bringing you into the company. 

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eXp Realty is all about supplying agents with the opportunities to get ahead. As a part of that process, eXp offers agents within the company the chance to sponsor new agents who are joining and earn a small percentage of the revenue those new agents bring in.

However, sponsors aren’t the only beneficiaries of the sponsorship model. New agents joining with a sponsor get benefits too.

The Benefits of Sponsorship

As a new agent joining eXp Realty, you’ll have a lot of questions you need to be answered. You’ll need to know how the brokerage model works, how to get engaged with the online eXp platform, and how to complete a real estate transaction within this radically new model of real estate.

eXp Sponsors can help you answer all these questions. The main benefits of joining eXp with a sponsor include:

  • Having a voice on the inside from one who has done this before to explain the ins and outs of eXp.
  • Get up and running on your real estate business much faster with someone in your corner to help.

The Process of Sponsorship

Here’s how the sponsorship process at eXp works:

  1. An eXp agent brings eXp Realty to your attention. Or you find out about eXp Realty and reach out to an eXp Realty agent for their feedback in your due diligence. 
  2. You like what you hear and decide to join eXp Realty.
  3. You start the application process with eXp and choose the aforementioned agent as your sponsor.
  4. During the application process, your sponsor should provide you with guidance on how to get set up effectively at eXp.
  5. After you’ve been accepted, your sponsor should engage with you about how your business is going and help you with any kinks you run into along the way. 
  6. Your sponsor starts earning a small share of your revenue (taken from the 20% in your commission split that goes to eXp) as you close transactions.
  7. You get established in the business and bring in a new agent that you get to sponsor.
  8. Now that YOU are a sponsor, you earn a percentage of revenue from the new agent that you sponsored. Your sponsor will also earn a percentage, though it will be smaller than yours.
  9. This cycle continues for each agent and sponsor until 7 levels of revenue share are reached.

The revenue share process is a huge piece of the sponsorship process at eXp. You can’t really have one without the other. However, not all sponsors are equal. Some will provide you with great benefits as thanks for joining their team. Some will basically ignore you.

Choosing the Best eXp Sponsor

It’s essential that you choose a good sponsor when joining eXp. Get in touch with anyone you are considering as a sponsor and ask them what they will provide in terms of support and services. The best eXp sponsor should offer you:

  • Advice, tips, and tricks for navigating eXp’s platforms and using the best resources and technology in the real estate industry. 
  • Support for you and your business as a whole, no matter how experienced you are and what mistakes you might make.
  • A community of other agents who can work together with you to build strong real estate businesses.
  • Guidance and real-time support for implementing marketing and real estate strategies.
  • Resources for learning and growing in your field. 
office desk with people working on computers and in notebooks

When looking for an eXp sponsor, make sure you ask them what they will offer you and your business. If they have nothing to offer, they’re not the best sponsor for you. Here are the 7 questions to ask any potential sponsor.

Great Sponsors at eXp

With over 60,000 agents at eXp, and more added monthly, there are tons of sponsors to choose from. However, there are a few groups that really stand out at eXp Realty.

One of the most popular and fastest-growing teams at eXp Realty is the Agent First Group (AFG). AFG is home to 150+ agents and is growing fast because it offers top resources and support for every agent. 

Those who join AFG will benefit from:

  • Extensive FREE resources for building websites, generating and following up with leads, and creating social media posts.
  • A strong community with daily meetings to help agents to grow in their personal and professional lives and build their businesses in real-time.
  • Access to top real estate experts who provide in-person tips and tricks they would normally only present at expensive real estate conferences.
  • Tons of FREE courses for creating marketing strategies and understand the ins and outs of eXp Realty.

As AFG’s founder, I strive to be an example of a sponsor who truly cares about his agents and wants to build a team that does well. You don’t join AFG to be thrown out and work for yourself, you join it to be part of a community that grows together and succeeds together. That’s what I attempt to provide for my group.

If you’re looking into joining eXp and need a sponsor, get in touch to learn more about eXp Realty, Agent First Group, and how to get started making your real estate business the best it can be. 

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