For sale sign and social media icons in front of a house

Get Free Real Estate Leads the Easy Way!

Do you need free real estate leads? Well, here’s the exact method you can use to get free real estate leads within minutes. It’s so simple! All you need to do is leverage social media (no matter how big or small your following is) by making a discrete offer (this will cost you nothing!) that will encourage people who want to talk about real estate to respond.

This super simple strategy takes about 10 minutes to deploy but could get you results in minutes—in fact, one of our agents made a very similar post and secured 2 clients in minutes! If you’re ready to start collecting those free real estate leads, let’s get started.

How To Get Free Real Estate Leads In Minutes

All you need for this strategy to work is a social media page. We’ll use Facebook for this example because it’s got the most adoption and works really well for finding real estate investors. But you can definitely use Instagram, LinkedIn, or whatever channel you’re most active on!

Okay, if you’ve got the page you’re going to use in mind, it’s time to go. Let’s dig in.

Large real estate apartment property with many blue-hinged windows and a few balconies

1. Find a Property

First, you’ll go to your MLS and find a multi-family property. For this strategy, we’re going to focus on multi-family properties because they’re easier for people to invest in and usually better at catching the eye.

The key here is to find a property that YOU would be willing and eager to invest in if you had the capital, time, and expertise. If you find a property that attracts you and makes you want to renovate or house-hack it yourself, you have a winner!

Once you have a property, find an eye-catching photo from the listing that you would be happy to share. Also grab the URL to the single property page (use the MLS, your CRM, or wherever else you can list a single-property page).

2. Share the Property

Second, you’re going to take this property you found and head over to Facebook. Go to your personal page and start a new post (see—I told you this was simple!). All you need to say is:

“I think I just found a property that will make a good investment. Where are my real estate investors at?”

Then, upload the eye-catching property photo you found on the MLS and hit publish!

3. Engage with the Investors

With that simple step, you’re going to attract tons of likes, comments, and DMs. There are many people out there interested in investing in real estate, and you may be surprised how many of them are your old high school friends, college buddies, or coworkers!

Every time someone comments, make sure you like their comment and respond. You also want to pay very close attention to your DMs, because that’s where the most serious investors are likely to message you.

When you get a new DM, immediately respond with two simple messages:

“Hey, thanks for commenting on my investment property post, check it out {LINK}.”

“Are you already investing in real estate or are you looking to start?”

It’s that simple! Now, all you have to do is follow through on the conversations you’re about to start with potential investors. Share the information you have, provide them with the valuable resources they need, and help them get started with investing in this property!

Of course, not everyone can invest in the same property, so be sure to have a few others in mind that you can share with others. Ultimately, it’s important that you share as much value as you can with the people engaging with you, because that is what will get you clients.

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