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Get Started with YouTube Fast as a Real Estate Agent

While it may sound like a daunting task, getting started with YouTube as a real estate agent is actually quite simple and necessary for your longevity in real estate. To help you implement YouTube in your business, here are the steps you’ll need to take to get started:

  • Use your phone to record a video.
  • Create your channel.
  • Optimize your channel banner.
  • Optimize your about section.
  • Create compelling videos.
  • Include a Call to Action.

It really is this simple to get started with YouTube as a real estate agent! But to make it even simpler, let’s go deeper into each point.

Create Your Channel and First Video

To get started with YouTube as a real estate agent, all you really need is a cell phone. Most phones have all the video and audio quality you need. According to YouTube, you can record your video on your phone and then upload it into the app with just a few simple steps. 

So, if you have a phone available, you can get started by creating your channel and uploading your video to it. Simply go to YouTube, sign in with your Google account, and click on your profile picture to find the Create a channel button. 

Create Your Channel and First Video

If you want to be able to change who manages your account (e.g. if you want to add an assistant in the future) or create multiple channels, choose a brand account. A brand account allows you the most flexibility, especially if you add users to manage your YouTube channel. 

Now, name your channel. There are three types of names you should consider as a real estate agent to attract more views. Choose from:

  1. YOUR NAME + REALTOR® (Jaime Resendiz REALTOR®)
  2. CITY + PROFESSION (Dallas Real Estate Agent)
  3. CITY + CONTENT (Dallas Real Estate)

There isn’t a right or wrong answer with your channel name. The key is to get started and not worry about getting it “right” the first time. If you need to, you can change your YouTube channel name at any point. 

Once you’ve decided, you can verify your account information and confirm the creation of your account. Then, record your first video on your phone and upload it to your channel.

Optimize Your Channel Banner

You’ve probably noticed that all YouTube channels have a banner above the library of videos. This banner will set the tone for your viewers as this is where you share what they can expect from your channel. 

To edit your banner, log in to YouTube Studio and go to Customization > Branding. Once there, simply upload the banner you’ve created with Canva or another resource. Your banner should include a few key items:

Optimize Your Channel Banner
  • A professional photo of yourself
  • Your contact information
  • Where you practice real estate
  • Your brokerage name
  • What to expect on your channel
  • Links to your website and/or social platforms
    • Note: Your state may have compliance requirements, so be sure you understand your state’s rules & regulations before you create an independent channel.

Including this relevant information ensures that your audience immediately knows who you are, what you do, where you do it, and how your YouTube channel can help them.

Optimize Your About Section

Your Youtube “About” section is incredibly important because this is the most common place future clients go to if they want to get a hold of you. So, your “About” section must contain clear, relevant content that shares who you are and the best way to get a hold of you. Think of this section as a miniature resume of sorts. 

Here’s what you should include:

  • A short biography
  • Contact information
  • Reasons to reach out
Optimize Your About Section

Create Compelling Videos

There are billions of users on YouTube day in and day out. The user traffic is there, but how you ensure that you actually get business from the channel is by making content that is useful to buyers and sellers. 

When creating videos, design content that is relevant and useful. Start out by making a list of the most common questions you get from your clients. If you’re drawing a blank, use Google’s Keyword Planner or Answer the Public to find out what questions people are searching for. 

Create Compelling Videos

You can also draw inspiration for video topics by asking yourself “what do homebuyers and home sellers need to know?”

Here are some great video ideas to get you started:

  • “How to Buy a Home in [State]”
  • “How to Prepare for a Home Sale”
  • “How to Qualify for a Home Loan”
  • “Moving to [City]”

As you can see, the titles above relay useful information that will help buyers and sellers understand the real estate process. In many cases, you actually speak directly to clients in your area by adding the location where you practice real estate in the title. That’s how you make YouTube local.

Include a Call to Action in Every Video

If you followed all the steps we just talked about, would you get leads? YES! You absolutely would. However, there’s another secret to getting even more leads with more consistency. That is by making an offer (aka: call to action, freebie, lead magnet) that your viewers will find useful and will willingly give you their contact information for.  You can offer them a PDF of useful information such as a list of homes under [$$$$], renovation tips, or hacks to improve their credit.

Include a link to this resource in your video description that takes them to a landing page where they must enter their contact information to receive the resource. This way you are generating real estate leads as you sleep!

Include a Call to Action in Every Video

Make sure to make this call to action at some point in your video, though. Most viewers won’t necessarily be looking for this information without prompting. 

Tips for Creating the Best Videos

You won’t be an expert on YouTube the second you start using it. Thankfully, no one really expects you to be. You have plenty of time to learn and grow, but you’ll never get better unless you start somewhere. 

Don’t worry about what you look like when starting on YouTube. There are some things you should watch for, of course, such as using the correct lighting, keeping your background uncluttered, and filming in quiet areas without a lot of background noise. 

But, in the end, worrying too much about how you look will make you sound nervous and unprofessional and leave you with a poor-quality video. Don’t get stuck in the details; focus on providing useful and relevant information. 

As you exercise your video making muscles, build your online presence, and establish a larger budget, you can hire someone to help you with editing and with designing your thumbnails (the image on the video when it shows up in Google/YouTube search results). This will create a higher-quality look and help you expand your channel even more.

Remember, the most important thing you can do is get started with YouTube as a real estate agent as soon as possible. Don’t stress about being perfect, just focus on giving viewers valuable information. Expertise will follow, but only if you start practicing now. So, get out there and start recording!

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