phone on a map

How To Be Effective When Prospecting On The Phone

Agent First Summit – Aaron Wittenstein

Our presenter for Agent First Summit was none other than Aaron Wittenstein, an extraordinary real estate superstar from New York. Aaron is all about phone prospecting and being effective on the phone–he spends 3 hours every day cold calling. 

Aaron works on lead generation every single day. Currently, he has logged over 4,500 hours of phone prospecting and has 21,000+ contacts under his belt. Now what does this mean? 3 hours of phone prospecting a day, turns into speaking with three seller leads, and appointments. You can see why he’s consistently one of the top listing agents across the state.

telephone with address book

Why Cold Calling?

Cold calling is a great way to make your business more predictable. While it may seem like a pain, it’s a way you can efficiently and consistently find and connect with the leads you need to get your business going.

When considering whether you should start cold calling, simply consider what you need from your business. Your business is going to supply you with certain things you can’t get anywhere else–food, shelter, expendable income, etc. If you don’t have the business you need, you don’t have the money you need. 

Evaluate where you are right now: are you well-fed? Comfortable? Safe? Do you have what you as an individual (or a head of a home) need to survive and live well? If not, you probably need more business–which means you need to do more prospecting. It truly is that simple–no need to overcomplicate it.

No matter what you’re looking for, now or in the future, you MUST prioritize prospecting. Prospecting is the task that will get you what you need to live and thrive.

How To Call Effectively

First of all, you have to make the time for it. If you control your calendar, you’ll control the rest of your day–and your life. You absolutely must create a schedule that will keep you on track with what you need to do all day, every day. This will keep you prioritized throughout your life.

calendar and pens on a desk

One great way to get started is to prospect from 8-11 A.M. every day. This will keep you focused early in the morning, before anything else has been let in to distract you. Take that three hours to reach out to potential clients and keep appointments with people you’ve already talked to.

Remember: “There is not a good time to talk to someone who doesn’t want to talk to you.” No matter when you call, if they don’t want to talk, they won’t. Catch your prospects first thing, before they’ve been overwhelmed, and maybe they’ll be willing to chat for a bit.

Also remember that you’re doing this for your clients. You’re doing this because you have a responsibility to save them from other agents out there who aren’t good at their work and who will harm your clients with bad deals. Your work is to help your clients get the best possible outcome.

Common Objections To Cold Calling

As with any method of prospecting, you’re sure to have questions and doubts. But there are ways to overcome these doubts and still do a great job for your clients.

  • If you have an accent, think of it as something memorable. You don’t need to worry that people won’t understand you. Speak clearly and let them enjoy your unique voice. They’ll be much more likely to remember you than anyone else.
  • Don’t fear rejection. You can’t win everyone, but if you don’t try, you won’t win anyone. Do everything you can to help your clients and remember that their rejection isn’t a rejection of you as a person. They likely just don’t need help with real estate right now.
  • No matter how you get clients, give it time and effort–consistently. You can’t give up after a few tries because it will take longer than that to see results. Keep doing your best every day, and you will see results.
  • Remember, it’s not hard to call clients–it’s hard to LAST. You have to have perseverance to make it in the field of real estate. No matter how you get your prospects, you simply have to keep fighting as long as possible. Press on and eventually, you will make it to where you want to be as a real estate agent. 

Cold calling may not be the first thing you want to do when you think of prospecting, but it’s a great way to start. With a little passion, kindness, and perseverance, you can and will win over the clients you need to get your business going. 

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