woman on laptop screen making projections with chart

How To Build Relationships With Video – Conor Murnane

Conor Murnane was our power hitter at Agent Furst Summit this week! Conor is a mastermind from San Diego. He started in real estate 12 years ago and has become a student of how to combine real estate and technology into a powerful business strategy. He came Tuesday to share with us how to create content and build relationships with video.

How Conor Built Relationships Through Video Content

In 2009, Conor landed a job with what was then an early startup, Trulia. Conor then went on to work with the Zillow Group where he remains today, working with the largest real estate brokers and teams in the country.

Most recently, Conor has interviewed 100 highly successful real estate professionals to provide unparalleled access to struggling real estate agents. He has successfully built his personal brand and leveraged it to help those in need! By building relationships and high-quality content through video, he has become an expert in the real estate field…even without a license.

Tip #1 Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Thinking

One of the first things Conor learned is to have a mindset of abundance. Many agents fear Zillow and other platforms or agents, worried that there won’t be enough business for them. 

But you don’t have to fear that there will never be enough! Live with the mindset that there is enough and you will find the business you need (and in abundance). You can use Zillow if you’d like, since it’s there, but creating your personal brand is truly where you’ll experience growth. Take advantage of all the opportunities the internet provides! 

abundant coins

Tip #2 Infinite Games vs. Finite Games

Don’t treat real estate as a game you have to win. Don’t just set arbitrary goals for how many houses you have to sell to be happy. And don’t limit yourself to meeting specific goals that will drain you of energy. 

Instead, live like there’s no end to this game. There’s no winner or loser. Working in real estate means enjoying the process and pursuing what you love. Do you work because you enjoy it, and the more you enjoy it, the better it will go for you.

Tip #3 People Live On Social Media

You know Facebook…Instagram…YouTube…Email…TikTok…LinkedIn. People live on these platforms–there’s no getting around it. You’ll rarely meet a person who isn’t on their phone and a social platform pretty much all the time. You have to be on these platforms too.

However, to truly succeed, you can’t just go around “trying” social media. Don’t pick one or two to test and post sporadically. Instead, consider where your audience is and try to “exist” on every platform that they use. More content rarely hurts–try to build a strong online presence on the platforms that mean the most to you.

social media tree

Tip #4 Stand For Something – A Clear Message

You have to realize that you’re not JUST in this to sell homes. You have a mission, a passion that you want to see happen. That could be building the industry, putting a neighborhood on the map, helping real estate agents, or something completely different. But whatever it is, stand for something you can passionately fight for. 

Pick something you’re passionate about and use it as a catalyst to create “pillars” for your content. Find some topics that will help promote your passion and create content based on those topics. If you want to promote a certain neighborhood, for example, try finding things people in that neighborhood love to do around the city and create content around those things. 

Make sure that you have something you work for so that people see you as a person who has dreams and passions just like they have. 

Tip #5 Make Videos – Document Along The Way

Creating videos is THE way to get people’s attention. In today’s market, there is no platform as widely used as video for creating marketing materials. You never know who may be watching and listening, waiting for the opportune moment to reach out. People want to SEE those they’re working with, and video is the best way to do it in today’s technological age.

Using your voice, your vibe, and your face is the best way to build strong relationships with video. If you truly want to find customers online, you’ll find them using video marketing.

creating a video take


In the nine years that Conor has been working in this business, he has never once sold a home–he doesn’t even have his license! But he attracts people to real estate anyway, because he follows his own rules:

  1. Conor works as if there’s abundant space for his content.
  2. He enjoys what he does, playing an INFINITE game.
  3. He lives on social media platforms, just like everyone else.
  4. Currently, he stands for spreading the messages of real estate pros.
  5. He makes videos CONSTANTLY.

If you want to win at creating content and building relationships with video, just keep those five tips in mind. You’ll soon find the success and joy you’re looking for! 

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