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How to Communicate Effectively with Bryan Casella

At our Agent First Summit this week, we welcomed Bryan Casella, an expert in how to communicate effectively. He is one of the first agents to see true success on YouTube by having reached 100,000 subscribers before any other real estate agent. Bryan also has one of the largest real estate agent communities in the United States that he coaches monthly.

Our Agent First Summits happen every Tuesday morning! It’s a perk for all our real estate team members and any of their guests who want to level up their real estate business. To get an invitation, RSVP here: Save Your Seat!

This week, Bryan shared with us some great tips on how to communicate effectively with all people, but especially potential clients in our real estate business. 

How To Communicate Well

Despite what people say, you don’t have to be an expert or a naturally gifted speaker to communicate well. You just have to be willing to work at communication until you have made it your own. Communication is what makes you undeniable. It’s what sets you apart from the crowd of agents who don’t know how to communicate.  

Communication is the key to any good real estate experience. It can help even the playing field between new agents and those who are more experienced by giving the new agents the chance to sell just as well as experienced agents simply by learning how to communicate more effectively. 

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Bryan reminds us that “It’s not who delivers the best information that wins. It’s who delivers the information the best that wins.” You don’t have to say anything new that other agents wouldn’t say, but you do have to say it differently. 

Find your angle to create an advantage in your communication strategy without lying or cheating. For example, when Bryan started, he realized that big sellers in the area who were taking 100 homes a year were only selling 70. He, however, was selling every listing he took. He used that logic to point out to sellers that he actually sold 100% of the listings he took, while the larger, more established agent only sold  70% of his listings. 

Find your angle, your expertise, and pursue it with clients. Get them to see things a little differently by using your skills to communicate effectively and they’ll be much more interested in working with you. 

How To Connect With People

To truly communicate well, you must be sure that your listeners are engaging with you and understanding. You have no communication without comprehension. Make an emotional and logical case for each person until they get it. You want them to take your communication and create it in their mind in a way they personally can understand. If they can’t translate what is being said in a way that they understand, your communication strategy isn’t working.

The best way to get better at this kind of communication is to

  • Go into it confidently and often. 
  • Put yourself in the observer’s shoes to consider what you would want to see and hear in an interaction. 
  • Smile more often than not. 
  • Check your posture to make sure it’s confident and relaxed. 
  • Be comfortable and look comfortable. 
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As you connect with people, show them that you know what you’re talking about. If they seem confused, reiterate what you’ve said with more clarification. Make sure that you ask them enough questions that you can tell they understand what you’re saying. 

How To Practice Communication

You’ll never be a great communicator if you don’t practice. Start small, in everyday interactions, until you figure out how to communicate most effectively. Be more social with people you come across in the store, at appointments, on the street, etc. Make yourself step out of your comfort zone until you become comfortable with the types of interactions you’ll meet in any given situation. 

There are plenty of exercises you can try to get more used to communication. 

  • Every morning and every night, look at yourself in the mirror, straight in the eyes, for two minutes straight. Let go of shame and make sure you are confident in yourself so others see that confidence when they’re looking for your help in real estate.
  • Go into public and strike up conversations with people.
  • Stand out in the open with your arms hanging down in a relaxed position. Most of us don’t do this–we fold our arms or use our pockets. But we look much more confident with our arms down. 
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These are just a few of the ways you can practice being mindful of your body language and the ways you interact with people. Make sure that you’re communicating often so that you are ready to communicate effectively no matter who comes your way. 

How Understand People

As you’re going about your business, remember that questions are the gateway to a person’s mind. It’s only by asking questions and seeing genuine responses that you can tell what a person is truly like. Don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. 

As you’re asking, though, make sure you watch people. If you see a flinch with a word you say, take note–ask about it if you want or simply avoid the word altogether. Keep a careful eye on people’s body language, because that’s where you’ll really get the whole story. In fact, about 93% of all communication is found in body language and tone of voice. If their voice and body don’t match, don’t believe their words.

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Remember that the level of energy and effort you put out is what you’re going to receive. Give your all to listening and understanding people and they’ll be more willing to talk to you honestly and candidly. Don’t be afraid to be straight with them.  

As you’re communicating, never show weakness. If a client wants to argue about your commission or the market price, be ready to get up and leave the room. Often, when they see you getting ready to go, they will stop you and allow you to retake control of the situation. 

How To Win Leads With Communication 

As you’re talking with a lead, always be thinking ahead. Getting to know people face to face and getting their number or email will get you dividends in the future. Make sure that you go into an interaction knowing that the conversation is going to be so good they will remember you. Then you can reach out in the future and they’ll know just who you are and be willing to talk to you. 

A great way to continue the interaction is to try shooting a quick, personal video the day after you meet someone. It should just be a simple video, saying hello and jogging their memory. That way, you can give them that second touch right away and will truly stick in their mind. Though it takes multiple touches to actually get someone to act, you’ll at least have a good head start with two touches two days in a row. Your competition is NOT doing this!

leads generated through effective communication

No matter how you’re communicating, make sure that you inspire good feelings in people. Do you always end conversations with both of you smiling? You absolutely should. 

As you’re talking, simulate comfort to make them feel like they already know you. Pay attention to how you communicate with your family and friends and take your habits from those interactions into conversations with new people. 

A great way to make sure every interaction is comfortable is to start practicing more. Practice your listing presentations and other scripts multiple times a day to make sure you’re comfortable. Think of how often you interact with your family and friends–probably thousands of times in a given month. Then practice your scripts until you are as comfortable using them as you are chatting with your family.

How To Grow In Communication Skills

First of all, don’t categorize yourself as an introvert or an extrovert. Don’t label yourself as any one thing or another and limit your potential to what you think your personality can handle. Instead, start living outside of labels and categories. Know that you can do anything you put your mind to, regardless of your personal habits and desires. 

Then, start experimenting. See what works in conversations and what doesn’t. After you have your scripts memorized, start experimenting to see how you want to connect with people individually. You can change your scripts to fit your personality, as long as they have the same basic backbone. Switch things around until your own personality shines through in each interaction. 

How To Grow In Communication Skills

As you’re starting out, a great way to connect with people is to mirror and reflect how they act. People naturally like people who are like them. Communication is always in context. You’re going to have to match yourself to your audience–just make sure you never lie, deceive, or cheat. 

Once you’ve settled into a rhythm with someone, it will be easier to relax and settle back into yourself. Just make sure you’re always watching them and relying on their body language to make a final decision about how to communicate. 

How to Get Started Communicating Effectively Today

To get started in communication today, there are two initial steps you should take:

  1. Know your scripts and presentations 100%.
  2. Focus on the physiology-word relationship people present. Pay attention.

If you can implement these principles, you’ll be well on your way to winning at communication and your real estate career. 

How to Get Started Communicating Effectively Today

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