group of people looking around

How to Find the Best eXp Sponsors

Have you been thinking about joining eXp but aren’t sure how to get started? Firstly, you need to choose one of the best eXp sponsors to help guide you through the process of joining eXp and, most importantly, help you grow your business by providing value. There is no single best eXp sponsor, so here are a few tips to help you choose the eXp sponsor who will be best for you.

When choosing a brokerage, one of the most important things you need to look out for is the amount of support the brokerage will offer you. Not every real estate skill can be learned in the classroom. You’ll also want someone to help you find your way through the ups and downs and teach you the ways of the brokerage and the way of the business. 

I’ve heard from many eXp agents who joined without a good sponsor. Here’s a bit of what they had to say:

“I joined exp last year but no one ever answered my questions and I didn’t know what to do. So I just went back to my brokerage.”

“My sponsor did nothing for me. He just told me to put his name down as the sponsor but I didn’t hear from him again.”

“The sponsor I chose promised to help me but didn’t do anything.”

As you can see, a good sponsor can make or break the process of joining eXp. So, in this article, we’ll take a look at what an eXp sponsor will bring you and how to find the best one to fit your needs. You can also check out this video for another look at this topic.

What is an eXp Sponsor?

Your eXp sponsor should ideally be one of those people who convinced you to join the brokerage. Whoever influenced your decision the most should be the person you name as your sponsor when you join up. 

If they’re a good one, your eXp sponsor will support you through the onboarding process. They will be available to answer your questions. They will explain the technology that eXp uses you may not be familiar with. In addition, they will help you with your business as a newly minted eXp Realty agent. 

Basically, your eXp sponsor is your support. You can’t change sponsors once you join eXp, so you need to pick the best eXp sponsor, the one who will help you succeed in your business. 

Now, why would any agent want to be a sponsor at eXp anyway? It sounds like there’s some additional work involved, doesn’t it? Well…the incentive is simple. 

eXp has a Revenue Share program that splits a portion of the revenue generated from the new eXp agent with the sponsor. eXp agents get an 80/20 commission split, but a percentage of the 20% eXp takes goes to sponsoring agents. Sponsors can also earn stocks when sponsored agents make transactions. It’s a win-win for everyone involved! 

eXp Realty agents can receive revenue shares by sponsoring agents.
From eXp’s Website

Who is the Best eXp Sponsor?

There isn’t one answer to who is the best sponsor at eXp. However, there are a few things to look out for:

  • The best eXp sponsor will help you by answering any questions you have and offering general feedback and guidance.
  • The best eXp sponsor will support you, even when you don’t know what you’re doing or make mistakes. They will help you get back on your feet no matter what. 
  • The best eXp sponsor will train you in the top tricks, tips, and tools available in the real estate industry. 
  • The best eXp sponsor will provide value to your business by guiding you to become the best agent you can be. 
  • The best eXp sponsor will provide a community for you to be a part of. 
  • The best eXp sponsor will share their resources with you.

Why Agent First Group is One of the Best eXp Sponsors

There is no single best sponsor at eXp, but if you want a suggestion, here it is. Agent First Group is without a doubt one of the top eXp sponsors in the business right now. This group is among the fastest-growing communities at eXp Realty and it’s not even close! Here are a few things Agent First Group will do for you.

Agent First Group Benefits

  • Provide lead generation. Agent First Group provides sponsored agents with free lead generation services.
  • Build revenue share. Every new agent that joins Agent First Group will get to join the proprietary system used to build revenue share quickly.
  • Build your personal brand. It’s essential for you to create and develop a personal brand as you get started in real estate or look to expand. Agent First Group will provide support and resources so you can do that.
  • Teach you how you can build your business organically. Agent First Group will help you develop strong marketing skills–for free!
  • Run social media ads for agents. Agent First Group offers free social media ads for all its agents.
  • Provide access to virtual assistants. Everyone needs help with their business once in a while. Agent First Group can provide you with stellar virtual assistants to support you in some of those mundane tasks.
  • Provide access to an internal call center. With Agent First Group, will help you service your real estate leads with a professional call center that calls your leads for you.
  • Offer weekly team huddles. Agent First Group agents can connect virtually from around the world with fellow agents and skilled experts and influencers (previous number one agents worldwide, top producers, and founders of real estate software among others).
  • Offer leadership development. With Agent First Group, you can quickly become a leader in the field through our development and training opportunities!
  • Provide free access to Agently. Agents from Agent First Group have access to Agently, the leading social media software for real estate agents. Agently offers tons of social media and Ad templates guaranteed to provide leads.

eXp Sponsors for the Win

If you’re thinking of joining eXp Realty, don’t hesitate to add a sponsor. You need support and encouragement along the way. 

If you don’t have a sponsor picked out or just aren’t sure they’ll provide the value you need, reach out to me! I’ve created Agent First Group with the goal of helping my agents succeed in the real estate world, no matter the obstacles! I’d love to connect with you so we can discuss how I can help you. 

2 thoughts on “How to Find the Best eXp Sponsors”

  1. I am currently searching for exp sponsor, kindly text or email me back if you are interested in being a sponsor to this critical care Registered Nurse highly motivated to join your team, thanks.

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