how to join eXp and get a transaction in 1 week

How To Quickly Join eXp Realty and Get a Transaction in One Week!

If you’re a real estate agent who wants to seriously increase your earnings, access cutting-edge technology, and network with the top 1% of real estate agents, then check out how to join eXp Realty the right way.

The eXp Realty application can feel overwhelming, which is why we’ll give you a step-by-step overview of just how it works. Below, we’ll go through the application and how to start out as a new agent. We’ll also offer tips to help you start working with eXp Realty the RIGHT way.

Why Real Estate Brokerages are Joining eXp Realty

Steps to Join eXp Realty

Alright, let’s get started. We want to maximize your time and get you onboarded to eXp the right way. Here are the major steps you’ll walk through as you join:

  1. Submit eXp Realty Application and Independent Contractors Agreement (ICA).
  2. Get real estate license verification.
  3. Get broker approval.
  4. Undergo a document review.
  5. Transfer your license.
  6. Become an active eXp Realty agent.

Now, let’s break down those steps in a little more detail.

Step 1: Apply to Join eXp Realty

First, head to the eXp website. Select Apply As An Agent, then choose New Agent. Fill in the information required to create an account and join the app for eXp Realty. 

IMPORTANT: Note your personal code (located on the bottom left of your screen). This will help you keep up with notifications about your onboarding status as you go through the application process.

Next up, you’ll go through these steps on the application:

  1. Fill out personal information.
  2. Choose a sponsor (more on this below!).
  3. Fill in real estate license information.
  4. Explain your real estate experience.
  5. Supply financial information (getting paid, paying monthly fees, joining the agent equity program (use 10% of your commission to purchase discounted eXp stock), etc.).
  6. Sign your ICA and other documents. 

Within 24-48 hours, eXp Realty’s team will get back to you after reviewing your ICA. They’ll let you know of any issues and provide instructions so that you can begin your license transfer. 

Need Help?

If you’re like many agents just joining eXp, you may feel somewhat overwhelmed. You’re dealing with a virtual brokerage here, probably for the first time, and you’re going to get TONS of emails in the first few days after you submit your email address. 

To avoid overwhelm, read each email carefully. Then, go seek help! If you need support throughout the onboarding process, you can email:

You can also call or text (833) 303-0610 if you would rather talk to someone over the phone. 

Step 2: Get License Verification

Before you can move forward, the eXp onboarding team will need to verify your license using the information you provided on the application. This process is usually pretty simple. You don’t have to do anything except wait for them to complete the step. 

This process takes 24-48 hours from the time you submit your application. 

Step 3: Get Broker Approval

This step is also not one that you need to worry about. Depending on where you’re applying, the eXp broker team for your country and/or state will review your application. 

This too only takes 24-48 hours from the time of application submission.

Step 4: Undergo a Document Review

Again, this step is internal (so you’re not necessarily doing anything but waiting at the moment). The eXp team will review the documents you submit and make sure everything looks above-board.

Step 5: Transfer Your License

Now, it’s at this step that the ball is back in your court. The eXp team will send you an email with the steps you need to take to transfer your license. Usually, you’ll receive this email within 48 hours of submitting your application. 

The steps to transfer your license will vary from state to state, so the email will probably contain an overview of how it works for your particular state and contact information for the managing broker who works in your state. 

Keep in mind that you do need to let your current broker know that you are moving to a new brokerage. If you’d like access to a handy “goodbye letter” template that you can use to leave your current brokerage without leaving behind any hard feelings, make sure you shoot an email to admin@jaimeresendiz.com with the subject line “Goodbye Letter.” 

Once you’ve completed that transfer, you’re officially an agent with eXp! Now, you just need to set up your eXp Realty email alias and address. When that’s done, eXp’s internal teams can help you get set up on various other services that eXp offers such as Skyslope and kvCORE.

Getting Set Up on the eXp Website

Now that you’re officially an agent, it’s time to get started! First of all, you want to head to the Optional Services tab on your account and request access to kvCORE. kvCORE is the amazing real estate CRM that comes included with your monthly fees at eXp Realty. 

This CRM provides you with a website, email and text auto-response services, and much more, so don’t miss setting it up! The entire process to get access will likely take about 5 days, so you want to get started ASAP so you can move your business forward.

After getting that out of the way, visit eXp Workplace, which is the private Facebook Workplace group for agents to connect over. Next, visit eXp World. In that virtual office space, you can visit multiple offices to find answers to all kinds of questions, including onboarding questions, transaction logistics, tech issues, etc. 

Tips for Getting FAST Transactions with eXp Realty

Now that you know how to join eXp Realty, there are two more topics to address. To become an effective real estate agent with eXp Realty, you will want two things:

  1. A good sponsor.
  2. A way to get transactions FAST.

Let’s start with the sponsor.

Finding the Best eXp Realty Sponsor

Before you actually complete the eXp Realty application, you will be prompted to choose a sponsor. You’ll definitely want to do so because a sponsor can provide HUGE benefits to you while working for eXp Realty.

By definition, a sponsor is the person who is MOST influential in your choice to join eXp Realty. So, whether you found that person online, met them at an event, or have known them personally for years, you’ll want to choose as your official sponsor the one who convinced you to join eXp Realty. 

Unlike a mentor who helps you get started at eXp (mentors are assigned if you have completed fewer than three transactions in the last twelve months) or an agent partner with whom you want to build revenue and a sales team, a sponsor is someone who brought you into the brokerage and provides you with guidance and support while you apply for eXp

A sponsor for eXp Realty has a responsibility to help his or her new agents get started with the brokerage and continue to succeed throughout their years as part of the brokerage. The best sponsors offer programs, tools, and other methods of support to help their sponsored agents thrive at eXp Realty. 

It’s important that you choose the right sponsor because you can’t change your decision once you’ve made it! The only way to switch sponsors is to leave eXp Realty for 6 months and then reapply. Since you probably don’t want to waste all that time just for a better sponsor…make sure you get the right one the first time. 

Benefits from the Best eXp Sponsor

Now, if you want to join eXp Realty but don’t have anyone in mind for a sponsor (or aren’t sure if that person will provide you the support you need), we can help. Agent First Group is one of the fastest-growing groups of sponsored agents at eXp Realty, and it’s all because of the benefits we offer. 

I have spoken with more than 1600 agents who have joined eXp in the past several years, so I know exactly what new agents need from a sponsor. That’s why I built Agent First Group—to put agents first and help them succeed at eXp. In this group, you will receive:

  • Access to a vibrant community.
    • Network with top and elite agents, receive referrals from around the nation, and join multiple mastermind meetings every week!
  • Exclusive training opportunities.
    • Enroll in one or all of our 20+ exclusive programs such as the Seller Accelerator, Buyer Accelerator, and Agent Attraction Accelerator.
  • Consistent support.
    • Join our Slack channel, receive personalized support, and even enroll in one-on-one coaching calls.
  • Abundant resources.
    • Use anything from our extensive library of resources, including scripts, templates, funnels, and access to Agently.
  • Superior Services.
    • Get private short-form video editing, receive done-for-you YouTube channel creation and management, and use a leading real estate agency to launch your paid ads. 

If you don’t have a sponsor in mind, reach out to us here or by emailing admin@jaimeresendiz.com

Getting Transactions Right Away

Alright, are you ready to go? You’ve completed the application, selected your sponsor, and established a presence in the online tools that eXp provides. Now, it’s time to start bringing in those clients! 

Here’s the best way to get real estate leads and transform them into clients and transactions right away. With these steps, you can get real estate leads and sign them on in as little as a week! 

  • Go to your social media page (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) or, if you don’t have one, to your contacts list on your phone.
  • Starting at the top, send a DM or text to each person. The text should read:
    • “Hey, I know this is super random, but do you have a REALTOR® that you trust?”
  • If they say “No,” (most will), reply as soon as you can with this message:
    • “If I can provide you relevant and accurate information, could I be your go-to REALTOR® for all your real estate questions?” 
  • Probably 95% of the time, people will say “Yes, absolutely.” If so, send them this response:
    • “Awesome! What’s your preferred email and phone number?”

That’s it! It’s so simple but so effective. In our experience, we’ve found that in sending this message to at least 25 people, you’re almost certain to get at least 1 client. If you send it to 50 people, you’ll get 2 clients, and if you send it to 100, you could get 4 clients…all in one day! 

Of course, once you’ve received contact information for these people, even if they aren’t ready to buy or sell now, you can add them to your database and start sending them emails and texts as part of your drip campaign. In following that very simple strategy, you’ve just added dozens, even hundreds, of potential clients to your database! 

Become a Real Estate Agent Fast

As you can see, the process of joining eXp Realty and getting started with your very own clients is not hard! All you have to do is follow the very simple steps laid out in detail above, and you’re ready to go! 

If you’d like to join eXp with a sponsor who can provide you with more easy strategies to get more clients and help you onboard to eXp without getting overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out. And with that…

Welcome to eXp Realty!

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