real estate leads

How to Resurrect Dead Real Estate Leads

If you’re honest, you probably don’t spend a lot of time converting leads. If you’re like most agents in real estate, your follow up practices consist of one phone call (MAYBE two) to a new lead…followed by radio silence. Do you actually call that “follow up”?

This practice is why we end up with a bunch of “dead” leads. According to some measurements, it takes at least eight “touches” (points of contact through email, phone call, etc.) to actually close a sale, though that number may vary for your business. But the truth is…it takes time and effort to close a sale, especially when you’re selling real estate services.

If you’ve been flopping at follow up but want to resurrect some of those cold, dead leads, there IS a way. You just have to be intentional about it. Let’s take a look.

Step 1: Create a Personalized Video

First, create a very brief personalized video and send it to each dead lead. You want to make it a video because videos are unexpected and STAND OUT. Leads will see that you took time and effort to reach out to them instead of just dropping their name in a generic email.

As you create the video, make sure you have a call to action. Don’t just say you’re “dropping by to say hi” because you aren’t. You’re in this to get business, so make sure you ask for the lead to take action. 

Be direct—ask if they’re intending to buy or sell this year. Tell them to let you know if they are. After seeing your video and realizing that you thought of them personally, they will be inclined to reach out if they are looking for help.

Step 2: Send a Personalized Direct Mail

Direct mail is rare these days when the internet dominates so much of our time. Show your leads you care about them by sending them a sweet, brief, personalized note. All you need to do is show that you are thinking about them and that you care about them. 

In addition to a note, you could send something fun like a lottery ticket with a message: “You may not win the lottery, but you’ll win the agent lottery every time when you buy or sell with me.” This type of tactic allows you to “market” yourself while still providing some value and showing your generosity and genuine thoughtfulness, which is what really wins leads. 

Step 3: Share a Success Story

We all like to hear a good success story—just think of all the great movies you’ve watched. Do they usually end with the protagonist failing? 

A typical relationship between agent and client follows a flow of “know – like – trust.” If you want to accelerate that process and increase a lead’s trust in you, share wins that other clients have recently had.

Genuine social proof generally encourages dead leads to stop and pay attention—in fact, social proof in the form of online reviews impacts buying decisions for at least 93% of consumers out there. 

If you want people to pay attention, get other people to catch their attention! If they see themselves in the struggles and successes of their peers, they will be much more likely to work with you and see if they can get those same great results. 

Step 4: Introduce a New Program

When you’re closing off, don’t be like everyone else out there (hey, I’m not judging—this used to be me, too!) and close off with “Call me for your real estate needs.” That line is old and boring. It won’t get you anywhere! 

Instead, use language that refers to a new “program.” The dirty little secret is…you don’t have to actually be selling a “program.” This could and should be the same thing you’ve always done, simply painted in a new light and presented in a new and exciting way. 

For example, here are some ideas of “program” titles:

  • Seller Programs:
    • “Home Sold Guarantee Program”
    • “Home Sold in 7 Days or I By It Pledge”
  • Buyer Programs:
    • “Home Buyer Advantage Program”
    • “Save $7,500 on Your Next Home Guarantee”

By using a title like this, you’ll attract attention and stand out as just a little different from your peers—different enough that you may just win those leads. 

Winning Back Your Dead Leads

So, there you go! You may have 200, 500, 30,000 leads, but they’re doing you NO good if they’re just hanging in the background and never emailing, texting, or calling you back! If you have dead leads that need a resurrection, try these steps to bring them back to life. You’ll be packing on the clients in no time!

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