cards with priorities written on them: family, honesty/integrity, simplicity, humor, prosperity/wealth

How To Succeed In Real Estate: Mindset of High Achievers

Real estate is challenging. It’s a business that can provide tons of financial and personal freedom, but agents have to work HARD to succeed in real estate. 

At Agent First Group, we spend time focusing on filling our own cup so we can succeed in real estate not only professionally, but also personally. 

In our group this week, we focus on teachings from motivational speaker Tony Robbins about how to achieve the mindset of high achievers. 

The Typical Mindset

Most people have a very typical mindset and way of viewing the world. People focus on tiny things, things that don’t really matter in the long run. For example, most of us know more about politics or celebrities than we do about our own lives and families. 

Politician and president Donald Trump
  • We focus on minor things–how we feel in a moment, what the weather looks like, what we’re going to eat, etc.
  • Most of the time, we forget to focus on health, business, and self.
  • We forget to grow.
  • We just let life happen to us and react emotionally to whatever is going on.

However, if we stay stuck in that head space, we’ll never make it anywhere. We’ll be running through the motions without any idea of what we value and what we want our lives to be. Our minds will constantly be on the little things that will fade away before we even know what’s happening. In the end, our lives will be empty of all that truly matters.

Focusing On Your State

You don’t have to stay in that space, always looking at minor things. Everything in life can be determined by your state of mind and your state is controlled by your worldview. If your worldview is all about you, all about how you can succeed and do more and make more, your life will be miserable, no matter how much you achieve. 

Your worldview is ultimately decided by three main things:

  1. What targets you are after.
  2. The needs you focus on the most.
  3. What drives you. 

Your worldview will be shaped as you live your life in pursuit of these things. Whatever you THINK will make you happy is what will drive you. You’ll set your target on what you think you need the most. People in the world have six basic needs:

  1. Certainty
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Significance
  4. Love
  5. Growth 
  6. Contribution

To be happy, people need to have some certainty, but not so much their life bores them. They need to feel significant in their space and loved by the people around them. They need to grow personally and contribute to society at large. 

Each person has one need they focus on the most. Many people today are driven by a desire for certainty or for significance. Unfortunately, these needs are dependent on life going well and people around you treating you as significant–neither of these things is by any means certain. 

To truly succeed in real estate and in your life, you need to focus on meeting all these needs, but also on maintaining a state of joy no matter where you are in your journey

Two Skills To Master The Mindset Of High Achievers

To be an achiever and succeed in real estate, you have to master two main things. 

Mind reset with good words in it
  1. How to hack the science of achievement. Unlike many other things in life, achievement is a science. If you follow certain steps, you will make money and succeed at your business ventures. Find someone successful you can emulate and move towards achieving your goals. It’s hard work, but it is possible to master with a little practice and dedication.
  2. How to master the art of fulfillment. Unlike achievement, there is no science to fulfillment. Each person has different needs and goals that will leave them feeling fulfilled. But, at the end of the day, success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure. You will have everything you think you want and still be unhappy. What kind of life is that? You must master the art of fulfillment.

Our life is controlled by one force: DECISIONS. We make the decisions on what we do, how we react, how we feel. We tend to think we are led by the conditions of the world, but we really aren’t. Some of the happiest people in the world are the poorest people in the world, but they have made the decision to be happy, so they are. 

You have to decide to be happy and you will be, no matter your circumstances. Make a commitment to enjoy life right where you are and you can and will live fulfilled. 

A High Achieving Real Estate Agent

As a real estate agent, you get to decide what you do with your life. You have a lot more power over your circumstances than many other people, but you have the same power over your mind that everyone has. 

Understand the business you’re working in and find successful agents to emulate so you can achieve your goals. But enjoy the journey too. Take moments to reflect and find joy in your present state.

Find the need that will make your life fulfilling and leverage that as you work. Whether you want more love in your life, more certainty, or more opportunities for growth, make sure you bake that into everything you do. Don’t wait for circumstances to change to be happy. Start living in a joyful state now and your life will be fulfilling no matter where you are. 

If you’re interested in joining our weekly Agent Mindset calls to hear from these experts and discuss it with a team, consider joining Agent First Group as a real estate partner. Each week we meet to discuss all the important things in life, from real estate to our mindset and so much more! Get connected today

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