Hola Franco

Real Estate Agent Success: From Door Knocker To YouTube Millionaire

True story: my friend, Franco (from the YouTube channel “Hola Franco”) went from knocking on doors in 100+ degree heat and making ZERO money to making tens of thousands of dollars with EACH real estate YouTube video published! Here’s how it went down:

In 2021, Franco joined our group hungry, driven, and ready to succeed in real estate.

However, he needed a plan that he could execute consistently while still fulfilling his family and professional commitments. At the time, he was still working but hoping to transition to real estate full-time.

So, he decided to pair his effective communication skills with his love of the outdoors and exercise (little did he know how quickly that would dissipate). He chose to spend time door-knocking in his community as a way to begin generating leads.

But, at the same time, we agreed that he’d give YouTube a try.

At first, he was uneasy. This was his first time filming videos and he just wasn’t sure if YouTube even worked. However, after some consideration and after my 20th time telling him “Franco, trust me…YouTube will radically change your life if you’re consistent and persistent with it,” he decided to dedicate himself to creating and filling a YouTube channel.

Jaime and Franco meeting about his real estate YouTube channel
One-on-one coaching session (Momentum Call) with Franco back when he had fewer than 10 subscribers and maybe 50 views TOTAL…

Franco Starts His Real Estate YouTube Channel

To Franco’s credit, he chose to believe that a real estate YouTube channel was worth it. More importantly, he was willing to do the work (which is the difference between those who accomplish something vs. those who just talk about it).

Every week for 4 months straight, Franco pounded the streets door knocking so he could find current business to keep him going. But in the afternoons and evenings, he executed his video strategy through YouTube.

At that time he was doing consistently 1-3 YouTube videos per week without missing a week…and guess what?

Nothing happened.

Yup, after 4 months of hard work, nothing happened. But Franco didn’t get discouraged and give up. Every week, when we met for our “Weekly Momentum Call,” we kept making adjustments. He kept going!

And then, in July, things changed in a BIG way. In one major adjustment, Franco made a video that leveraged a topic in the news that he was extremely passionate about but that was not being covered on YouTube.

That one video was the catalyst for EVERYTHING! That day in July, he was one video away from making it turn around for him…but he didn’t even know it!

From Door Knocker To YouTube Millionaire

As they say, the rest is history. Franco’s channel exploded overnight and started bringing in views and clients like nobody’s business. As of this writing, Franco’s YouTube channel has generated almost 12 million views!

YouTube channel notification of 11,758,258 views!

If you’re a real estate agent active in Agent Facebook Groups, you’re going to see him sending out DAILY referrals left and right! Franco is generating 30+ booked appointments per week with raving fans eagerly awaiting calls from his assistants.

Now, I am happy to report that he is no longer getting sunburned while out knocking on doors.

After his life-changing moment that July, he burned his boats and went all in on his real estate YouTube channel. He had experienced the power of video first-hand, and now he REALLY believed.

Today, Franco spends months in Mexico, Ecuador, Bali, and anywhere else he wants to go (while still recording videos). Since starting his channel, he’s been able to purchase 3 personal properties directly from his YouTube fruits and is working on obtaining #4 and #5 right now!

Because Franco understands the power of YouTube and how to leverage it to speak to millions at once, he now has a thriving real estate team, referral business, YouTube Adsense account, brand, and more! He has access to top-tier sponsors and is set to have his own merch line soon.

I felt compelled to share this powerful real-life story (seriously, go find him on YouTube or social media at “Hola Franco” and ask!) because I wanted you to see how agents’ lives are changing because of YouTube.

Join Franco!

And here’s the good news—this can happen for you! Franco’s story is not an isolated event. I’ve had the pleasure of helping so many agents launch YouTube channels and generate substantial wealth!

If you’re been waiting to start, that ends today! If you’re looking for the exact step-by-step tutorial, here it is (NO OPTIN REQUIRED). This video will not only show you exactly how to start, but the exact videos to make and steps to take to win on YouTube.

The opportunity is wide open for every single market. There’s no reason you can’t be the next Franco!

Now, if you’d rather work with us so all you have to do is Press Record and we’ll handle the rest, check out our Done for You Service. If you want me to guide you so you don’t have to guess at this YouTube thing, just let me know. You can explore the Done for You Service risk-free!

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