YouTube for Real Estate Agents

Starting on YouTube the Easy Way with Hola Franco

In this week’s session, our guest is Hola Franco, a YouTube superstar who has exploded his channel on YouTube to 36,000+ subscribers in just over a year. Hola is passionate about reaching his audience online with great YouTube videos and wants to help you do the same. 

Hola Franco

Our Agent First Summits happen every Tuesday morning! It’s a perk for all our real estate team members and any of their guests who want to grow their real estate business. To get an invitation, RSVP here: Save Your Seat!

In this session, Hola is going to share with us how to create a better YouTube channel with the most effective efforts! 

How To Start on YouTube

It’s crucial that you know your WHY before you start YouTube or you aren’t going to make it far. For example, Hola Franco first started on YouTube because he knew he hated cold calling and door knocking but needed another income stream. Figure out why you want to create YouTube videos and keep that in mind as you set business goals.

The next thing you need is a commitment and a timeline. Commit to a specific number of videos each week and a specific amount of time you’re going to dedicate to growing your channel, whether that be 6 months, a year, or more! 

Once you’ve made that commitment, it’s crucial that you remain consistent. Release a video at the same time every week as you’ve promised to do. As you build your audience, they will be there waiting for you and will grow to expect you. Don’t disappoint them! 

How To Create Effective Videos on YouTube

As you get started on YouTube, it’s important that you do two things:

  1. Define your audience.
  2. Communicate effectively in your style. 

You don’t have to use professional videos alone to reach people. You can also start taping things from your daily life that can impact and interest people when you use them in your stories. 

This first step will help you build an audience, even if it’s an audience looking for other types of content (if you create stories about a sport you love, for example). Just having that out there will help you find an audience who gets to know you as a real estate agent and a real person. It can also help you get comfortable with being on video and creating content.

Once you’ve developed stories and created YouTube videos with similar content, YouTube will help you find your audience. All you need to do is produce the content that they will need to see and communicate with them in a friendly, personal manner. 

Now that you have an audience, consider what they are going to be looking for.

  1. An Eye-Catching Thumbnail

The FIRST important thing to focus on is creating relevant thumbnails. If you don’t have professional thumbnails, people aren’t going to click on your content, no matter how good it actually is. Invest in professionals who can help you create thumbnails and edit your videos effectively. 

  1. A Lesson That You Can Teach That Incorporates Your Passions

Second, you should create the content that people want to hear and make sure you put it out consistently. Find your ideal audience and make the content they need.

Focus above all on getting business and referrals. If you focus too much on monetizing YouTube, you’ll be disappointed because the amount will vary. Keep your eyes on the prize by providing real estate value and winning real estate clients who will pay with loyalty and more. 

  1. A Way To Set Up Appointments and Get Help

When people come to you from YouTube, they’re going to feel like they already know you and are going to be interested in working with you. Instead of reaching out to people who distrust you as an “agent” as you have to do with cold calling, people who ALREADY trust you will be reaching out TO you.

Use Calendly or another similar process to set up appointments and start helping these people who are coming to you for support. 

How To Know What To Create

Franco has a very specific process for determining what to create and creating videos that truly make a difference. Here’s all you need to do:

  1. Determine your audience.
  2. Search YouTube Buddy and Google to find out what people are asking.
  3. Decide what question you want to answer.
  4. Choose a thumbnail that fits with your topic idea.
  5. Create an outline and determine ONE takeaway that your audience needs to leave with.
  6. Shoot your video.
  7. Watch the statistics on your videos so that you begin to feel the pulse of your audience—when they are watching, how long they are watching, etc.

It really is that simple! Follow Franco’s method by creating valuable content, watching the statistics, and connecting with your ideal audience as regularly as you can. In no time, you’ll have a YouTube channel that brings in the business you need. 

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