real estate coach

The Best Real Estate Coach

Are you looking for the best real estate coach to help you get started with your real estate career? You’ve probably heard from dozens or hundreds of real estate coaches, all claiming to be the best. But who really is the best? It’s kind of a meaty topic, but let’s jump in and discover what truly makes the best real estate coach for you.

What Is A Real Estate Coach?

First, let’s take a look at what it means to be a real estate coach. In general, a coach for real estate agents is just like a coach for any other team or sport.

  • Coaches have experience. They’ve “played the game,” as it were, and have played it well.
  • Coaches have the know-how, the game plan. They remember the steps it takes to win and can share them with you freely.
  • Coaches win. They’ve won their real estate game (at least to some extent) and they have helped others do the same. 

For real estate, winning means something a little different than it does in sports. In sports, you might be winning games all year, working up to the big championship. In real estate, there isn’t so much a championship, but there are a lot of games to win each day.

For a real estate agent, winning each day means:

  • Getting the business (from your leads).
  • Closing the business (the homes you’re selling/buying).
  • Growing your business (through marketing and other strategies).

You want a coach who does these things consistently and has sufficient knowledge to explain their winning strategies to you.

What to Look For in a Coach

Second, let’s look at a few qualities that every coach needs to be truly successful at helping you win. 

1. Knowledge

Does your coach have the knowledge you need today? Do they understand the market as it stands right now…not as it was 30 years ago? Your coach needs to have know-how built on years of experience in the real world.

2. Availability

Do they have time for you? Every good coach has to value the relationship they have with their real estate agents. If they are in over their head with the business, it’s highly unlikely they’ll spend any time helping you on yours. If you’re in need, will they be there for you?

3. Proven Record and Results

Your coach should have a record to show you. Have they built their own business or helped others in theirs?

Your coach has to be able to share their results with you. Have other students of theirs achieved the results you’re looking for? Has the coach helped students grow their business and become better agents? If not, you can see right away that’s not what you’re looking for.

If they have no claim to fame (results), they aren’t likely to be able to provide you with anything you don’t already have. 

4. Trustworthiness

You must be able to trust your coach when you share things with them. When you really start working with someone, it’s not going to be all about sharing “business” struggles. 

You’ll be sharing a part of yourself. You’ll be opening up your vulnerabilities to someone who is supposed to help you overcome them. Can you trust your coach to safeguard your secrets without using them to manipulate you?

So…Who Is the Best Coach?

Unfortunately, there’s no one good answer to that question. In fact, the answer to that is highly subjective, because everyone wants something a little different in a coach. 

To find the best real estate coach for you, try using the above guidelines as a formula during your search. Look around for good coaches and talk to their students to find out what it’s really like to work with them as a guide and mentor.

After talking to the students, engage with the coaches. Ask them about their processes, their experience, and their goals for you as a student. If you like them and think you can trust them, there’s a good chance you’ve found the right coach. 

Just remember, everyone is different. Wherever you are on your real estate journey, you’ll need to find a coach who fills your needs. Don’t hesitate to be picky. This could change the course of your career–and your life–forever.

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