
The Best Real Estate Team You Should Join At eXp Realty

Making the move to join eXp Realty? As eXp one of the fastest-growing and most popular brokerages in the world right now, it’s absolutely a good move. You’ll be joining a brokerage with upwards of 89,000 agents, now operating in 24 countries. But what’s the best real estate team at eXp Realty?

If you didn’t know by now, you can join eXp Realty as part of a team. This will give you a more focused approach to your work–you’ll enter a successful community of like-minded entrepreneurs who benefit from one another’s successes. 

Although there are many teams at eXp Realty, one team stands far above the rest in terms of benefits for agents. The best real estate team at eXp Realty right now is Agent First Group.

About eXp Realty Teams

So, here’s how the process works with eXp Realty. As a first-timer, you get to choose any one person as your “sponsor.” Basically, this is the person responsible for attracting you to the brokerage. 

Your sponsor is likely a part of a group of other agents, either agents that sponsored them or agents they sponsor. This team works together within eXp Realty to sell homes, recruit new agents, and build a successful business. 

In essence, agents who are part of a team net more income, as they can earn from other agents who they sponsor within the team. 

Benefits of Agent First Group: Best Team at eXp

Agent First Group logo

Agent First Group (AFG) is one of the largest groups within eXp Realty. Started by Jaime Resendiz, AFG is designed to help agents form a strong community, engage in innovative marketing, and accelerate their business to new heights. 

Altogether, there are many benefits to AFG. Let’s look at some of the highlights below:


At AFG, agents put a huge emphasis on creating and maintaining a strong community. Therefore, AFG agents get to be a part of strategy calls, weekly buyer/seller and agent attraction masterminds, and lots of other get-togethers and virtual meetings where they can engage with fellow agents to share concerns and victories.


Additionally, AFG is full of training opportunities. Agents who join get access to:

  • A Facebook Ads course.
  • A YouTube Ads course.
  • An investing course.
  • kvCORE training.
  • Revenue share system.
  • YouTube course.

Every one of these courses is completely FREE for AFG members. 


Concurrently with complete and well-rounded training opportunities, AFG agents can access tons of valuable resources like:

  • Personalized YouTube videos.
  • Personalized agent attraction funnels.
  • One-on-one strategy sessions and coaching.
  • A proprietary onboarding system.
  • Tons of leadership opportunities.


Ultimately, AFG relies heavily on technology. In today’s market, real estate agents have to know their technology if they truly want to succeed in the business. However, AFG doesn’t leave agents hanging. As a part of AFG, you get immediate access to:

  • An AI Facebook Ads launcher.
  • AI property description generator.
  • An AI property image enhancer.
  • Free website and landing pages.
  • Personalized social media content.

Lead Generation

In addition to great technology to help you get started, AFG will provide you with extensive lead generation resources devoted to growing your business. 

  • Paid, done for you lead generation on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Google.
  • Organic lead generation blueprints.
  • Support from virtual assistants.
  • Lead generation strategy calls.
  • Lead conversion training. 

Joining eXp Realty with the Best Team, Agent First Group

In conclusion, the benefits at Agent First Group are endless. The entire team is dedicated to helping you create a strong and powerful real estate business that gets results. The community vibe, training resources, and free additional marketing support will enhance your business in no time.

So, if you want to join eXp Realty, the best real estate team around is AFG. To learn more, join the Agent First Group Partnership today. You’ll be glad you did! 

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