Create Real Estate Videos

The Easiest Way To Create Real Estate Videos with Jaime Resendiz

In this session, we heard from Jaime Resendiz, founder of Agent First Group and YouTube master! Jaime has been working on building out a YouTube channel for years now and is an expert at creating systems that make creating videos easier and more productive.

Real Estate Marketing Coach

Our Agent First Summits happen every Tuesday morning! It’s a perk for all our real estate team members and any of their guests who want to grow their real estate business. To get an invitation, RSVP here: Save Your Seat!

In this session, Jaime shows us how to create videos in the easiest and simplest way possible! 

Pro Tip: Create a Useful Description

Your first step in filming YouTube videos is to design the perfect video description. No matter what type of video you create, you must have the same description on each one to help people connect with you! 

For example, you may want to include:

  • Your Website URL
  • Your YouTube channel URL
  • Your Instagram URL
  • Your Facebook or Facebook Group URL
  • Your Blog URL
  • Your Podcast URL

You may not have all of these channels, but you should include as many as you have in the description. You also need to include any affiliate links to products or services that you want your viewers to try out. 

By creating a description with these links, you’re offering your audience truly valuable information that they can use to connect with you further. This is crucial for generating leads and listings from your channel! 

YouTube Workflow

YouTube Workflow

There are only eight main steps you’ll want to take when creating a video. Let’s dive into them below. 

1. Brainstorm


First things first, think of some ideas for videos you want to create. These should be individual to your channel—make them local and make them relevant to your audience (e.g. “How To Buy a House in [City],” The Homebuying Process,” “How To Sell in [City],” etc.).

2. Optimize


Next, do some research to find out more about your topic. Look up relevant keywords and watch similar content to see what people are looking for and what they’re actually watching and finding value from.

3. Script


Create a script by following these steps:

  1. Determine your goal—this is the purpose for your video and should be clear and relevant. Don’t create a video just for the heck of it; you have to create videos with a purpose to really reach people.
  2. Create a title idea—ideally, this should be something that people would google. You can use a tool like jasper.ai to help you optimize a title that is going to attract the largest audience.
  3. Write your description—you can also use jasper.ai to help you begin generating a description by entering your title and the keywords you want to rank for. Regardless, try to include a few keywords and make sure the description imparts the relevant information that will actually get people to watch your video.
  4. Create an outline—Using jasper.ai or just your brain, generate an outline of the important points you want to hit. All you have to do then is fill in the information by pretending like you’re sharing each point with your client.
  5. Consider comment goals—before creating a video, be sure you know what you want your audience to get out of the video and say in your comment section!
  6. Create the script—write an intro, content, outro, and a brief promo that you’ll ideally include at the end of your video when you’ve offered the relevant information to your viewers.

4. Record


Now it’s time to record the video! Get your script ready, check your equipment, and start recording! You can do this anywhere, whether from a specific room in your home or even out on the street in your farm neighborhood so that you can showcase your local area.

5. Edit


You can edit the video yourself if you like or hire a professional editor to help you out. Make sure the video looks good and gets across the information that you need it to get across.

6. Review


Once your editor finishes the editing process, review the video again to make sure it looks how you want it to look. Even if you’re editing yourself, it’s important to watch the video through at least once to make sure it looks right.

7. Revision Request

revision request

If there are any further revisions that need to be completed, have your editor complete them (or complete them yourself!). Make sure that video looks as spotless as possible!

8. Distribute


Finally, distribute the video! Publish it on YouTube and share it on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and wherever else you market. 

It’s really as simple as that! Creating videos for YouTube doesn’t have to be difficult. Use AI to help you create more effective and useful content and share it everywhere! With this simple tool, you’ll be building your audience and increasing your business exponentially every day. 

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