cell phone screen with social page, including people and many social apps

10 Facebook Marketing Tips for Real Estate Agents in 2021

Well, it’s happened–Facebook has changed its algorithm again. It does it every year, determined to give people the content they want the most. The only problem with the changing algorithm is that marketers and real estate agents like us have to constantly keep up to date in order to truly succeed at Facebook marketing.

Thankfully, Facebook does let us know when it updates the algorithm. If you pay attention to how the algorithm works, you still have the chance to succeed. Real Estate marketing is already in a strong position because people are looking for homes all the time. All you need to do is take these tips into account and you’ll be well on your way to success as a real estate agent on Facebook. 

This article will run you through the top ten tips for Facebook marketing for real estate agents and how to get real engagement online. If you follow through, you’ll be a successful real estate agent on Facebook in no time!

1. Prioritize Relationships

Facebook’s algorithm focuses on promoting content that users are likely to engage with. Nobody really likes to scroll through a whole page of boring ads, so it’s important to provide content that speaks to relationships. Make yourself a personable figure, someone friendly and genuine…but also focused on real estate, since that is your expertise. Just make your real estate tips relevant to real people. 

You can even use typical ads to do this–just make the message focused on people’s needs and provide a personal touch. You can put a picture of yourself and/or a personal anecdote or quote to really interest people in you and your real estate brand. 

2. Seek Engagement

The more people engage with your content, the better off you’ll be. Facebook looks for posts that get lots of conversations going. If you can get your post to rank for promoting engaging conversations among followers, you’re well on your way to ranking well. 

Try posting thought-provoking questions or taking polls. People are much more likely to engage when they feel their opinion really matters to you. And be sure to respond! Just like in real life, people won’t engage in conversations with people who don’t talk back. The best Facebook marketing strategy is to know and care about your real estate clients.

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3. Focus on Quality Content

According to Sprout Social, more and more people use social media to research products and businesses and even buy from brands. When they’re looking for real estate agents to help them succeed, they want more than just an ad. They want content that helps them find the information they need. 

Post information that answers questions your audience may have. Whether they are looking for houses, real estate tips, selling tips, or local data, make sure your content adds to the conversation. 

4. Make Videos

By now, you likely know how much videos have risen in popularity. A recent survey by Hubspot found that 43% of users want to see more videos, especially funny and trendy videos, from their favorite brands in the future. If you want to engage with the audience you’re looking for, give them videos. 

People like videos that are short, to-the-point, and relevant. How-To videos are some of the most popular in internet searches. All you need is a short video with some helpful tips for and you’ll be closer than ever to engaging with your audience. 

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5. Target Emotional Reactions

Facebook ranks ‘loves’ and ‘cares’ a lot higher than simple ‘likes.’ Try to make your content something that stands out and touches people where it matters. Posting personal stories (of you, your coworkers, or your clients) is a great way to do this. 

6. Use Facebook Stories

Facebook stories are the up and coming aspect of social engagement. And they aren’t even ruled by an algorithm! Because they are literally just hanging out above the rest of the content, users can choose whether or not to view them based on personal interest, not Facebook’s algorithm.

According to Facebook data, 58% of those who view stories will go on the brand’s page and check out their content. 52% of people wanted quick and simple stories and 46% wanted tips and tricks in the stories. If you have advice to offer and can’t invest in a video right away, go for a story! Your odds are great for getting attention.

7. Go On Facebook Live

Facebook Live videos are much more engaging than regular videos–in fact, they can receive up to six times more engagement! They’re also receiving four times the watch time that they were before the pandemic began in 2020. With the new remote trends, Facebook Live is a fantastic way to stay engaged with a real audience.

If you have an event going on, a Zoom meeting you want people to be in on, or a new house to show, try out Facebook Live to reach people and engage with them. You can also create tips and tricks or basic lessons on real estate that people would find compelling. 

8. Post At The Best Time

There can be some variation in the best time to post for your business, but there are a few basic tips that will help you reach the most people. Post when your followers are online. During the pandemic, people are online more often. However, they still have jobs and school to be responsible for. 

The best times to post are first thing in the morning, around lunchtime, and after work. These are the moments people will be catching up on the new items that have come across their feed. And because recent posts are the most visible, you can be the first one in their feed by posting when they first hop on.  

9. Create Quality Images

Around 75% of social media users prefer images to any other type of social media content. That means that you should use photos and use them often. However, you can’t just let them be any old photo. You have to really make them stand out. 

Check out this infographic posted by the marketing authority Hubspot to see what size you should make your image to look its best on each platform. Then make sure you have quality photos to post. You can hire a professional photographer to help you, or check out a site like Agently to get social media images and content generated for you. 

10. Stand By A Purpose

When you’re out there on Facebook, make sure you’re doing more than selling a product. You shouldn’t let yourself get pulled into political fights–those more often detract from a brand than not. But you should make consumers aware that you work ethically and care about them and the world they are living in. If you support charities, a clean environment, or other social goods, let that be a huge part of how you present yourself on Facebook. 

Creating The Best Content For Facebook Marketing

If you follow these ten Facebook marketing tips for real estate agents, you’re sure to rank high on Facebook and get genuine engagement from your followers. Don’t be afraid to take that extra step to stand out. And if you’d like help creating a content strategy, don’t hesitate to partner with me. I’ll give you free content strategy help and guide you as you build your social real estate agency from the ground up. 

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