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What Is The Agent First Group?

What is the Agent First Group? If you’re considering joining eXp Realty, you may have heard of Agent First Group. Agent First Group is a group of exceptional real estate agents looking to support each other as they pursue the real estate dream.

Agent First Group (AFG) was founded by Jaime Resendiz as a way to serve real estate agents by putting them FIRST. AFG was founded as a community where agents come above the brokerage, above the traditional model of a real estate team, and even–in a way–above the buyers and sellers agents work with.

Agents need time to pour into themselves and learn how to thrive before they can help anyone else. If an agent really wants to be exceptional at their job and help buyers and sellers to their fullest potential, that agent must first experience what exceptional is.

There are three main benefits to being a part of Agent First Group, designated by the acronym CAR: 

  1. Community
  2. Access
  3. Resources


Agents from Agent First Group have tons of opportunities to build community. Community is essential to building a good business–and a good life. Thus, AFG provides several ways for Agent First members to engage in a community setting:

  • Agent First Group members have private chats to communicate with one another. 
  • AFG creates exclusive monthly challenges where agents encourage each other to level up and meet some important goals. These challenges are often related to marketing and growth, including video challenges, sales challenges, and other similar personal/business goals.
  • AFG hosts Agent First Huddles–weekly meetings to digitally hang out together through strategizing, venting, encouraging, sharing wins, and just engaging in community. We do life together!
  • Every year, we’ll all get together in person and enjoy growing in real estate and relationships.  
team, friendship, group


Agent First Group members get access to essential and important knowledge, skills  and personalities. These access opportunities include:

  • Weekly Agent First Summit meetings that bring together Agent First members and real estate experts from all across the spectrum. These experts privately teach us some of their tactics for success in real estate!
  • Connection with some of the top marketers in the world, including James Rembert, who is also known as “The Zillow Killer.”
  • The opportunity to talk to and get to know top realtors in the world, including Leo Pareja, George Philbeck (both former #1 KW agents worldwide), and more!
  • Sessions to learn from top influencers in the real estate sphere, from Javier Vidana to Kyle Seagraves to Kristina Smallhorn. Each one of these agents has a YouTube channel with over 100,000 subscribers!
  • A relationship with me, a leading real estate marketer with a worldwide reach.
  • Access to an extensive contact database with the members of the Agent First Group.

Now, instead of AFG agents spending thousands of dollars paying for private coaching or going to conferences, they get all of this invaluable information for FREE!

knowledge is power


Agent First Group agents have the resources they need to build a strong and successful real estate career both online and in person. AFG agents can use resources such as:

  • Sales funnels, scripts, and drip marketing campaigns.
  • A digital marketing company that will run all paid ads FOR FREE.
  • A private portal with content on Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, YouTube marketing, kvCORE, a new agent sales course, and much more! 
  • A weekly “New Agent Jumpstart” program led by a 30-year real estate broker veteran.
  • One on one attention and advice from myself and my team.

Every one of these resources, along with all the community and access benefits, is available to Agent First Group real estate agents for free! 

resources online such as those provided by Agent First Group

What We Value

Agent First Group is more than just a real estate business community. We come together around common values that create a stronger and more successful team.

  1. Integrity. We are honest in all our real estate (and other) dealings and hold to the highest ethical standards. We work to become people of integrity who do the right thing even when no one is watching.
  2. Resourcefulness. Real estate is a challenging business. We believe in being agents who take initiative and solve problems–for both our clients and our peers. We want everyone to succeed.
  3. Openness. As agents, we are open to learning and trying new things. We refuse to stay stuck in the past, doing things our own way. We will listen, learn from each other, and keep improving.
integrity, resourcefulness, openness--key tenets of Agent First Group

What You Can Expect From Me

As the leader of Agent First Group, I have made it my mission to be the best example I can be to all my agents. I want to make your experience in real estate the best it can possibly be as well. 

  • Honesty. I will not lie to you. I will tell you the truth no matter what–whether it’s hard to hear or a joy to hear.
  • Loyalty. I am committed to helping you succeed. And I am committed to seeing you find fulfillment in your work. I will not give up on you.
  • Contribution. Every change I make will be for the benefit of my agents. I intend to give you above and beyond what you expect in a leader. My goal is to WOW you with every change and decision I make for our group.

Results Some AFG Agents Saw in 7 Days

Want to know what Agent First Group could really do for you? Let’s see what some agents accomplished in as little as 7 DAYS!

  • “6 new potential clients” -Diana
  • “4 warm leads, 4 buyers, and 2 listings!” -Jared
  • “Secured $1 million in sales!” -Rose
  • “2 new sellers in a week” -Michelle
  • “5 clients in 7 days” -Tonia
  • “6 warm leads from just social media posting” -Cynthia
  • “2 offers on 2 buyers and got 5 additional buyers” -Chris
  • “2 listings, wrote 1 offer & went into pending on another” -Dominique

If you’re considering joining eXp Realty, I hope you’ll consider joining me at Agent First Group. I can’t wait to meet you and hear all about your dreams for real estate. If you want to know more about Agent First Group, reach out to me today

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