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What To Do in Your First 30 Days as a Real Estate Agent

Just like in any other field, getting started in real estate can be intimidating. Some of you may have never worked with an agent before, making everything rather intimidating as you try to navigate becoming a new type of professional. If you’re new, you’re probably looking for a handy list of what to do in your first 30 days as a real estate agent to get started on the right foot.

While there is no perfect list for everyone to follow, I’ve worked with thousands of agents over the years and I know well what does and doesn’t work for new agents just getting started. Here’s a rundown of what you should and shouldn’t do those first 30 days.

Before We Get Started

First things first, make sure that you have these things covered. As a new agent, you absolutely must:

  1. Have passed the real estate exam.
  2. Have joined an MLS/Association.
  3. Know a brokerage where you will “hang your hat.”

These three assumptions are what we are working with. If you need help with any of these, feel free to connect

Requirements for Getting Started

Once you’ve met the initial requirements, it’s time to consider a requirement that you might not hear from every agent out there. As a new agent, you will be required to give at least 5 hours a day to your real estate work. And mean it… AT LEAST 5 hours daily. 

Some people come into real estate hoping that it can be a part-time job with full-time benefits, but, at least initially, this isn’t the case. You’ll have to put the effort in if you want to see results. You have to work full-time if you want a full-time income, and then some.

So, to get started, here are some ways to break down those 5 hours a day for your first 30 days.

Phase 1: Education (Days 1 & 2)

For days one and two, focus on educating yourself. Spend at least 10 hours diving into the education that you need to succeed at various tasks. You can source information from everywhere:

  • Your brokerage
  • YouTube
  • Industry blogs
  • Etc.

Consume all the information you can from everyone who is willing to offer it to you so that you can be sure to get a well-rounded picture. 

As you’re consuming all of this information, begin mapping and goal-setting. Map out what you think a real estate transaction will actually look like (you’ll need this in the coming days). Set goals you want to meet and metrics that will help you accomplish and track those goals. 

With outcomes in mind, you’ll have a much easier time moving forward because you know more or less what you need to do to reach your ideal outcome without as much stress. 

Phase Two: Administration (Days 3 & 4)

Once you’re feeling educated and prepared, start working on administrative tasks. Spend the next two days handling various administrative tasks that you need to do to get set up for success in your business. These tasks may include:

  • Ordering business cards.
  • Creating an email signature with your new website/broker name/job title, etc.
  • Setting up your eKey.
  • Ensuring your MLS access.
  • Ordering a professional headshot.
  • Creating a value proposition that you can share to stand out from the crowd.
  • Gathering SOI (Sphere of Influence) information.
  • Creating social media posts and updates on your career change.

Life will come at you fast once you start getting some leads and clients, so you need to have the basics set up and “look the part.” Don’t overthink it though! You’ll have time to work out any kinks as you continue to grow your real estate business.

Phase Three: Role Playing (Days 5 & 6)

On days five and six, start prepping for your future by performing a few dry runs (role playing) so you can practice your craft. Run through:

  • A home showing: Practice how you would show a home…physically go through the motions. 
  • A listing presentation: Role play how you would perform a listing presentation with a family member or fellow agent.
  • A buyer consultation: Role play how you would speak with a buyer. 
  • Securing running buddies: Having a running buddy or accountability partner is a must when you first start.

By the end, you should feel proficient enough that when a client comes to you, you’re ready to take them through anything.

Phase Four: A Business Generation Game Plan (Days 7 & 8)

Once you’re more or less prepared for everything, it’s finally time to get started with a game plan! Create a game plan that uses business strategies to generate an effective plan that will get you the results you need. On days seven and eight, work on setting up:

  • 2 active business generation strategies. (NOW Business)
  • 1 passive business generation strategy. (LATER Business)
  • 3 social media platforms. (Personal Branding)

Once you have these strategies in place, you should be ready for anything! These strategies will help you create and meet metrics that will get you results. You shouldn’t be doing too much, though. By focusing on just a few strategies, you can avoid boiling the ocean and create the most effective and lucrative strategies to get you the leads you need.

Phase Five: Performance (Days 9-23)

For the next several weeks, about days 9 to 23, you should focus on performance. These two weeks are all about execution. This is when you execute on what you’ve been practicing, prospect the way you laid out during your business generation game plan and more. You should be actively:

  • Prospecting for NOW by door knocking, calling people, hosting open houses, posting on Facebook, etc. Remember, you selected two of these active strategies.
  • Prospecting for LATER by creating YouTube videos, writing blogs, podcasting, posting on Pinterest, etc. Remember, you selected one of these passive strategies.
  • Educating yourself by preparing scripts and using them to engage with various kinds of clients.

Keep performing these tasks over and over until you get the results you need to see. This is, quite literally, what you’ll be doing for the rest of your life.

Phase 6: Re-Evaluation (Day 24)

On day 24, take some time to reevaluate. Have things been going as you expected? Is there anything on which you’re taking way too much time? Are there tasks that you’re not devoting enough time to?

Evaluate what works and what doesn’t and determine the next steps towards creating a consistently successful and lucrative business.

Phase 7: Performance 2.0 (Day 25-30)

Now that you know what’s working and what isn’t, it’s time to keep performing! For the last five days, keep on keeping on with what you’re doing that’s working best. Keep up those tasks for prospecting for both now and later business, keep showing homes, keep educating yourself, keep improving your scripts.

If you can keep up with these important steps, you’ll be well on your way to reaching success in your real estate business in no time!

Success vs. Failure in Real Estate

Figuring out what works best for you will take lots of time, trial, and error. Devote your first 30 days to following these actionable steps and you’ll soon start seeing the results thousands have seen with this exact real estate blueprint. 

If you want to dive deeper into a successful real estate strategy with help from a real estate expert who’s done this many times before, you can also check out our fantastic 6 Figure Blueprint program with Brigitte Hill! This class will literally provide you with a blueprint to get your business going from the ground up.

It will take time and motivation, but if you keep at it, your first 30 days as a real estate agent will soon develop into a full-fledged career of successful real estate work! Don’t hesitate to get started with the practices that will keep you going for years to come.

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