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What Videos Should Real Estate Agents Make to Grow Their Business?

What videos do you need to make in order to most effectively build your business? This is a question that real estate agents ask all the time. If you want to know the best videos for real estate agents to make, you’ve come to the right place. 

In this conversation with Prep Agent Joe Juter, we dive into videos that do and don’t create business for real estate agents. Let’s look at which videos will build your business and which will do nothing for you.

Videos That Work

There are two essential video types that every single real estate agent should work on creating. Here’s where to focus if you want success in your video content strategy.

City Tour Videos

When you’re selling houses, remember that you’re not just selling a home, you’re also selling a lifestyle. Not only will people looking to move be searching for information about “Moving to Los Angeles” on Google (giving you a great SEO opportunity), but they will also be looking for information that will convince them that the community they’re looking at is the one they want to live in.

city tour videos

By creating such videos, you can do several things:

  • Make YouTube work locally for you and draw local viewers.
  • Get a higher watch time by creating content directly addressing common questions.
  • Provide a huge value for buyers.
  • Differentiate your work from that of other agents by proving your expertise and passion.

You can also create tours of suburbs and other smaller areas to ensure that your reach is localized to target the specific perfect audience you want. Keep your eyes on the prize—making valuable content that addresses the pain points your ideal audience is looking to solve. 

Fast House Tour Videos

No matter how long you’ve been in the business, you must make short-form videos—less than 60 seconds in vertical view on your phone. These videos should show off a home you’re looking to sell without adding tons of complicated, irrelevant, “artistic” details.

The benefits of such fast videos include:

  • They’re short—fewer than 60 seconds.
  • They get massive views.
  • You can leverage them on YouTube, Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, TikTok, etc.
  • They’re easy to make!

To get started, take your phone to every home you’re working to sell and simply video the main features you want to highlight. Once you have the video, it’s easy to cut it up and use it on a variety of platforms to engage with a diverse audience.

Videos That Don’t Work

There are a few types of common videos to steer clear of if you want to maximize your reach.

Celebrity Videos

Don’t worry about becoming “famous,” you’re not the hero in the story, you’re the guide to help your client become the hero. 

Focus on solving the problem that your client is facing, not proving that you’re the greatest real estate agent out there and have popular friends. Your ideal audience is looking to work with someone who can actually sell their house.

Create content that addresses common questions from clients, not content that asks them to believe you’re something special.

Videos with Expiration Dates

Some videos such as market reports and super niche topics are pretty timebound and don’t last for more than a few days on YouTube. You need videos that have the same impact every time someone watches them, not videos that fade out within a few days. 

As an example, monthly market reports have their time and place and this is not one of them. Because think about it…if you only do monthly reports, those videos only matter FOR THAT MONTH. You’ll find yourself spinning your wheels trying to keep up month to month with very little payoff. 

The Solution to Creating Real Estate Videos that Work

So, here’s the solution: focus on evergreen content that doesn’t expire! Create content that’s relevant today, next month, and next year. Video is a way to save you time by ensuring that you have an online presence that people are watching no matter where you are physically in the world. So, always create videos that provide value to your clients. 

Bonus Pro Tip: if you’re looking to grow and create better content, focus on creating better audio and improving your work gradually. With today’s smartphones, it’s not hard to create high-quality audio that really does impact people if accompanied by valuable, actionable content.

To get the most out of your content, create evergreen, valuable videos and you’ll see an audience build in no time.

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