a person on a railing about to jump off

You Can Do It: Living Your Real Estate Passions

This week at our Agent First Mindset, we heard from Lisa Nichols. Lisa went from being a single mom living on welfare to one of the top earners in the world. She has founded her own company and written seven best-selling books. Lisa shares with us that all you need to succeed in your real estate passions is to believe you can do it.

At our weekly Agent First Mindset meetings, we focus on sharpening our skills to become more well-rounded individuals and real estate agents.

This week’s topic on perseverance and becoming a better person will help us become stronger individuals with greater capacity for reaching others and finding success in our real estate passions.

Build Yourself

Living life as an agent (or, really, as anyone) is hard. You are likely doing what you can to survive, but have you ever thought about the person you want to be? Most of us walk through life going through the same actions we’ve always gone through, never making a change. But that keeps us stagnant, stuck where we are with little chance of growth or success.

You have to realize that the door is made for you to fit through. You may be doing your business as you always have, trying to keep everyone happy. But the door you’re meant to walk through wasn’t made for them–it was made for you! You’ll never get anywhere in fulfilling your real estate passions if you don’t take some chances to do what you believe is right for you, no matter what other agents say. 

open door in desert leading to ocean

Though it may feel selfish, you must be willing to die to everything you once were to become the person (and agent) you were made to be. If you keep living in the same place, you will never become a better and stronger person and a better agent. You must keep working on developing your business and yourself to truly become that agent you’ve been dreaming of since you first started this business.

As an agent, you probably have all kinds of real estate passions you want to accomplish. But you also probably have a lot of fears and doubts built into your past that you keep around you like a security blanket. You have to be willing to get rid of those to move forward, not only in your career, but in your personal development as well. 

Live By Your Convictions

Allow your conviction to make you inconvenienced. Most of us live life with a vague sense that we should pursue our passion, but without the conviction to carry it through. We keep on in our same paths, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will happen to us. 

The truth is, most of us want to be liked, and we aren’t willing to risk that to live out our real estate passions and convictions. But you must be willing to wake up each day and make sure that you like yourself first, both as a person and an agent. Not every agent works the same, but every agent has the opportunity to reach people. Make sure you’re the kind of agent that you would want to work with. Become the person that shines through in your transactions as a genuinely good person. 

As an agent, your job is all about helping people. Of course, you want them to like you! But will they ever like a fake person? Will they like someone who ignores convictions out of a desire to be popular? Most people can sense it when you’re not living genuinely. 

Try becoming the person you want to be and give that person to others. You’ll quickly find that people respect you more and are more willing to work with you as an agent because they know you are the real deal.

Free Your Spirit

You may be afraid because of things that have happened to you in the past. Real estate is full of tough breaks and hard falls. But it’s important to note that the human spirit doesn’t care about the past. Your human spirit still wants to create and build into your business and your life. Your brain is the part of you trying to keep you safe, but your spirit is designed to make you soar. 

heart-shaped balloon floating in the blue sky

If you really want to free your spirit, you have to go to the edge of that dream you’re holding onto and you have to jump. Take that next step in your business, reach out to that seemingly impossible client, buy that software you need. You can only fly if you make that leap from the edge. If you never jump, you’ll always be on the edge wondering what it would feel like to fly.

Remember that you’re not afraid of dying, you’re afraid of dying before anyone else sees your fingerprint. You are standing on the edge, watching other agents live their lives to the full but too afraid to join them. They got there by hard work and taking risks. You must do the same if you want to get there too. 

You may not feel extraordinary, and that’s probably because you’re not. You’re ordinary. But what you can do is choose every day to make one more extraordinary decision. Lisa reminds us that “Your conviction and your convenience don’t live on the same block.” If you want to get somewhere, you’re going to be inconvenienced. But you will end up extraordinary…and extraordinarily happy. 

Become Yourself

Don’t sit around waiting for perfection before you start anything. You’ll never be perfect! Instead, learn to manage your imperfection well. Start doing your best with what you have and pursuing your dreams knowing you’ll fall, but you’ll also get back up. Real estate is an ever-changing game. You’ll never know what is possible until you get out there and start taking some risks.

As you go, don’t worry about other people. You don’t have to be afraid to be loved or to be left. All you need to do is live and show people how brightly you can shine. Your business is your goal, and that’s what you should focus on. Keep pursuing the clients you need even when it feels impossible. It’s your job to become the best agent you can possibly be. 

So, don’t wait for the perfect moment to start becoming yourself. Sit down, consider your dreams, and start building the person and the agent you long to be right now. You won’t be disappointed. 

woman writing believe in yourself on the wall

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