guy at a computer with YouTube video ideas and charts to look at

3 Steps To Increase Viewer Retention on YouTube

Getting better at real estate YouTube video marketing does not need to overwhelm you or require drastic changes. Check out how one agent turned his video marketing strategy around with a few simple steps.

He joined our team and within two months, he not only added more videos to his YouTube channel for a new average of more than six videos a month, but he also increased his Average Percentage Viewed per video by 21.16%!

This agent is not only putting more videos out, he is also keeping viewers around far longer. People watching his YouTube videos are sticking around to get to know him a little better, allowing them to hear his calls to action more often and increasing his watch time.

Phase 1 – Improving Real Estate YouTube Video Marketing

You may be asking, what caused this drastic increase in viewer retention? Why exactly are viewers staying around so much longer for his videos? Did he get that much better on camera all of a sudden? Did he invest in a fancy $5,000 camera? Nope…

The only change made was to focus on the first 30 seconds of each video and nail that editing.

That’s right…we made sure that first 30 seconds were edited so well that the viewer felt a commitment to stay on the video.

Think about it, to get more people to finish his videos, we started by KEEPING more of his initial viewers to begin with. Here are the post-production (editing) changes we implemented to make this happen:

  1. Brightened the intro
  2. Added more cuts
  3. Included more local & relevant b-roll
  4. Placed valuable information in the lower-thirds
  5. Improved the audio and tempo

Again, all of these changes were in post-production, which means they were all completed during the editing stage. Truthfully, this agent didn’t change one thing in his first few weeks of working with us—all the changes were in the production value of the videos.

Make no mistake, he will need to make some personal changes if he wants to hit the 50%+ Average Percent Viewed metric (he started at 29.80% and improved to 37.80%) we want for him and his videos.

Phase 2 – Next Steps for Improving Video Retention Rate

Of course we are not comfortable with just a slight improvement—we want to see a dramatic change in retention as that will guarantee his channel’s growth.

So phase 2 for this agent is to change his delivery of his content just slightly. Remember, the goal is not to change everything at once…we’re not trying to overwhelm.

To achieve a higher retention rate, these are the changes this agent is going to put into place:

  1. Improve his topic selection
  2. Create stronger hooks in his intros
  3. Concisely summarize what the video will cover before (think of an elevator pitch)
  4. Convey a payoff at the end to build anticipation and encourage viewers to stick around (build anticipation)

Notice, however, that all of this is still contingent on the first 30 seconds of the video. By focusing on that opening, this agent is going to improve his retention rate significantly.

Phase 3 – Long Term Commitment to Improvement

Once he feels comfortable in the delivery of his content with the suggestions in phase 2, we move to phase 3.

In this third phase, his focus will be a long term focus as there is never going to be full mastery of these next things.

We’ll work with him to help him:

  1. Enhance his storytelling
  2. Build confidence on-camera
  3. Focus on tonality
  4. Improve body language

That being said, there’s no need to focus on EVERYTHING at once. While I’m showing you a simple blueprint you can use to get started, you will want to start working through it one bullet point at a time rather than jumping into all of this in one go.

Your goal should be to get better by 1% with every video. If you do that, you’ll be an expert at real estate YouTube video marketing within just a few months!

If you’d like more information about how our team helps real estate agents build and grow their YouTube marketing channels, reach out to learn more.

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