Social media icon bubbles beside a city and a calendar

7 Steps To Create Better Social Media for Real Estate Agents

How would you like to see home buyers and sellers chasing YOU? And I’m not just talking one to two every other month—I’m talking daily! What would life look like if you didn’t have to purchase leads and chase them like crazy, hoping they don’t cut you out of the deal? I bet I know your answer…but what, then, is the solution? HOW can this be possible? In short, it’s SOCIAL MEDIA for real estate agents!

Here’s how you can use social media to transform your business and get those leads coming TO YOU instead of the other way around. Get off the hamster wheel today!

Steps To Great Social Media for Real Estate Agents

Use these tips and steps to design your social media for real estate agents and start seeing those clients running to you!

1. Select a Desired Outcome

First, you must decide on the end goal of your post. Do you want new clients? Are you more interested in staying in front of your sphere? Or are you simply using social media as a creative outlet?

Defining what you’re after when you use social media will be your guiding light to help you create better content. Beyond that, it’ll keep you motivated for the times you do NOT want to post. When life gets in the way, an understanding of WHY you’re doing this will help you carry on and not quit.

2. Educate or Entertain

There are two types of content you can publish on social platforms, so ask yourself: Are you going to EDUCATE your audience or ENTERTAIN your audience?

If you can do both, great—God bless you! However, very few of us can pull that off. Most of us will need to pick a lane.

You might be an agent who loves teaching and breaks things down step-by-step (this is me, by the way). Embrace it! There’s room on social media for this content!

However, you might be the agent who loves to perform and that’s your jam (this is NOT me)! Go for it! Create that parody, design your meme, and lean on your natural gifts to reach your tribe!

For example, Ryan Serhant is a renowned real estate agent who relies on his natural charm and entertaining snippets to sell his brand on YouTube and other platforms. If this is something you would love, go for it! Who knows, you may be the next big real estate star.

3. Decide On the Platform

Which social media platform should you go with? Should you use Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, X, etc.?

Truly, it doesn’t matter. You can accomplish your goals regardless of the platform you select. Each major platform has hundreds of millions of users, so you have plenty of traffic to work with.

For example, one of my dear agent friends, Phyllis, started a Facebook Community Group a couple of years ago to reach more clients. As of now, she has traveled to 36 states with her husband while running a multi-million dollar referral business on autopilot through meeting people on Facebook.

The point is, it doesn’t matter which platform you choose. You just need to find an audience and find a way to connect with them over real estate. Put in the work to meet people and you can be traveling the world and referring out clients just like Phyllis, if that’s your goal!

man in hammock on vacation at a beach

4. Be Personal

Overly produced and curated content is no longer welcome on social media. Your community is longing for connection and craves “authenticity.” The best way to connect with someone is to be relatable. If your friends, followers, and connections cannot see themselves in you, then trust that they won’t stick around long.

So, don’t be afraid to share some personal stories. Be vulnerable, show your struggles! The picture-perfect profiles are not going to help you because people will not engage with your content or relate to your experiences.

As an example, one of my most commented-on and shared posts was one in which I shared how I was scammed out of $125,000+ from a fraudulent property manager (Ashley Williams Creamer… seriously Google her and see who took my money!).

Even if you’re nervous at first, people will be delighted that you care enough about them to let them see a little into your life. From there, you’re sure to win more followers!

5. Establish a Schedule

Have you ever made it a goal to lose weight and gone to the gym for 2-3 weeks…only to then miss one workout? Then two…then three…suddenly, your goal is out the door! If you have, well, yeah, me too!

While we may do this with our workouts, it’s important to note that doing this with our social media is JUST as easy! This is why it’s paramount that you establish a schedule ahead of time and make the time for it every single day (or hour or week or whatever goal it is you’ve set for yourself).

You won’t get anywhere without consistency, especially on social media. No matter the content you put out or the goals you set, you must remain consistent in order to get traction. People don’t follow someone who is unreliable on social media…after all, if you’re unreliable there, who can tell if you’re reliable elsewhere?

Make social media a priority and post regularly. You can post daily, every other day, weekly, or whatever you like. Just make a time to do it and a time to respond to comments and engage with your audience. This will ensure you build up a strong community!

6. Use Video

I KNOW I’m not the first person to tell you to create more videos for your business. So I’ll be brief— FILM VIDEOS!

Alright, I know that’s easier said than done. So here is one compelling reason that you should use video right now:

Short-form video content is being pushed by social media platforms right now…and there’s a shortage in content!

The audience you want to capture is there for the taking because social media platforms are going to put short-form videos right out front. And with few people jumping in there and creating short-form videos, you’ve got a huge audience you can grab right away!

7. Build 1-on-1 Relationships

Frankly, most of the tips above are what you’ll need to do to reach the greatest amount of people possible. However, that’s not entirely the point.

Sure, you do want to reach the masses. But at the end of the day, it’s the INDIVIDUAL buyers and sellers you are going to work with. You can’t do real estate transactions for a crowd!

This is why it’s crucial that you build 1-on-1 relationships with those viewers who consume your content regularly. You’re building a base of clients who will work with you whenever they need real estate support AND will recommend you to friends and family.

At some point, though, you will need at least a few people in your audience to buy or sell their homes with you. So, get into the DMs and reach out to people who comment, especially if they have questions or seem really serious about moving toward a home purchase or sale.

Move the conversation forward and create friendships that will help you build your client base and get more business out of your social media channel.

Seven Steps To Success on Social Media

Yes, that heading sounds like the cover of hundreds of books out there right now. But the thing is, these steps really do work! I’ve worked with tons of agents who have built huge client bases on social media by following these seven steps consistently.

So, pick your path forward and start creating some social media content for real estate agents. It won’t be long before you, too, are a success story!

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