computer and video camera

Video Marketing Schedule for Real Estate Agents

Consistency, consistency, consistency. For a real estate agent who’s trying to market, this phrase is almost as powerful as that more famous mantra “Location, location, location.” Are you a real estate agent struggling to maintain a consistent video marketing schedule?

What if I told you that the struggle is OVER? I am going to share with you my step-by-step process (which we can remember with the acronym BOSRED) for how to create content consistently and publish it on a regular basis.

Now, before I walk you through my process, I first want you to know that the entire workflow works because of one main concept—batching!

When you’re making videos, you are NOT making ONE video at a time from beginning to end. You want to be working on MULTIPLE videos concurrently by batch filming and then following up with batch editing before you start distributing.

So, set aside a day each week or a couple of days a month to film multiple videos. Then, do the same for editing (unless you hire someone for that).

Now, following this process and batching your videos, you’ll make videos much faster, much more often, and much more easily! Let’s dig in.

BOSRED workflow for a video marketing schedule for agents


First, spend a few minutes brainstorming video topics you wish to make a video on. This should take you no more than 15 minutes. There are no right or wrong answers here…yet!

Think about who you want to speak to—is it home buyers or home sellers? In addition to that, do you have a more niche interest in investors or people looking for new construction? Figure out your ideal clients, but don’t be afraid to cast a broader net that draws in buyers or sellers of all kinds.

Then, just think about what type of information would be valuable for them to know. You can go to several sources to find ideas based on questions people are regularly asking online already. Some sites to check out include:

  • Industry Sites
  • Google Search
  • YouTube Search
  • ChatGPT or Google’s Bard

These sources will get your creative juices flowing by showing you what people are typing into the search bar. Plus, you may find articles and videos already out there that you can use to inspire topics for content in which you can share your own unique insights.


Now you move ALL of your ideas into the Optimize stage. It’s in this stage where you start filtering out the good and the bad.

You want to think about the triple “T”s when determining if a video topic is worth pursuing: Traffic, Thumbnail, and Title. Here’s what that looks like.

  • Identify if there is demand – Traffic.
  • Visualize what the design of your Thumbnail will be.
  • Articulate what the Title of the video should be.

Determining if there’s a demand for your video and whether or not you can craft an engaging title and thumbnail will help you decide if a topic is worth pursuing. The idea is to filter OUT video ideas that you brought in from the Brainstorm stage that make no sense for you to record.

Taking this ONE step will save you so much time in your video-making. Be sure not to miss it!


Once you have clarity on the videos you should be making, it’s time to create a script or outline for each one.

Plan out the main points you want to cover, the structure of your content, and any important details or examples you want to include. A well-structured script helps ensure a smooth flow to your video and the effective delivery of your message.

You have the option here to create an entire, word-by-word script or a bullet-point type script. Which you choose is up to you, depending on how much time you have and how you work best when you’re filming (do you like to read a script or wing your speech based on bullet points?).

Now remember, we are working on multiple videos during this BOSRED workflow. So, once you finish scripting out one video, go to the next video and script that one as well. Then, keep scripting until you have all of the videos you want to record scripted and ready to film.


Okay, now it’s Primetime! This is what you’ve been waiting for. NOW, you have earned the right to record.

Too often we jump in front of the camera trying to “wing it” only to end up getting frustrated because we don’t know what to record, what to say, or how to say it, and it just comes out bad. It’s really okay—it’s not like you’re an expert movie star! It takes us all time to figure out how to film good YouTube content.

However, with my BOSRED workflow, by the time you walk into your recording studio/room/kitchen, you’re READY to press record. It may not be perfect, but you’ll at least feel prepared instead of anxious.

Now, you need to test your camera, microphone, lights, and anything else you’re using. Once you’re sure everything works and you’re ready to go, start filming. Film video after video (remember, we are batching here) until you’ve got everything done and ready for the editing stage.

Now, really put in the effort here because THIS is where your hard work is going to be rewarded. Honestly, I can record 8 full-length videos in a day if I follow this workflow! Get down and get going and you’ll be there in no time.


Once you have all of the videos recorded, it’s time to get to editing! You can edit them yourself using free editing software like iMovie or Shotcut. You can also pay for software like Premiere Pro (PC) or Final Cut Pro (Mac).

During the editing stage, you can trim out any mistakes or irrelevant parts that you end up not needing. You may also want to add visual elements, music, or any filters that will make the video more pleasurable to view.

Pro Tip: Hire out this part of this video-making process! You are a real estate agent, not a professional editor. It’s going to take you an incredibly long time to edit and the results are going to be sub-par, at least until you get a few years of experience under your belt. For better results, you can hire my company or any other company out there. I’ll just say, you do not want to do this yourself if you’re serious about a video marketing schedule for your real estate business.


At long last, you are ready to upload your videos to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and any other video hosting platform out there!

At this point, you should have everything you need. You have already thought about your thumbnail, title, description, etc. Now, all that’s left to do is put that together and get that video published on the video marketing schedule you’ve determined!


There you have it. This BOSRED workflow has helped me make videos consistently for YEARS now. I know this process so well and have shared it with tons of other agents who use it too.

If you’re ready to get consistent with your video marketing schedule, be sure to implement the BOSRED workflow today! And don’t forget to reach out if you need help with your editing.

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