computer screen with targets, bullhorn, and charts

Perfect YouTube Real Estate Marketing

YouTube marketing for real estate agents follows a very simple formula:

  1. A real estate agent makes videos
  2. People watch videos
  3. People reach out to the real estate agent (you!)

It really is that simple. But if you’re feeling that YouTube is a foreign beast that you’re a little frightened of, that’s okay. We can help you with the video process until YouTube marketing for real estate feels like an old friend!

Let’s dig into this formula so you can apply it to your real estate business and start speaking to thousands of clients and bringing in leads by the hundreds.

Making Videos (i.e. Content) That Work

You must only film videos that people will actually want to watch, i.e., valuable content. Ideally, your content will be educational and address questions your audience is asking.

Think about the questions people ask you when you work with them or the questions you see typed into Google searches. These are the questions you’ll want to be addressing in your videos.

Such informative content may be home-buying tips, selling advice, neighborhood guides, market updates, or showcasing the city where you work. All of these topics should generate interest from those you consider potential clients.

In addition, you can provide content that entertains. In fact, this can be a phenomenal way to become known further and faster! With all good comedy, there is a hint of truth that should make your content really resonate with your audience.

The entertainment component allows you to make parody videos, light-hearted sketches, and similar content that everyone will enjoy, regardless of whether they are looking to buy or sell. The broad appeal in this type of content makes it valuable because you never know where your next client may come from or who may tell them about you!

Getting The Right Viewers

When you’re selecting your topic, ask, “how close is the viewer of this content to calling me?” Basically, if you were Googling this question, how close would you be to calling a real estate agent for personal advice and help?

There are two decision points for every viewer on the route to buying or selling:

  1. Will I be completing a real estate transaction? – They are exploring the decision of buying or selling first. So, they are using Google, YouTube, informative websites, and everything they can get their hands on to determine if they want to move forward. Often, the answer is “yes, I do want to move forward with buying a home or selling my house.” In other cases, of course, the answer is “no, not right now.”
  2. Who will help me with my real estate transaction? – Assuming the viewer is moving forward with the real estate transaction, they have to decide which agent to work with. In most cases, they are looking for an agent they don’t know yet. In fact, 7 out of 10 people will reach out to someone new even if they’ve worked with another agent previously.

If you’re making videos consistently, you’re going to consistently get new business from people in both camps.

In most cases, if you help a viewer answer the first question (”Will I be doing a real estate transaction?”), you’ll find that they reach out to you, either by directly asking for your help or by taking the free resource you offered as a lead magnet with your video.

In addition, you’ll get tons of views (I would even argue you’ll get MORE leads) if you address the question: “Who will be helping me with my real estate transaction?” If you make videos that help the viewer identify the best real estate agent for their needs, the default answer in their mind is to reach out to you. You have become a helpful guide and they feel they can trust you.

Call To Action text

Amplifying Your Lead Generation

No matter what your viewers are looking for, the fact is that they need to have a reason to reach out to you. You must have a strong call to action at the end of each video.

Obviously, the goal is for people to reach out to us immediately. Realistically, we know that’s not always going to happen. So, what we need to do now is give them a reason to leave us with their contact information so we can use it to begin to build rapport.

Give a strong call to action, offer them a lead magnet that they can take home in exchange for leaving you their email, then begin your follow-up process. That strong call to action will allow you to pick up the lead regardless of when they’re ready to reach out.

So, create a lead magnet that gets you, at the bare minimum, their name, number, and email. If you can do that, you’ll have plenty of time to follow up down the road.

Analyzing Your Results

All of this likely seems pretty straightforward. Using YouTube as a marketing strategy for real estate is a duplicatable skill that’s going to do you very well for getting leads and real clients as a result.

However, one big component that you can’t forget about is analyzing your results. You have to use YouTube analytics to measure the performance of your videos. Pay attention to metrics such as watch time, viewer retention, and click-through rate. Analyzing this data will help you understand what types of content are resonating with your audience and make informed decisions for future video marketing efforts.

Remember, building a successful YouTube marketing strategy takes time and consistency. By providing valuable content, optimizing your videos, engaging with your audience, and implementing lead capture methods, you can increase your chances of generating real estate leads from YouTube.

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