computer screen surrounded by social icons and charts

Top Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies That Work

Do you know where your next closing is coming from? In other words, do you know what you must do TODAY to bring your next closing to life? There is no “one strategy fits all,” but I CAN share with you the top real estate lead generation strategies that are working for agents RIGHT NOW.

I know at least 3 agents closing at least 5 transactions a month by using one or more of the strategies below. Which strategy will you use to take your business to the next level?

Social Media

Of course, we must start with social media. Why? Well, for one, because social media works. In addition, there has never been a better time to get such a high amount of exposure this quickly and with zero marketing spend. Today is the day to get busy on social media and start earning FREE leads instantly!


Let’s start with Reels. These simple, approximately 90-second videos can get you from 1 view to over 1 million views within hours…and that’s without you even having a following. That’s right—you could start doing reels today, without any followers on hand, and still absolutely crush it!

This is because Reels is one of the fastest-growing and most popular forms of media available. Social media platforms are boosting Reels in the algorithm as much as possible right now, and with a shortage of real estate agents using Reels for lead generation, you’ve got a corner on the market!

As an example, one of our agents, Alejandra, is closing 95% of her business from Instagram Reels alone. In addition, her first TV episode dropped on Saturday…on a TV show she was given BECAUSE of how amazing her videos on social media are.

Not only is Alejandra’s real estate business thriving, but she’s also getting other opportunities because of the video Reels she’s making. Whether you want other opportunities or not, there’s no question that Reels have an amazing reach potential!


Obviously, ChatGPT is not technically a social media platform. I am including it here because it is helping agents make more social media content at scale!

Kim, another of our agents located in Texas, has been using ChatGPT to increase her social media presence. Now, not only is her business growing but she’s working less! It’s important to note that Kim is a cold caller at heart—that’s where her passion lies. However, she is integrating social media into her business for leverage so she can keep listings on hand at any point.

Here’s how Kim does it. She:

  1. Asks ChatGPT for social media topics AND the exact post to make
  2. Checks the post to see what she thinks.
  3. If she doesn’t like what she gets back, asks ChatGPT to make it sound more “Texan.”
  4. ChatGPT complies with her request.
  5. Checks it one more time, then copies it and posts it to social media!

Kim is on track to closing 50+ transactions this year thanks in part to this social media + ChatGPT combo. So, if you’re hoping to use social media to create more business for yourself this year, don’t hesitate to try out ChatGPT. You may be surprised at the time and money you save!

Paid Ads

I have to add paid advertising to this list of top real estate lead generation strategies! While paid ads may sound less creative and enjoyable than social media posts, they’re still incredibly valuable for getting your name out on social media and other channels without having to spend a ton of money.

I personally have used paid ads to:

  • Build up my chain of pharmacies when I was in healthcare,
  • Grow my business brokerage,
  • Market my Boba Tea stores when I owned a chain of Boba Tea stores & trucks, and
  • Expand my real estate business.

I’ve had my fair share of Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and YouTube Ads go incredibly well and create tons of traction and business for me. I know paid ads can work!

However, I’ve also been in situations where I’ve wasted thousands of dollars on paid ads that got me nowhere. That’s how I’ve learned how to create great paid ads and how to use them effectively!

For example, check out these results from a campaign we launched this week:

43 leads and thousands of views on an ad that has so far cost $51.80

Or, consider Tony from Florida. This real estate agent is using lead generation through paid ads on Facebook to sell multimillion-dollar homes. Tony has learned to use paid ads effectively by becoming a master at follow-up.

He calls, emails, and texts the leads within 5 minutes of them reaching out through a Facebook Ad. He also connects all of his FB Ad Campaigns to his kvCORE account to ensure that he doesn’t lose a single lead and can follow up without delay.

Pro Tips:

As you’re creating paid ads, I do suggest that you pick a lane. Take ONE of the platforms all the way to mastery. Don’t divide your precious ad spend among Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, etc. all at the same time.

Here is the rule of thumb for ad spend on each platform:

  • Facebook Ads – $300/month minimum for 3 months straight.
  • Google Ads – $500/month minimum for 3 months straight.
  • YouTube Ads – $500/month minimum for 3 months straight.

This amount of ad spend will give you enough of a budget to split test, gather leads, and keep you busy as you start closing deals. However, it won’t overwhelm you first thing. When you’re ready for more, you can always increase your spend as you deem fit.


We’ve been bullish on YouTube since 2018—because YouTube is an amazing real estate lead generation strategy! However, you don’t have to have started way back then. You can start right now and still see HUGE results.

Take Zak as an example. Zak works in the Dallas-Fort Worth market. When I spoke to him on Tuesday, he had already closed 20 transactions in 3 months from leads found on YouTube alone. Not only that, but he has 4 in pending status!

Now, here’s the amazing part—Zak started his YouTube channel last year! In a matter of several months, he has already scaled to that level of production. And that’s only in one summer AND without paid ads.

Using YouTube may sound intimidating, but it’s actually quite simple. Go sit down in a quiet space with a plain background and a light facing you. Then, use your phone or a camera to film videos that talk about the city you work in. Here are some examples:

  • Everything you need to know about CITY, STATE
  • The pros and cons of living in CITY, STATE
  • The cost of living in CITY, STATE

Now, those ideas are just to get you started. There are plenty more I could suggest and that we have created scripts for so that our agents can create these videos without a hassle.

If you too want to transform your YouTube channel into a lead generation machine like Zak’s, you’ll want to check out my YouTube Automation for Agents. This autopilot service will complete video editing, design, optimization, and everything in between for you and your YouTube channel. All you do is record the video—we take care of the rest!

Sphere Of Influence

You’ve been taught to reach out to your sphere of influence even before you get your real estate license. So, this is not new to you. However, very rarely do you actually hear HOW to reach out to your sphere.

To start converting your SOI, take these simple steps:

  1. Identify Your SOI – Who makes up your SOI? This is likely family, friends, coworkers (past and present), doctors, neighbors…you get the picture.
  2. Reach Out To Your SOI – Open communication by sending a text or DM letting them know about your career change and offering your services if they have any questions.
  3. Follow Up – Nurture the relationship with each person by reaching out to ask how they’re doing, checking on updates, and asking gently about their real estate needs. Don’t be pushy, though! Remember, these are friends first.
  4. Serve Low Hanging Fruit – Work with the people who are ready to buy or sell. There are sure to be some out there, so get your messages ready and share valuable market updates or amazing homes you think they’ll love.
  5. Ask for Referrals – Leverage your sphere’s network by asking them to refer you if they run across someone else in need of real estate services.

Don’t underestimate your SOI—it will remain the bedrock for your business. For example, consider Jared, one of our agents who works in North Carolina. He has developed a specific follow-up sequence that allows him to maintain a strong, healthy relationship with each of the hundreds of people in his SOI.

In fact, Jared’s challenge became servicing ALL of the members in his SOI when they were ready to buy or sell. To meet this challenge, he built a buyer funnel and seller funnel solely to serve those in his SOI who wanted to “pick his brain” or “know how to buy” or “ask a few questions about selling.”

He embedded a workflow of videos in this funnel to allow him to have multiple “conversations” at once by sharing already-recorded answers to common questions. That way, by the time his someone in his SOI was ready to act, they were ready, willing, and able to complete a transaction!

Open Houses

Saturdays are for the Open Houses! Oh…and Sundays are too.

In all seriousness, hosting open houses remains the quickest and highest converting real estate lead generation strategy in the game. If you think about it, it makes sense—you’re meeting people spending their weekends/time off explicitly showing interest in some type of real estate transaction.

As an example, consider Michelle, another of our DFW agents. She has sold $10 million worth of real estate in 4 months simply by working open houses. She has built such an effective method that she knows she will walk away from each open house with at least one client!

Open houses sound intimidating, but they aren’t hard if you do them right. I’ve broken down every single step (to the hour!) so that you can see how to host the perfect open house and ACTUALLY succeed at using an open house for real estate lead generation. Follow through on that and you’ll see the same results as Michelle, if not better!

Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies for YOU

Now, it’s your turn. Which lead generation strategy do you want to use in your business? Choose one of the above to start with and put your heart into making it work for you. Once you’ve mastered that, move on to the next!

In no time, you’ll see your real estate lead generation exploding and your business expanding into everything you’ve dreamed of.

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