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Easy Videos for Real Estate Agents on YouTube

Are you a real estate agent ready to get into YouTube and see results quickly? Well, you’re not alone—YouTube is quickly becoming the go-to platform for real estate agents wanting to attract clients at scale! All you need is a few easy videos for real estate to get you started.

I’d like to share the easiest YouTube videos you can make today to see results quickly in your real estate business. Contrary to popular belief, YouTube is very a very simple platform to get started with…but you first need to know where to start!

Here’s what these easy YouTube videos have in common:

  • These videos are easy to make
  • They require very little prep work for you
  • These videos don’t require much real estate experience on your end (excellent for new real estate agents)
  • They don’t even require you to be on camera

So, let’s look at the easy videos you can make for your real estate YouTube channel so you can actually start generating real estate leads at scale like so many of our real estate agents.

Interview Mortgage Lenders

The first video you’ll want to make will consist of interviewing one or more mortgage lenders, preferably local to your main practice area.


Well, this type of video is going to be educating the viewer on how to qualify for a home loan, and if you’ve got someone watching that video, you KNOW they’re interested in purchasing in the future—probably soon!

The mere fact that they are watching means that they ARE your ideal client.

And what’s more incredible for you (especially if you’re new to real estate, hate being on camera, or don’t have time to prepare) is that you don’t have to know all that much about this topic. You just have to have a few good questions to ask your lender!


Here’s a major flex—go to ChatGPT, type in “What are the top 5 questions to ask your lender?” and then ask whatever you get! Simply make an appointment to go to the lender’s office, set up a tripod, and ask a few questions…you can sit down with them or stay behind the camera offsite, your choice!

An easy way to make this work well is to make a series of videos. For example, a common series that will do well for this topic might include videos titled:

  1. How can I qualify for a home loan?
  2. How much house can I afford?
  3. How much does it cost to get a home loan?

These videos will do three things for you:

  1. Create a huge reach
  2. Position you as the authority (the one presenting this information)
  3. Get you LEADS

And that, my friends, is what you want!

Interview Title Companies

This video type can provide immense value not only to your viewers but also to you as a professional. Let’s face it—do you really know what a title company does? You may have a general idea of the 40,000-foot overview, but you likely don’t know the details in regard to clouded titles, probate, limitations on title policy, etc.


In addition to providing these as searchable assets on YouTube, these videos are great to include in your day-to-day work with clients as well. Giving them the inside scoop on title companies and how they work is providing them with a 5-star service no other agent is giving them.


Go to the title rep’s office, set up a simple tripod, and interview. Just ask them frequently asked questions you may get about title searches, liens, and potential pitfalls that can help alleviate concerns for both buyers and sellers.

This too can be a series with titles such as:

  1. What is a title policy?
  2. What to expect at closing
  3. How to clear title issues

Now, here’s a pro tip: title-related questions usually pop up a bit further in the transaction. This means that when your viewer is watching, there’s a good chance they are already in a transaction…and they aren’t going to call you as their real estate agent.

Simply providing overall value is fine and will help give your channel some authority. However, if you want to still work on catching leads with these videos, you’ll need to frame the topic in a different way through your titles and thumbnails.

For example, you may title videos “Watch before buying your next home…mistakes to avoid with Title” or something along those lines. This will create a reason for people to watch even before they’re into a transaction.

Interview Home Inspectors

Have you attended a home inspection? Have your viewers? Home inspections are crucial to the buying/selling process, but few people really know what a home inspection is.


Whether your viewers have bought or sold a home before doesn’t really matter—they are probably still unsure what a home inspection actually is and why it’s necessary.

Create demand for your videos by talking to a real inspector about why home inspections are necessary and why people really do need to get them done, both on the buying and selling sides. Then title your video something catchy such as “Inspecting the Home Inspection—Home Inspection Secrets REVEALED.” Engage people’s imagination!


Again, set up an interview, head to the home inspector’s office (or invite them to yours), set up a tripod, and get to talking. You may want to ask questions like:

  • What happens during a home inspection?
  • How should sellers prepare for a home inspection?
  • How should buyers prepare for a home inspection?
  • What needs to happen after a home inspection?

Each answer can become a video, again giving you a series that you can publish over a few weeks or months of content.

Interview Real Estate Attorneys

We aren’t lawyers and we don’t want to be! But there are legal questions that may come up in such a major situation as the sale and purchase of property.


Videos with real estate attorneys will prove a valuable asset for buyers or sellers who want to do everything by the book but aren’t sure where to find the right real estate lawyer or what that even means.

You may know contracts well, but that doesn’t mean you can explain them with 100% accuracy! Plus, clients may feel more comfortable with someone who has been trained to represent them in legal matters and protect their rights.


Find an attorney friend, set up a meeting, and get to the interview! For a real estate attorney series, you may title your videos with questions such as:

  • What does a real estate attorney do?
  • Do I need a real estate attorney?
  • Is a real estate attorney required in my state?

Make sure you provide real, relevant information by asking as many questions as you can as thoroughly as possible. You’re going to catch people who appreciate the thorough service you’re providing that most other agents just don’t offer.

Interview Interior Designers

While you’re incredibly familiar with selling homes and maybe even know a bit about staging them, there’s a good chance you haven’t done a lot of home design in the last several years.


People want to know what work they need to do. They also need to know of people out there who can help them do it. Your viewers are going to be seeking information on how to prepare their home for a sale. Or, they may be looking for tips on how to decorate once they get their new home.


Find an interior designer and ask to visit their office or a home they’re working on that you can observe in real-time. Get out your camera and show off as much as you can while interviewing. Questions that you may want to ask include:

  • What is an interior designer?
  • Why is design important when selling a home?
  • How do you design your new home?

You may think of other questions, but you get the idea. Keep your mind on what your potential viewers may want.

Interview Home Stagers

Home stagers and interior designers are not entirely different with the exception that a home stager’s job is to make something transient that is only designed to sell.


Some people may think it’s unnecessary to stage their home, but you understand how important home staging can actually be. Proper staging can make a big difference in the number of offers a home gets and even how much money a buyer is willing to pay. Home staging makes the quality of a home really shine!


Once you’ve found a home stager, sit down with them and ask them a few questions.

  • Why is home staging important?
  • How does home staging affect the sale of a home?
  • How do I stage my home to sell it faster/for more money?

Viewers watching this video are likely ready to sell, but they may not be sold on a real estate agent yet. In fact, it’s probable that they’re still trying to get a handle on what the sales process actually looks like.

Leverage these interviews to attract viewers who want to know EVERY aspect about how to prepare for a home sale before they jump in. You can also use these videos to show, yet again, that you are an expert in your field. Show them that you know how to market a home!

Interview Contractors

Your options here are many! There are all kinds of contractors a homeowner may need and you can help them find the best.


Viewers interested in contractor interviews could be at many different stages in the buying or selling journey. They could be new homeowners looking to take care of their homes well or sellers hoping to get a few projects done before a sale.

Your goal is to get people who are hoping to prepare their homes for a sale or who want to know more about the responsibilities that come with having a home. These people are very interested in buying and/or selling and will be ready to work with you!


Reach out to multiple different contractors for these interviews! From a general contractor to a carpenter to an electrician to a roofer, there are tons of options. Once you have a few contractors available, ask them questions such as:

  • What does a contractor [insert title] do?
  • Why is your work important for a homeowner?
  • Why should sellers update their [roof, HVAC system, etc.] before selling?

Use these videos to help people prepare their homes so that they can get the most out of a real estate transaction.

Why Interview Real Estate Professionals for Easy YouTube Videos

Interviewing real estate professionals provides you and your clients with valuable information. It establishes your authority in the industry and builds trust with potential clients. When it comes to the easiest YouTube videos you can make, there’s no question that interviews with real estate professionals are at the top of the list.

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