YouTube for Real Estate

Get 80% of Your YouTube Real Estate Leads with ONE VIDEO

YouTube is the second most popular social network and second most used search engine in the world. It’s a fantastic place to find YouTube real estate leads if you can just tap into those billions of users and find a few who need YOUR help. But if you feel like you’re flailing in your content strategy, just throwing up videos hoping that one will hit, you’re not alone.

It’s hard to know what real estate content to post on YouTube. That’s why I was so delighted to discover that you can get 80% of your YouTube real estate leads with one video…if you can do these two things to really make it stick:

  1. Know WHAT content to cover.
  2. Use the RIGHT call to action. 

If you can follow through on making this video, you won’t spend years pouring energy into hundreds of useless videos. Instead, you’ll find TONS of real estate leads coming in daily from just this one piece of content! 

The One Real Estate Video You Must Make for YouTube

Alright, so, what is this magical video that you need to make to get YouTube real estate leads? It’s the video that covers everything to know about YOUR CITY.

For example, you may title this video: 

  • “Everything You Need to Know About [CITY]”
  • [CITY] Explained
  • “What You Must Know About [CITY]”
  • Etc.

Essentially, what you’re doing is providing the inside scoop about your city but with a professional angle. People don’t necessarily want to know what some random person living in a city thinks, they want to know what a professional real estate agent thinks. 

Of course, it’s valuable to include information about what you love about the city. Everyone wants to know you’re a human too! But this video is more along the lines of an attorney explaining a complicated legal case or a doctor explaining a medical procedure.

In this case, your expert opinion about the city is what matters the most. It’s what gives your video its vivacity and staying power. Real estate is one of the most important things people look to understand in a new city, so position yourself as that real estate expert and let them know what to expect. 

Video Script

Now, if you’re ready to go out there and show people you’re the expert…but you aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve included a script that you can use to riff off of as you film. You can use it word for word or tweak it as much as you like, but this should help you get started. 

Let’s look at what’s actually in this video! 

All You Need to Know About [CITY] Script


Hook: Are you curious about what life is like in [CITY]?

Maybe you’re thinking about moving to [CITY] or simply want to learn more about the city out of pure curiosity. Well, this is the only video you’ll need!

So make sure to watch to the end of the video because it’s filled with insider information you will not hear anywhere else!


Welcome: Hi, and welcome to [name of channel], where you’ll find real estate information no one else is sharing with you! [Give more specifics about your channel or yourself but be quick]


Alright, let’s get into it!


[CITY] is located in [State] right next to [city/location/landmark, etc.]. It’s about X miles from [nearby big city or famous location] and a X-minute drive from the nearest airport.


I have lived in [CITY] for X years and I absolutely love it! It’s the perfect spot to settle down and raise a family. The hustle and bustle of town life and all the shopping you could need are just minutes away, but the houses are secluded enough to give you plenty of peace and quiet when you’re ready to wind down. And with its proximity to [city/location/landmark], you’re never going to run out of great entertainment and delectable dining options!


[CITY] was established in [XXXX]. It is currently located in X County and has a population of [XXX,XXX]. The biggest industries are [technology, healthcare, etc.]. [CITY] is well-known for its [pristine views, family-friendly community, etc.]. The cost of living here is [high, low, average, etc.].


[CITY] is a great spot for outdoor recreation! Located within its borders, you’ll find [X] parks complete with hiking trails, beach access, and much more! And when you’re ready to head back into “civilization,” there are several great theaters like [insert names], restaurants like [insert names], and [insert any other notable entertainment opportunities].

***********************Remind people to Like, Subscribe, Comment: Hey, if you’re enjoying this video, don’t forget to hit the like button below and subscribe to get more like it! If you live in [CITY] or have a question I don’t address here, feel free to leave a comment down below!


Okay, let’s carry on. If you’ve got kiddos around—or plan to within the next few years—you may be wondering what the school system is like! Well, [CITY] is served by [X] districts. Overall, the schools are rated [high, poor, average]. A few standout schools include [name highly rated elementary, middle, or high schools and any universities/colleges nearby].

Now since I’m an agent, there’s certain things I’m not able to get into…so please check the description for school reports.


So, if all this sounds great to you, you may be wondering…okay, but what about real estate, what’s that like in [CITY]? Well…I’m glad you asked!

The average price for a single family home in [CITY] is [XXX,XXX]. Over the past couple of years home prices have [gone up, down, stayed the same]. For the most part, you’ll find homes built in the [style]. And you can expect a [huge or non-existing] inventory or new construction homes.


Property taxes in [CITY] are pretty reasonable [go into detail].


If you’ll be looking for a new job when you get to [CITY], there are lots of industries you can go into! At the moment the job market is [stable, declining, or growing].


When it comes to safety, [CITY] offers some great programs to help keep families safe! Expansive neighborhood watch programs, tight-knit communities, and a responsive police force help keep [CITY] safe for you and your loved ones. But again, you’ll want to check the description for more details on what safety looks like in the city.


[CITY] is full of entertainment opportunities! [Name famous and/or favorite theaters, clubs, museums, studios, etc.] The nightlife here is [absolutely wild/pretty nonexistent/etc.].


[CITY] is absolutely brimming with delectable restaurants! From the famous [nice restaurant] to the smaller, family-owned [favorite restaurant], there’s sure to be something to please every taste! You can enjoy Mexican at [restaurant], Thai at [restaurant], Italian at [restaurant], American at [restaurant], and even [unique standout cuisine at restaurant].


The commute in [CITY] is pretty [bad, average, good]. Most people drive about [X] minutes each way. Rush hour is [pretty nasty, typical, nonexistent].


The weather in [CITY] is [detail average temperatures for each season, average precipitation, etc.].

All You Need to Know About [CITY] Call To Action

Now, if you’re new to YouTube, you may not realize how absolutely crucial a call to action is. You don’t want this to just be a basic “like and subscribe.” This needs to be an offer that you can meet. You want to be able to give them something in return for their support, and you need to let them know you have that available right up front. 

For example, you could offer them a list of homes through a link in your description. This link will take them to the list of homes…but to access it they’ll need to enter their email address, giving you access to that information and thus a new lead.

There are other things you could offer too, just make sure that whatever you provide is something that’s of real value and that will encourage people to respond. If you offer something no one wants, well, no one will take it! 

Get More YouTube Real Estate Leads

Armed with this valuable information AND a script to use to get started, you’re ready to begin collecting some YouTube leads for your real estate career. Just remember to use a strong call to action and provide as much detail as possible! 

When you offer valuable content, your viewers will respond. You’ll get tons of real estate leads popping in from your YouTube channel in no time!

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