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Get Real Estate Leads on YouTube the RIGHT Way

It just takes ONE small change for you to close one monthly real estate transaction from YouTube. It really is that simple. If you get better at ONE skillset as you’re filming videos for your channel, you WILL get regular real estate leads from YouTube–and commission checks too!

Let’s look at Joseph as an example. Here’s the testimonial he gave:

“3 Weeks and 5 Videos later and we have our first real buyer lead from YouTube let’s go!”

Joseph started with a brand new channel (zero subscriptions or views), but he quickly saw great traction on YouTube. And here’s what he got right—TOPIC SELECTION!

Topic selection is the difference between generating real estate leads on YouTube or getting burnt out and quitting because you’re making tons of videos without seeing any results.

How To Make YouTube Work for Real Estate

Joseph made the right videos on the right topics based on suggestions we gave him as a user of our Done For You YouTube Program. And while you can join this service and get the same results, you don’t have to. You can improve your topic selection all by yourself and start closing deals as you use YouTube for real estate lead generation!

To improve your topic selection, you must first understand there are two decisions each viewer makes.

Decision 1: Do I Want To Do a Real Estate Transaction?

At this stage, viewers are in research mode. They aren’t sure if they want to buy, sell, or invest in real estate. They’re thinking about whether they have enough money to make a transaction work. They’re contemplating whether a specific location is the right one or not. In short, they still haven’t quite made up their minds if they actually want to buy or sell a home.

In this situation, your action should be to make videos that help them answer this question. So, you might want to choose topics like:

  • Why to buy a home.
  • Why to sell a home.
  • How much it costs to buy a home.
  • What it’s like to live in [city].
  • Etc.

These topics will help your audience answer that pressing, all-important question about whether they even want to get involved in real estate in the first place.

Decision 2: Who Should I Work With?

At this point, your viewers have already (or very nearly) made up their mind to buy or sell a home. Now, they have to decide who they’ll work with to make this happen. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for—the moment they’re looking for you!

In this situation, your action is to make videos that help them determine that you are the right person for the job. To encourage viewers here, make videos on topics such as:

  • How to buy a home.
  • How to sell a home.
  • Why you should work with a real estate agent.
  • Etc.

These videos allow you to build authority and show your viewers that you are the right person to help them with the job because you’re already getting them started by providing advice on YouTube.

Choosing the Right Topic for YouTube Real Estate Videos

In short, before you make your next video, you should ask yourself: “How close is the viewer to calling me?” If you can’t logically answer that question based on the topic you’re wanting to make, move on. Don’t make a video that won’t help viewers and will only lead to frustration for you.

To truly get the most out of YouTube for real estate, you need to see a clear path to someone giving you a call AFTER they watch your video. If that path is invisible, you’re not going to generate leads—don’t make the video.

If you’d like help choosing the right video topics for your real estate channel, my team can offer weekly advice and topic ideas to help you move forward. Just reach out to schedule a call and learn more so you can see those real estate leads from your YouTube channel that you’re longing for!

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